CNN medical analyst wants to ‘cancel’ Christmas over COVID fears

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I am highly suspicious of a new “health news” source called “Medical Kidnap”. Really?
Yes. Really.

I have posted some of those CDC figures before right from the CDC here before.

If you want to challenge them try to do so. It will be interesting because they are accurate.

The MSM is not telling you a lot of things.

They did not tell you about Hunter’s issues (some of which were too bad for me to post here at CAF), they did not tell you about Joe’s associations with some of those “issues”, they didn’t even cover President Trump’s speech on election fraud yesterday.

Likewise the media is not telling you that . . .

. . . the average age of death WITH corona virus . . .​

. . . is the same as . . .​

. . . the average age of death WITHOUT corona virus!​


As a matter of fact the

people who died with corona virus, had even slightly HIGHER average ages of death!​

(I am not suggesting a “cause and effect” here.
I am not saying these people lived longer than the general population BECAUSE of a corona virus infection.)

(If they counted persons who due in the womb as persons, the difference would be even more stark. But there is a lot of media people who can’t handle that, so they try to ignore it away.)

This does not make it OK. But it DOES help put the death thing that the media loves to harp on
in proper perspective. (Which is WHY they don’t report it. They do not WANT you to have this proper perspective because their actions give them away.)

A proper perspective.

I have lost lots of young friends over the years die due to non-corona issues too.

People die old.
People die young.
People die in-between.
People are killed in many cases before they are even born.

And we’d like to save them all.

Thank you qui_est_ce for posting links to these facts again!


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It is not that they don’t believe it themselves. It is more like the Pharisee Complex. They tell you one thing and they do another. It is more like the Parent Complex. We tell our Children one thing and we do another.
I disagree. Here are other examples. Why did Biden’s energy czar buy a 12 million dollar beachfront property after accusing rising ocean deniers of being part of the flat earth society?

“We have people who still deny this: Members of the flat earth society who seem to believe that the ocean rise won’t be a problem because the water will just spill over the edge,” Kerry said in 2015 at a United Nations Foundation meeting in Paris on the health of the world’s oceans.

Why did Obama buy a an 11.75 million dollar beach front home in Martha’s Vinyard if he says oceans are rising?
It will not affect them in their lifetime and not before they sell the property back.
I am highly suspicious of a new “health news” source called “Medical Kidnap”. Really?
Yes. Really.

I have posted some of those CDC figures before right from the CDC here before.
And I have posted CDC analysis of excess deaths, but admittedly not in as big a font as you used. That definitely makes your data more significant than mine.

And what is it with the “age of death”? Is that supposed to prove something we did not already know? (Like the fact that older people are much more susceptible to the deadly effects?)

Also, any website that talks about the “COVID19 scam of 2020” can be dismissed out of hand as being not at all professional. I would do better reading graffiti on the subway walls.
Also, any website that talks about the “COVID19 scam of 2020” can be dismissed out of hand
No it can’t. You need to deal with the facts either way.

That’s about what I thought I would see. Deflection.

To the other readers.
MAY 14TH, 2020

San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths​

By Amanda Prestigiacomo

On Tuesday, San Diego county Supervisor Jim Desmond said after digging into the data that he believes only six of the county’s 194 coronavirus-identified deaths are “pure” coronavirus deaths, meaning they died from the virus, not merely with the virus.

Desmond was seemingly ruling out deaths from individuals with preexisting conditions.

“We’ve unfortunately had six pure, solely coronavirus deaths — six out of 3.3 million people,” Desmond said . . . We want to be safe, and we can do it, but unfortunately, it’s more about control than getting the economy going again and keeping people safe.”

Public Health Officer Dr. Wilma Wooten suggested Wednesday during a press briefing that Desmond was being callous, noting that their liberal identification of COVID-19 deaths is uniform with coding nationwide.

“Their life is no less valuable than someone’s life who does not have underlying medical conditions,” Wooten said. “This is not just San Diego. This is how this is done throughout the entire nation in terms of identifying who has died of COVID-19.”

According to a recent report from The Washington Post, leading voice on the White House Coronavirus Task Force Dr. Deborah Birx believes coronavirus-coded deaths are inflated by some 25%. . . .


APRIL 25TH, 2020

Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags​

By Amanda Prestigiacomo

Pennsylvania has had to remove hundreds of coronavirus deaths from its official death count this week, following questions of accuracy and highlighted discrepancies by area coroners.
Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags World News
APRIL 25TH, 2020 Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags By Amanda Prestigiacomo Pennsylvania has had to remove hundreds of coronavirus deaths from its official death count this week, following questions of accuracy and highlighted discrepancies by area coroners. The PA health department decided to include “probable” coronavirus deaths, or an assumed COVID-19-related death without testing for the virus, to th…

May 15, 2020

Colorado man died of alcohol poisoning, but death was later blamed on coronavirus: report​

By David Aaro | Fox News

Colorado man died of alcohol poisoning, but death was later blamed on coronavirus: report | Fox News
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Also, any website that talks about the “COVID19 scam of 2020” can be dismissed out of hand as being not at all professional. I would do better reading graffiti on the subway walls.
Yes I agree. I looked at the website. There is a lot of questionable articles.
San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Since when are we only interested in “pure” covid deaths? (And I don’t mean the really weird cases of someone blowing their head off while infected.) If someone has asthma or any number of other conditions that weaken them, they might still go on to live a long fruitful life. But covid cut them down. And you want to throw them out of the covid statistic because their death wasn’t “pure” enough. This is exactly the kind of mindset that excuses euthanasia. I guess we should reevaluate the euthanasia statistics too, since hardly anyone dies from pure euthanasia. They all die from euthanasia plus a preexisting condition that led to them wanting to die. There are no pure euthanasia cases. You see how nonsensical this observation is?
RootKitWarrior on RootKitWarrior visiting the CDC website . . .
About 2 weeks ago.
Well please go ahead and re-post this information here (I have already done it elsewhere before).


