(Capitol of Armenia) Yerevan Claims Turkish Jet Downed Armenia Plane As Fighting With Azerbaijani Forces Intensify

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In Ukraine, as in other countries, I think there are also extreme nationalists who for example plan to reach the Kuban and the Kremlin itself.
This category of people, as well as representatives of Great Armenia or United Armenia, can be called- extreme nationalists.
All the rest are nationalists who love their homeland and are not going to come to terms with the imperialist ambitions of their northern neighbor.
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I have not yet grown to the level of a real patriot, the true realists are sober, courageous, responsible and great people, but I look with apprehension at the extreme nationalists.
To all who are not in a militaristic mood, they offer to leave the country.
Their politics, literature, poetry, theater, cinematography, every thing are riddled with militarism.
I do not want to mention their names, because I honestly am not sure if they speak from the heart or they are long-term projects / invests of some foreign special services.
They are confident Davids against Goliath, but the real war is different from a computer game or facebook heroism.
After the horrors of war comes ruin, impoverishment and corruption with the same faces.
Therefore, the extreme nationalists in the post-Soviet space who demonize the Euro Union, and promise to build something of their own, with such a difficult past history, the leaders who believe that it is possible to bake bread from that quality of dough, they are either sick, or irresponsible, or they work off someone’s money…

How can you build something where corruption is like a continuous oncology on the whole body?
If the state has a geographical chance to integrate into a legal European society , then this is the only way out, otherwise it is stagnation, and the way to nowhere.

In the worst situation, the countries of Central Asia, where clan tribal rule simply exists, is also permeated , family gods privatizing drug trafficking together with their states and so on.

Therefore, the best- compromise solutions and not decisions where national jealousy is not balanced with common sense.
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The return of Donbas and Lugans, the return of Crimea is “plan B” for the Ukrainian leadership.
Crimean Tatars are the peoples of the Turan

And Tyuran itself is both the Caucasus and Siberia, and other areas of Russia(12,751,502)

Turks stand in solidarity with Ukrainians in their aspiration

Ukrainians themselves see the Turks as their allies

But as soon as there is disorder in the Russian Federation, or Putin’s death, or the weakening of the state, the Ukrainian army will go on the offensive.
There is no doubt about it.
It is no secret that more money is allocated this year to strengthen the army budget.

Annexation is a road to nowhere.
Usually unrecognized republics are the nests of smuggling, traffic for all sorts of cheaters who make criminal money there, and the income goes not to the population but to the pockets of the corruption clans.
Donetsk, Luhansk have become such, and according to the Azeri media, Karabakh has become such for the last decades.
I began to understand that Armenians need Euro Integration, they should leave the the idea of a Great Armenia, should make compromises, and they had to agree with autonomy, as in the past they were offered by the Azerbaijanis and come closer to EU.
In this case, the Armenians find moral support from diplomats from many countries of the world, but we see that pressure on Azerbaijan and Turkey further accelerates the actions of the Azerbaijani army.
Of course, you can live in a parallel reality, and believe in your own invincibility, but what will this lead to.
Azerbaijanis and Turks are like one people.
In Baku, on the balconies of houses along with the Azerbaijani flag - the flag of Turkey.
This is a separate topic regarding the political orientation of Turkey and Azerbaijan, but in this case with their military power they act, although the military operation is carried out by Azerbaijan.
For Armenians, a very difficult situation, in which, unfortunately, national pride will not allow to come to terms with defeat, and in the future there will be a years of partisan confrontation.
The Armenians know how to take revenge, therefore, unfortunately, the cases of strikes on the civil zones of Azerbaijan can be repeated.
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I believe that there is no need to take the Kuban and the Kremlin, there is no need to take Constantinople.
Extreme nationalists, in my opinion, provocatively throw the people into ruins and destruction.
Both the ideas of Greater Armenia and the ideas of the Ukrainian flag at the top of the Kremlin are utopian and destructive.
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Crimea should return to the status it was in before the annexation.
Right but I was just saying, some of these countries wanted to be independent but with Croatia, some of it was their being part of the old Austro-Hungarian empire. That brings us to World War I, did Serbian Nationalists help that war start up? Maybe but it is not in my seep interest at that.

Your arguments seem to match up with those of Russian nationalists.
Navalny called for a truly free election in the issue, Crimea

Just as an outsider, uninformed mind you, I empathise with that some.

Though a true return of the land probably more just.

President Zelinsky was just saying the other day, Crimea wasn’t defended enough. I almost posted this.
But then, we mentioned Banderas too. These can be seen as slights on one’s ethinicity. I noted a thread where the UK was brought up and in my opinion, out of nowhere. These are things I have not seen Tommy Robinson do who one seems to be heavily critical of. Ditto, the acts of Russian nationalist types as Hooligans are known about in Europe. We should make these associations as well then.

