Yes he did say that the synogogue (Jewish structure) was his fathers house…to stretch that to mean that that is the place where God resides is phallacious. The temple in question fell to invaders did it not? How can God’s actual house be defeated?
Synagogue and Temple are two different things, Wormwood. But this is what Jesus said:
**He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the stools of those who sold pigeons, and said to them, "It is written in the Scriptures that God said, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer.’ But you are making it it a hideout for thieves!’ Matt21:13 **Amen!
Phallaciouis is spelled fallacious, my friend. Your spelling gives it a whole different meaning.
Yes, it is in Scripture that God resides in his Temple, the Holy of Holies (which in this day in age are Churches with the Blessed Sacrament as the Holy of Holies). I recommend you getting a concordance of your choosing and read the OT. The NT is built on the OT, my friend. The OT is Jesus spelled all across it. The OT pointed to Jesus and only Jesus. There are way too may precursors to list here. But I have a feeling you will not listen. You are like my brother baptized Catholic/Anglican/Calvary Gospel/Faith Tabernacle. OT means nothing to him also. You cannot understand the NT without understanding the NT. The fundamentalists have a very superficial knowledge of the Scripture.
If you are trying to be nit-picky and say that I believe that God only resides in His temple/Blessed Sacrament. Well, the answer is no of course. But He is predominantly found in the Holy of holies (the Sacred Host) for we, Catholics. It is the holiest of places. It is where He resides for our needs and adoration…just like the Jewish priest would enter the Holy of Holies to adore the Holy Presence of God. (on demand from God Himself!).
Wormwood, the story of the Jews is our story as Christians. We may not be Jewish but it is our Heritage. If Jesus read from the OT and studied it and prayed it…well, because I love Him so much I try to do the same thing.
The Temple fell, as prophesied by Jesus. The Jews of that time did not listen to Jesus. What to say? Where did God go? Well, according to the pious Jews today He resides in the Wailing Wall…symbolic of their lost Temple. The Temple was so important to them that there will be another one built, according to them, when the Messiah (Moshiah) comes . The same it is for us. Our Churches may be ornate and I agree, some more rich than others. Do You not think that God deserves the best? He ordered the best for His Temple, so it is with our Churches. Oh! yes! you will argue that Jesus lived poorly. Well, He didn’nt make an issue of the Temple being gilded in gold, when there were many poor around. He even enjoyed the delicacies of the women who anointed His head and His feet. He rebuked the apostles for their criticism and declared that there will always be poor. :tsktsk:
I also rebuke you. I will be back!