(Capitol of Armenia) Yerevan Claims Turkish Jet Downed Armenia Plane As Fighting With Azerbaijani Forces Intensify

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Armenia seems to be losing,

There is video where Azerbaijan is claiming taking the city.


Azerbaijan Announces Capture of Karabakh’s Second-Largest City, Armenia Denies It​

BAKU/YEREVAN (REUTERS) - Azeris celebrated on the streets of Baku after President Ilham Aliyev said on Sunday his country’s forces had taken Shusha, the second-largest city in the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, but Armenian officials denied the city had been captured.

Shusha, which Armenians call Shushi, is of cultural and strategic importance to both sides and is located 15 km (9 miles) south of the enclave’s largest city Stepanakert.
Breaking News, may not be significant but

Azerbaijan Admits Shooting Down Russia Helicopter, Raising Stakes of Conflict with Armenia

Azerbaijan Admits Shooting Down Russia Helicopter, Raising Stakes of Conflict with Armenia​

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According to the news, angry Armenians disagree with the surrender of the second largest city of Shusha.
Politicians have tried to stop further bloodshed, but the people look uncompromising in their intention to fight.
The crowd of Armenians in front of the parliament is simply furious.

I watch that one famous Armenian classic wrestler, even fighting in Shusha, he recorded a video, with his fellow comrades,so that people stop panicking, and more so that men help there.

It turns out that politicians make attempts to capitulate, and the people in a rage demand not to give up.

I do not envy Pashinyan😒
The main thing is to avoid lynching people who wanted to stop the bloodshed by surrender.

In social networks, I even see that many Armenian women are shouting about the inadmissibility of surrender, that is, it turns out that it’s better to lose with even more dead?
I don’t understand why do people think that losing is a disaster?
Sometimes, with a pragmatic assessment of the situation, surrender is better than total annihilation of people.
Big losses usually inspired people to make big changes and transform society in the future.

Putin: Armenian, Azerbaijani troops will stop war at their current positions​

(Apparently, Russia, a major broker in this, 3 parties in the Truce, Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan)

Radio Free Europe:
In a Facebook post announcing the agreement, Pashinian said he had signed a statement with the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan on the “termination” of the war over Nagorno-Karabakh war as of 1:00 a.m. local time.

“I made a very difficult decision for myself and for all of us,” Pashinian said. “I made this decision as a result of an in-depth analysis of the military situation and an assessment of the people who know it best.”

Pashinian said he would provide more information in the coming days, adding that the agreement was “the best possible solution for the current situation.”

Thanks to all who participated, I hope to see more posts from you.

Of course, overall, is the sad loss of life, prayers for those souls. IT really does sound like Armenia was just overwhelmed. Why fight??
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That is, this is a victory not only for Azerbaijan, but also for Russia.
There are Armenians who believe that the treaty was needed even earlier, and then so many victims would have been avoided.
But if, here, this category of angry Armenians will lynch the Pashinyan government, and somehow they can take power into their own hands, then the scenario may still be even more dramatic.
I am reading Nikol Pashinyan right now at 3 o’clock in the morning European time, on fb I even see that he went live.
Now there is an attempt to explain to the people the need for surrender
Statement of the President of Armenia, Pashinyan:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

The quick and easy way to check Armenian or Azerbaijani news for that matter, is go to twitter.com and type in one of those countries names.

Yes, a leader in the legislature was beaten up, reports that in the capitol of Yerevan, government buildings are being broken into.

ANCA as in next sentence is the “Armenian National Commitee of America”:

ANCA Chairman Calls On Ranking Intelligence Committee Member to Stop U.S. Drone Part Sales to Turkey​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
WASHINGTON—The Armenian National Committee of America is working with Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, to halt all U.S. sales and transfers of drone parts to Turkey. ANCA Chairman Raffi Hamparian discussed this request last week with Congressman Nunes at a meeting held on November 3, in Fresno, California.

Congressman Nunes has a long record in support of issues of special concern to Armenian Americans in California’s Central Valley and across America. His Congressional District is home to thousands of Armenian American constituents, many of whom trace their presence in and around the Fresno area to the Armenian Genocide – when their relatives were forced from their historic homeland. Specifically, his Congressional District includes parts of both Fresno and Tulare counties, and the towns Clovis, Dinuba, Sanger, and Visalia – all home to Armenian American families who belong to area churches and other Armenian institutions.

This above is not the most pressing news, however, from some early reports I saw, there might have been some pretty bad drone strikes on soldiers early on.

Not good at all; handing over some (all?) districts to Azerbaijan. I think just some.

Tell me about it.

I am not sure if some of the stories say people are protesting, not because of capitulation but because of getting involved in the first place and with such destruction to Armenia/Nagorno-Karabakh.
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Azerbaijanis immediately announced that Turkish peacekeepers would be added to the Russian peacekeepers.

