Like I said… That’s your belief.
It may not be shared by the couple.
It may not be shared by the couple.
And that’s your opinion.Then they judge wickedly. And so they are leaving the friendship
Couple marries outside the Church. They love each other, make sacrifices for each other, and stay faithful to each other. They have no intention to divorce. They have children and give them all the love and attention they deserve. They teach their children to serve others.No, this wedding reflects more than what is on the surface. A marriage by Catholic, or any Christian, draws on their priestly relationship with God. That relationship, and marriage too, is not only personal, but calls on witnesses.
Oh really?Good works dont merit grace.
They have rejected the Eucharist, but they can still live the law of love. It isn’t all or nothing. They may even still love Jesus and worship Him in another church (Protestant).if they do that, and reject His Eucharist, they are still at odds with Jesus and His Church.
They likely left the Church before the marriage and would continue to stay away from the Church even if there was no marriage.Third, a happy marriage is a gift. It’s a gift from above. Enjoying the marriage doesnt qualify a Catholic to leave the Church!
Actually the children would not “leave” the Church, they would have never been Catholic to begin with.They also teach their children to leave the Church, because the Euchatist doesnt matter.
So is that a yes or a no?It’s a question that assumes the couple will do just fine leaving the Church, and we can celebrate a ceremony which reflects that.
No actually it isn’t. I want to see if you can forget your all-or-nothing stance and acknowledge that a marriage outside the Church still encompasses elements that are pleasing to God and follow the law of love.It’s a question that assumes the couple will do just fine leaving the Church, and we can celebrate a ceremony which reflects that.
These examples neither merit grace, nor do they relate a person who is leaving the Church because of disbelief.Oh really?.. “I was hungry and you gave Me food…I was thirsty and you gave Me drink…I was a stranger and you welcomed Me…whatsoever you did for the least of My people you did for Me.”… The Good Samaritan… The woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her hair… The poor widow who gave all her money.
Not believing in the Eucharist does not equal not loving Jesus in all cases. Jesus is present in the Eucharist but He is also present outside of it. I’m disappointed in your all-or-nothing attitude.I’m disappointed you keep implying judgment and that somehow loving your spouse is higher than loving His Eucharist.
I’m not saying one means the other is not necessary. But it can be acknowledged that a marriage outside the the Church still encompasses love. It’s frustrating that you can’t see that.One should not mean the other is not necessary. Refraining from attending a marriage opposed to His Eucharist does not judge whether the couple is loving each other or not.
But I can and do see that. YET, The ceremony reflects an opposition to Christ’s Church and His flesh and blood.I’m not saying one means the other is not necessary. But it can be acknowledged that a marriage outside the the Church still encompasses love. It’s frustrating that you can’t see that.
If that’s the message you are taking away from what I’m trying to say, you are way, WAY off the mark. Like, not only are you and I not on the same page, we’re not in the same book…or even in the same library. I’m not saying you have to choose one or the other. Preferably you would have both! But some people simply do not agree with Catholicism. They study it, they know what the Church teaches, but they don’t agree with it. However, they still believe in the general concept of marriage—a man and woman vowing to stay together for life.Your insistence on looking at this as a “higher law” is problematic, because the couple can love each other without rejecting His Eucharist. They dont have to choose one or the other.