Cindy Sheehan has been accused of involvement with the “left.” Catholics should evaluate this accusation with caution and discernment.
This citation will explain my statement:
"If an economic order is to be created which is genuine and universal, there must be an abolition of excessive desire for profit, nationalistic pretensions, the lust for political domination, militaristic thinking, and intrigues designed to spread and impose ideologies."
In the above quotation, the following “leftist” substitutions could be made:
- **“Capitalism” ** could replace “excessive desire for profit.”
- "Jingoism," “chauvinism,” or **“racism” ** could replace “nationalistic pretensions.”
- **“Imperialism” ** could replace “lust for political domination” and “intrigues designed to spread and impose ideologies.”
- **“Militarism” ** could replace “militaristic thinking.”
Now I ask you: who made the statement I’ve quoted? Cindy Sheehan? Karl Marx? Vladimir Ilyich Lenin? Michael Moore?
I hope you’re prepared for the correct answer. (I’ll give you a bit of time to prepare by forcing you to scroll down a bit. Some of you may wish to drink an ice-cold glass of Harvey’s Bristol Cream before you read the answer.
O.K., the correct answer is that this statement was made, not by Cindy Sheehan, Karl Marx, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, or Michael Moore, but instead by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. It appears in the Vatican II document
Gaudium et spes, section 85.
So, my next question is this: just how far to the “left” is Cindy Sheehan? But we should also ask: just how far to the “left” is the Catholic Church?
The Vatican II quotation is another indication of the extent to which serious Catholics must transcend the “left”/“right” dichotomy–to use a fancy word–to say nothing of the U.S. political charade known as the “two-party system” (which is really one party controlled by the plutocracy).
By the way, I’ve found a wonderful quotation from St. Louis of France, whose feast day was yesterday:
***“Always side with the poor rather than with the rich, until you are certain of the truth.” ***
Who gave us the U.S.-British invasion and occupation of Iraq, with all the deaths and maimings that they’ve caused? The working class and the poor in the United States and Britain? Or the moneyed élites of both countries?
Keep and spread the Faith.