The discussion is about ILLEGAL immigration. No, we don’t NEED illegal aliens.
They represent just 2-5% of our overall population and despite the false claims of the industrie that exploit them to the detriment of American workers,
in no labor sector in which illegal aliens are employed are they anywhere near the majority.
Is this a new economic theory?
Construction not agriculture is the number one industry where they are employed now and represent just 20% of the workers (taking jobs from tradesmen, union workers, etc.). So when you say that they are doing jobs Americans won’t do, you are insulting the 80% of the other American workers doing those jobs.
While illegal aliens are just 2-5% of our overall population, they represent 29% of the federal prison population, of people convicted of violent crimes of rape, murder, assault, robbery, kidnapping etc.
This by now should be an altogether recognizable distortion and exaggeration found on many ANTI-IMMIGRANT sites.
FEDERAL PRISONS mostly house persons convicted of drug related crimes and those charged with immigration violations. The best studies conducted over a period of 100 years clearly indicate that immigrants, legal and “illegal” are UNDER REPRESENTED in our prison systems BECAUSE they have a lower crime rate than native born citizens. If one were to perform a survey of ALL prisons we would find the same thing.,1,507421.story?coll=la-headlines-nation&ctrack=1&cset=true
BTW: I’m Hispanic and I can see the reality of this situation
While I don’t believe that Hispanic roots means that your arguments have any more merit than the next guy, You prove that Hispanics are indeed learning English and that a Hispanic heritage does not dictate your political perspective. That is much of what is said here:
Language has seldom functioned as a symbolic identifier in the United States, as an emblem of national pride or a badge of exclusivity. America’s founders generally espoused an ideological brand of nationalism that stressed agreement on democratic principles rather than bonds of ethnicity (Morris, 1987; Heath, 1992). Exceptions to this pattern have occurred, first, when attempts were made to differentiate American English from the dialect of the mother country (usually a preoccupation of literati); and second, when language restrictions served as a surrogate for other goals, such as religious intolerance, economic advantage, political repression, or racial discrimination.
To solve the problems that occur in the sending countries one must put international pressure on those countries to do right by their citizens, not demand that we become and continue to be the employment and social services agencies for the underclass that these immoral, inhumane elitist, oligarchies like Mexico have abandoned.
Whatever all that means and however the world deals with Globalization, it will not happen in time to affect the “illegal” or solve our demand for immigrant labor of today.