CNN medical analyst wants to ‘cancel’ Christmas over COVID fears

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Any data about anything about any subject at all has a range of error. So stop with the nonsense of skewed data.
I’ve had two high school classmates die from Covid, and a friend’s husband came very close to dying. He was on a vent for over a month.
May they rest in peace.

May I ask how they got infected? I’ve got neighbors who took every precaution, and got it anyway. They are retired, didn’t come to the pool all summer, they wear masks when going out for a walk… They get tested each time they go out of state to visit their grandchildren. Out of the blue, they tested positive. No symptoms.
These weird anecdotes are no substitute for statistics. More people are dying each day due to covid-19 than were killed in the entire 9/11 attack on our nation. And you know what a big deal we made of those one-time deaths. Well, now we have that every single day.
No they are not.

Statistics Show that the Number of People who Died in the U.S. in 2020 will be the SAME as Previous Years, in Spite of COVID - Medical Kidnap
I am highly suspicious of a new “health news” source called “Medical Kidnap”. Really?
May I ask how they got infected? I’ve got neighbors who took every precaution, and got it anyway. They are retired, didn’t come to the pool all summer, they wear masks when going out for a walk… They get tested each time they go out of state to visit their grandchildren. Out of the blue, they tested positive. No symptoms.
thank you.

One was infected at the beginning of the pandemic after a trip (he was on the vent for over 30 days).

The other two were infected on the job; while not healthcare, they were considered “essential” workers.
The other two were infected on the job; while not healthcare, they were considered “essential” workers.
My job is “essential workers” also - janitorial. Some of our workers are getting it, but not on the job. None of them has had significant symptoms.

People get sick and die. I think we can take some precautions, but I doubt we can prevent everyone from getting sick. Some measures are really extreme and seem more about control than about saving people.

It appears to me that many of those calling for extreme measure don’t really believe it themselves. Gavin Newsam , Nancy Pelosi, etc. Our county executive closed down all bars and restaurants in the county two weeks ago. He then went out to dinner in the next county to a restaurant owned by a a guy who also has a restaurant in the closed down county run by the county executive. The guy told the CE to “get the hell out of here.”
Not a Nurse. But I do have a nephew who is a ER Doc.
In my neighborhood, there are conflicting opinions by ER doctors. One says stay 12 feet apart and wear a mask outdoors, another says wearing masks outdoors is of no value.

The science is constantly changing as new facts come out.
It appears to me that many of those calling for extreme measure don’t really believe it themselves.
It is not that they don’t believe it themselves. It is more like the Pharisee Complex. They tell you one thing and they do another. It is more like the Parent Complex. We tell our Children one thing and we do another.
People get sick and die.
that is a given
I think we can take some precautions,
but I doubt we can prevent everyone from getting sick.
Some measures are really extreme and seem more about control than about saving people.
That is how some and you see it.
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Driving a car puts you at risk from death as well. You have to count the cost. People need to assess their own risk tolerance.
It is not about an individual. An individual has the right to kill themselves but they do NOT have the right to kill someone else and that is what’s at stake when people ignore the health experts.
By the way being killed in a car is a stupid comment and in no shape or form is it analogous to the covid-19 crisis.
It is not about an individual. An individual has the right to kill themselves but they do NOT have the right to kill someone else
You are right we don’t have the right to kill others. But where do you draw the line? I can’t know that a person is susceptible. What if I give someone a cold and they end up getting pneumonia and dying?
and that is what’s at stake when people ignore the health experts.
No one is saying to ignore them. I am saying some of their recommendations are so extreme the experts aren’t even following them.

Why are some people with health problems allowed to go maskless in stores? Do they not pose a risk to others? My opinion is that if they are that at risk, they shouldn’t be in the store.
By the way being killed in a car is a stupid comment and in no shape or form is it analogous to the covid-19 crisis.
Why? Driving a car puts you at risk for being mangled to death. The point is, we have to asses the risk/benefit ratio.

If people are afraid of dying, don’t go out in public. Don’t ask me to put my family at risk by taking away my income.
That is why casinos in Nevada can have up to 50% capacity, but churches can only have 50 people, no matter how big the interior space.
Some of the writing styles are so close to others,
some might even think “rejoined”.
Not sure that’s possible. They block the IP numbers. CAF forum appears in a lot of my searches. I think people troll and look for “Catholic” so they can bash. It happens especially at election time. “Catholics” defending abortion and calling pro-lifers “pro-birthers only.” They’re the same lazy and tired arguments.
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