[Rats! I was going to post the one about the priest and the protestant at the track! ]
Tell this one to nurses you know – They love it.
A doctor dies and goes to heaven.
When he arrives, there is a long line of souls waiting to enter the Pearly Gates. The doctor goes to the head of the line and says to St Peter: “You can let me in. I’m a doctor.”
St Peter says, “That will curry no favoritism here. Go to the end of the line and wait your turn.” So the doctor goes to the end and waits.
For a week.
(He has all eternity, after all)
Growing impatient, he makes his way again to the front of the line: “St Peter – Really – You can let me in. I’m a doctor.”
“Go back to your place in line and wait your turn. If you’re so anxious to come in out of the void, you can always go to the other place!”
So the doctor goes back.
Then a figure appears on the infiinite horizon. As he approaches, it becomes apparent he is wearing a white coat, a stethoscope, one of those head-mirror things, and carrying a black bag. He does not give the line a second look, but proceeds right to the gates, where St Peter smiles and waves him in.
Our doctor is furious. He storms to the front of the line and complains: “What’s the deal!? I **told ** you I’m a doctor, but you wouldn’t let me cut in, then **this ** fellow comes along and you give him a pass! What’s the deal!?”
St Peter chuckles: “Sir, sir, please calm down. That wasn’t a doctor. That was God…”
“…He just thinks he’s a doctor.”
Tell this one to nurses you know – They love it.
A doctor dies and goes to heaven.
When he arrives, there is a long line of souls waiting to enter the Pearly Gates. The doctor goes to the head of the line and says to St Peter: “You can let me in. I’m a doctor.”
St Peter says, “That will curry no favoritism here. Go to the end of the line and wait your turn.” So the doctor goes to the end and waits.
For a week.
(He has all eternity, after all)
Growing impatient, he makes his way again to the front of the line: “St Peter – Really – You can let me in. I’m a doctor.”
“Go back to your place in line and wait your turn. If you’re so anxious to come in out of the void, you can always go to the other place!”
So the doctor goes back.
Then a figure appears on the infiinite horizon. As he approaches, it becomes apparent he is wearing a white coat, a stethoscope, one of those head-mirror things, and carrying a black bag. He does not give the line a second look, but proceeds right to the gates, where St Peter smiles and waves him in.
Our doctor is furious. He storms to the front of the line and complains: “What’s the deal!? I **told ** you I’m a doctor, but you wouldn’t let me cut in, then **this ** fellow comes along and you give him a pass! What’s the deal!?”
St Peter chuckles: “Sir, sir, please calm down. That wasn’t a doctor. That was God…”
“…He just thinks he’s a doctor.”