Since many Ukrainians fought for the Red Army, I think it speaks for itself bringing up these issues, let alone, I believe Khruschev was Ukrainian.

This language, to put it kindly seems unkind, I would call it a smear on the Red Army as well.
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“All you can hope for”,

Kindly do not use that kind of language or tone to me. It sounds s bit bullying, I believe we aim for civil discussion in this forum.

Opposition Russian politicians have discussed this by-the-way.
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This is a discussion forum, we aim to discuss subjects civilly. I rarely see a discussion as one hoping for something. And going further, telling them what they hope for won’t happen
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These groups of nationalists in Russia have such a reputation that ethnic groups of students walk in groups, and it is not always safe even in groups, and including sometimes Caucasians who are ranked with the Armenians, so in reality the Armenian brotherhood is questionable for these types of Neo Nazzis.
That’s why Chechen, Azeri, Armenian diaspora have learned from history to be united and defend themselves.
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All our passports use the word “Caucasian” , but in the Russian everyday sense, Caucasian means the people from Caucasus, that is, not Russians, not Slavs, and the attitude towards them is often not friendly, it is not a secret.
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Back to topic: Amazing, this has been getting some bad press for about all day:

This is real bad. This is not going well.

I saw Ben Shapiro had some American-Armenian on his show. As much as I like Ben and the American-Armenian community here, that interview was not great, the guest said some decent things. I guess, I can find it.

My opinion, nothing much here but I’ll post it anyway.

Azerbaijan kind of holds the cards in this situation because at least, mapwise, this does seem to be there land.

On youtube, I even saw a slightly militaristic song for Armenia on there. So, this is all kind of tough.

I am sure wrongs have been done to both sides.
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This news is terrible😔
I subscribed to well-known journalists from both the Azerbaijani and Armenian sides and I see that Artak Beglaryan reports that the Azeri bombed the hospital.
Most likely this is a retaliation.
He is a local Armenian from Artsakh.
Perhaps there is also a media confrontation, but BBC is an authoritative source.
Cases like this program warriors and volunteers to become brutal suicide fighters, I mean, it’s like wolves losing their fear completely and do not care about consequences
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I cannot understand this.
Do you know the Armenian diaspora is successfully competing in the world with Chinese?
They can buy lands and islands , and no agreement can be made with the Azeri.
By the way, the society of Armenian entrepreneurs appealed to the Azerbaijani side with a request to name the price of Karabah but they refused.
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Emigrants who have nothing to lose succeed faster than the locals, but in the case of Armenians, it seems to me there is some phenomenal, but I am not quite consistent with Armenian jokes about Azeris and Turks as stupid sheeps.
Maybe the Turks have been learning something from the French and Germans for the last centuries, but during my travels along the Turkey and along the former Soviet Caucasus, I saw a huge difference.
And the term - the Germans of the East is not accidental.
I was amazed by the roads, facades, organization of life.
The villages of the last century have become world-class resorts.(Antalia…)
Look at the military power.
Look at the results of the military in international competitions.
Turks acquire the features and identity of their glorious past, but in the modern world.
Numerous Turkic peoples of the world are proud of their identity.
Of course, in the East, it will be opposed by China, but Turkey can be called European China.
Armenia is not a rich country with a rich diaspora, this is also a question that needs to be studied.
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Istanbul is a mosaic of the peoples of the world, in addition to the Armenians, quite a few other Christian peoples are mixed there.
The largest city in Europe.
There are whole streets of simple traders, and there is a class of people who represent the local intelligentsia, I think there are quite a few Armenians among them.
Yes, Turks are chauvinists, in a political sense, they cruelly dealt with dissidents.
But now in Istanbul itself, Erdogan’s rating was falling, but maybe he will raise it again before the elections, the same as president Aliev.
The opposition is now in an awkward position because the military company, if successful, will strengthen the ratings of both Erdogan and Aliyev.
Even if it shakes the country’s currencies, there is a national upsurge there.
But perhaps Karabakh will become a kind of Palestine with unruly Armenian militants
Late breaking, reported by Daily Sabah (Turkey), so take with a grain of salt. They said this happened in Lyon, France so, there should be confirmation elsewhere if one is really curious. :

Armenian protesters in France’s Lyon attack Turkish citizens, injure 5​



OCT 28, 2020

Members of the Armenian community wounded four Turkish citizens while demonstrating early Wednesday on the A7 motorway, connecting France’s Lyon and Marseille.

According to French media reports, the disputes erupted between Turkish citizens and Armenians supporting Yerevan in its conflict with Azerbaijan which has been going on since Sept. 27. The fights, which drew in a dozen people, ended with five injured, four of whom are of Turkish origin.

The 300-400 Armenian protesters had closed the highway to traffic from both sides. When a group of Turkish people trying to go to work reacted to the protest, they were attacked heavily.

So, maybe this is a bit of a part of the France/Turkey soap opera going on as well.

Maybe this is it.

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