For those who missed the show you can purchase it at:
There are two shows with John Salza appearing discussing Masonry.
You can also purchase John’s books, ‘Masonry Unmasked’ and ‘Why Catholics Cannot be Masons’ through the site.
One of the points John Salza makes is a certain spiritual blindness engendered by the oaths that Masons take – These contractual oaths can have real spiritual consequences – but for men hesitant to break the promises of freemasonry, there is a higher calling that breaks and overrides all the promises of men – the calling to obey the Lord Our God.
John Salza started out in his study of the Catholic condemnations of Freemasonry with the intention of becoming an apologist for Freemasonry, hoping to reconcile it with Catholicism. But John thought that to do it properly he had to empty himself out, and walk in the shoes of the arguements against it of the Popes – so he could properly understand them and debate against them. This very act of emptying himself out he sees as key in his conversion.
All Catholics are advised they are in a state of grave sin if they are involved in Freemasonry, due to numerous principles – its oaths, tenets, and regular practices.
We must pray for people involved in Masonry so they will have the spiritual strength to break free of the bonds of it! And if you are involved in it, please attempt to empty yourself out, and walk in the view of the perspective against it to properly understand it… you just may experience a realization in your soul of the seriousness of the matters involved. You have my prayers.
May the Lord bless us and give us light to see.
“This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is
become the head of the corner.” Acts 4:11
"Jesus said to them, “Did you never read in the scriptures: ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes’?” Matthew 21:42