We argue what is happening there locally at the moment, but globally I think that in the long term not only Armenia, but also Russia will lose.
Now, in the coming years, everything should go its own natural way.
The Turkic world will move forward.
Next in line should be a change of power in Kazakhstan, the shaking of the Caucasus, the Crimean Tatars, and even Siberian people will already be bolder.
The Tyurks are advancing.
Cher was mentioned above, all I will say is via social media, she is quite upset. I will go to see the latest on all of this.
There is a category of Armenians who make the world perceive Azeris as savages and sheep’s.
That is, they predict that in Artsakh there will be what ISIL did with Christian churches in Syria.
So they say that the early medieval Dadivank with unique frescoes, the antique snow-white Tigranakert, which has not been fully studied, and many other medieval monasteries and khachkars will soon cease to exist. The world will lose another unique legacy. The barbarians will win another victory over civilization. And you will only have to tremble, watching as terrorists multiply and bombs explode in cities.
But in fact, Azerbaijan is a secular state professing Islam.
The educated intelligentsia of large cities has nothing to do with the Islamists, and the radicals there sit behind bars.(in prisons)
Therefore, I think that if there are acts of vandalism in the future, they will be provocations.
In my opinion, Armenians should integrate with the euro, learn to look forward without looking back.
Of course, we are not Armenians and it is easy for us to speak, but what other optimism can you offer?
Perhaps the Lord God humbles and calls the people to turn to Him in repentance.
The Christian peoples of the Caucasus are a unique type of Christianity.
Maybe they can be compared with the Irish.
Christianity of the Caucasus (Georgian, Armenian) is not servitude and slavery.
This is often a militant Christianity, often a martyrdom, often a Christianity of a bitter cup and a bitter cross.
It is even hard to delve into this, for the most beautiful representatives of these peoples went into eternity as martyrs, and perished from the sword.
Therefore, it is not surprising that among the theologians of the world there are people who delve into the study of the life of these peoples.
An ancient language, ancient temples of the earliest Christianity, and age-old confrontations surrounded by empires, often forced compromises, otherwise these peoples would disappeare totally.
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Here’s another analytics:

… Armenia will return to the Russian fold despite feeling of betrayal in Artsakh. It has no choice.
(I wish Armenia euro integration, because even if this conflict has along history the loss of Artsakh is also a partly the punishment of the Pashinyan government for the pro-European revolution, and orientation)

Israel: is a winner in that it restricts Iranian outlet to the north and could even destabilize Iran itself through resurgent pan-Turkism. Israel also successfully tested its military hardware through a proxy war.
(my opinion is that Israel will raise a big problem for themselves in the future with pan-Turkism)

Iran: loser as above

Hellenism: loser for obvious reasons. Lesson is to take leaf out of Israeli book – rely on no one, trust no one whilst developing alliances which are themselves by their very nature dynamic and changing.
(we already mentioned Byzantinism in this thread)

Turkey: wins also because some shallow analysts are seeing Turkey as a Russian counter weight. The Turkish apologists can raise their heads in public again after an awful couple of months

(How it will affect other countries I mentioned above in this thread.)

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Kind of interesting, I thought this was going to be about a pro-Armenian protest in Tbilsi, no, it was about Georgian affairs.

Ex-President of Armenia fears Civil War.

I thought I also read a story of some precious objects, holy objects being moved out of a Monastery in Nagorno-Karabakh, something like that.

Pictures, aftermath of truce being signed in both countries:

Azerbaijan happy, Armenia angry.
Ex-President of Armenia fears Civil War.
I know why. Armenians don’t seem to be a very peaceful people as we read reports of an angry mob of Armenians attacking Ararat Mirzoyan, the speaker of Armenia’s Parliament, and beating him unconscious.
ANCA Chairman Calls On Ranking Intelligence Committee Member to Stop U.S. Drone Part Sales to Turkey
If US stops selling drones to Turkey, Turkey can just buy drones and other weapons from its friend Israel or somewhere else.

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We live in the 21st century.
If the Georgians were not exterminated in past centuries by Islamic empires (for the existence of the Georgian state was economically beneficial for trade routes, etc.) , especially now it is not plausible to believe that ISIL in the future will become an existential danger for the Georgia, just because of Karabah/Artsah events.
For example the fact that both Iranian and Turkish investors go there, the main thing is that the state treasury and the people get something from this.
Georgians would have to solve their problems first.
They are undergoing reforms, but rather slowly.
The era of Saakashvili had its big pluses and also its omissions, big legal transformations, investors began to come to the country, tourism began to develop very successfully.
Because Saakashvili Implemented The Transparent Investing Formula(even Russian potential investors were not discriminated against, but the problem is that Russian big business likes to negotiate not transparently, but under the table)
This is a small state with a recreational tourism potential, now I think that the crisis has seriously damaged the well-being of people, and the leaders of political parties in this difficult period heat up passions with emotions in the struggle for power.
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Yes, and now there will be even greater dependence on Russia.
There is a strong Azerbaijani lobby in Russia, including the interests of Russian business.
Some analysts in Russia argue that in the future they also need Turkey as an ally.
And they even consider the events in Vienna as provocations of the West to demonize the Islamic world.(Vienna, by the way, is a significant city for historical events with the Ottoman Empire)

I don’t know why some Armenians talking on social networks about this military operations always use the word “Turks”?
Is it documented that Turkish officers or elite squadrons fought in this war?
In any case, Armenians are not the kind of people who give up.
If we think that the Armenians gave up we are mistaken.
I think there will be a complete reformation in the armed forces now, and this is a shake-up for strong mobilization in the next 10-15 years.
Perhaps there will be digging from the inside to build Kurdistan and a coup d’etat inside Turkey, and if in Turkey will take place some big civil uprising, or something like the October Revolution, the Armenians, having gathered strength, will go to reconquer the lands.
The world is truly unpredictable.
Where is the guarantee that the course of history will not turn in this direction?
For whatever it’s worth, I understand Azerbaijanis are a Turkic people.
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Yes, but I wonder if the Turks themselves were directly involved.
The language of both Turks and Azerbaijanis is really almost the same
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