Here is that info. again (from my post above) so you can debunk it from the CDC . . . .
Likewise the media is not telling you that . . .

. . . the average age of death WITH corona virus . . .​

. . . is the same as . . .​

. . . the average age of death WITHOUT corona virus!​


As a matter of fact the

people who died with corona virus, had even slightly HIGHER average ages of death!​

(I am not suggesting a “cause and effect” here.
I am not saying these people lived longer than the general population BECAUSE of a corona virus infection.)

(If they counted persons who due in the womb as persons, the difference would be even more stark. But there is a lot of media people who can’t handle that, so they try to ignore it away.)

This does not make it OK. But it DOES help put the death thing that the media loves to harp on
in proper perspective. (Which is WHY they don’t report it. They do not WANT you to have this proper perspective because their actions give them away.)

A proper perspective.

I have lost lots of young friends over the years die due to non-corona issues too.

People die old.
People die young.
People die in-between.
People are killed in many cases before they are even born.

And we’d like to save them all.

Thank you qui_est_ce for posting links to these facts again!


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Income will come back. The dead won’t!!
Will “income” come back to the dead from hunger?

How about suicide? Did those victims get their incomes back too?

Lost businesses and life savings? I take it you are not affected by this?
Since when are we only interested in “pure” covid deaths? (And I don’t mean the really weird cases of someone blowing their head off while infected.) If someone has asthma or any number of other conditions that weaken them, they might still go on to live a long fruitful life. But covid cut them down. And you want to throw them out of the covid statistic because their death wasn’t “pure” enough. This is exactly the kind of mindset that excuses euthanasia. I guess we should reevaluate the euthanasia statistics too, since hardly anyone dies from pure euthanasia. They all die from euthanasia plus a preexisting condition that led to them wanting to die. There are no pure euthanasia cases. You see how nonsensical this observation is?
This made me think. Without Medical Intervention Covid-19 could be considered an Agent of Euthanasia for those with susceptible preexisting conditions. If you have one of the susceptible preexisting conditions and you acquire Covid-19 and you do not receive Medical Intervention, what are you chances of surviving?
Will “income” come back to the dead from hunger?

How about suicide? Did those victims get their incomes back too?

Lost businesses and life savings? I take it you are not affected by this?
Economy and incomes will rebound but the 270,000 dead from covid-19 will not!!
It is selfish and dangerous for people to only think about themselves and go out to holiday get togethers or whatever and potentially kill a loved one.
With the worst health crisis in a century the rights of society must take priority over the rights of an individual.
People should strictly follow the advice of the medical experts and not dumbos like Trump and his cronies.
Economy and incomes will rebound but the 270,000 dead from covid-19 will not!!
You don’t seem to understand but people die from economic hardship.

Those incomes CANNOT “come back” because
THEY are just as dead
as the corona virus patient who dies.

No income rebound for many. None at all for the dead.

Your post IGNORES these people.

A “cure” worse than the disease is no “cure” at all.
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You don’t seem to understand but people die from economic depression.

Those incomes CANNOT “come back” because THEY are just as dead as the corona virus patient who dies.

A “cure” worse than the disease is no “cure” at all.
The cure is not worse than the disease. That is only in your mind. Society comes first in a grave health crisis.
Society comes first in a grave health crisis.
ALL of society, not just part of it.

Montrose your arguments completely ignore the many posts here at CAF on the nuclear fallout from your not even “cure” theory but mere MITIGATION.

You are also IGNORING that in life-years lost on the average, there has been no loss of life (in life years on the AVERAGE compared to non-corona virus deaths) due to corona virus.

There just hasn’t. That’s a fact.


So it is with a flippant attitude, that some are willing to destroy the lives of others economically (which again does result in death for some) and lonliness.

You can’t just blow these things off and ignore them.

The conservatives here on the other hand, have never ignored the real risk to viral patients, offering MANY suggestions. Too many to go into in a thread like this.
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The only dead person who ever came back was Jesus.
I knew this was so wrong as soon as I saw it.

1 Widow of Zarephath’s son, by Elijah (1st Kings 17:22)

2. Shunammite woman’s son, by Elisha (2nd Kings 4)

3. Man raised when he came into contact with Elisha’s bones (2nd Kings 13)

4. Widow of Nain’s son, by Jesus (Luke 7)

5. Jairus’ daughter, by Jesus (Luke 8)

6. Lazarus, by Jesus after 3 days (John 11)

7. Jesus (Matthew 28:6; Acts 2)

8. Many Holy People Came Out of Their Tombs When Jesus Died on the Cross (Matthew 27)

9. Dorcas, by Peter (Acts 9)

10. Eutychus, by Paul (Acts 20)

Then Jesus told the Deciples:
Mat 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead to life, heal people who have leprosy, and force out demons. You received without paying, now give without being paid.
They probably raised some dead that are not recorded.

Note: Jonah was in the belly of a great fish for 3 days and 3 nights. A strong case can be made that this was also a death and resurrection. (Jonah 1:17-2:10)
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