Confirmation for protestants

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Then come back home to the Catholic church. There you will find an abundance of Graces. Grace you cannot receive in the congregation you are now attending. If you are not aligned with the Church, you are considered a protester of Christs church. you will have a difficult time in receiving the Sanctifying Grace necessary for Salvation. Remember, you must be in a state of Grace when you die. God love you.
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Then come back home to the Catholic church. There you will find an abundance of Graces. Grace you cannot receive in the congregation you are now attending. If you are not aligned with the Church, you are considered a protester of Christs church. you will have a difficult time in receiving the Sanctifying Grace necessary for Salvation. Remember, you must be in a state of Grace when you die. God love you.
The poster you responded to is Catholic.

Catholic Catechism:
However, one cannot charge with the sin of the separation those who at present are born into these communities [that resulted from such separation] and in them are brought up in the faith of Christ, and the Catholic Church accepts them with respect and affection as brothers . . . . All who have been justified by faith in Baptism are incorporated into Christ; they therefore have a right to be called Christians, and with good reason are accepted as brothers in the Lord by the children of the Catholic Church."272
819 "Furthermore, many elements of sanctification and of truth"273 are found outside the visible confines of the Catholic Church: "the written Word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope, and charity, with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements."274 Christ’s Spirit uses these Churches and ecclesial communities as means of salvation, whose power derives from the fullness of grace and truth that Christ has entrusted to the Catholic Church. All these blessings come from Christ and lead to him,275 and are in themselves calls to "Catholic unity.
No mention here that we are “protesters “.
Additionally, you have been corrected about this misapplication of the term by at least one other poster and myself. Your usage is historically inaccurate.
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Not so my brother. Now that you know that the Catholic church is the one true church that Christ established hear on earth there is no reason for you to continue your heresy. If you believe you are faithful and your love for God is true, then it is by your stubborness that you stay as you are. Just as important, you are not partaking in the abundance of Sanctifying Graces one can only receive in the Catholic church. Why on earth will not partake of the Lords banquet? The graces you receive with your congregation is but bread and water compared to the feast that awaits you. God love you. I’ll be praying for your conversion.
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Not so my brother. Now that you know that the Catholic church is the one true church that Christ established hear on earth there is no reason for you to continue your heresy.
First, you assume I know something that I do not know. What I do know is that, via my baptism, Ian every bit as much a member of His Church as you.
Second, since I am not in heresy, I do not plan to continue in it.
If you believe you are faithful and your love for God is true, then it is by your stubborness that you stay as you are. Just as important, you are not partaking in the abundance of Sanctifying Graces one can only receive in the Catholic church.
Again, you assume things that I do not accept. I stay where I am in good conscience. It would be hypocritical for me to be a member of a tradition when I do not believe one of its basic tenants to be true. In this case, universal jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome.
Next, I certainly do receive His grace through word and sacrament where I am.
The graces you receive with your congregation is but bread and water compared to the feast that awaits you. God love you. I’ll be praying for your conversion.
I do participate in His Supper every week.

All of this was a diversion from my post’s main point. Perhaps you’d like to respond to it.
Well if you do make it to Heaven it won’t be because of your Protestantism, it will be in spite of it. God speed and I will continue to pray for you conversion as I do for the whole world. God love you.
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Well if you do make it to Heaven it won’t be because of your Protestantism, it will be in spite of it.
And if you make it to heaven, it won’t be because of your Catholicism.
For both of us, it will be because of grace.
God speed and I will continue to pray for you conversion as I do for the whole world. God love you.
My conversion happened at my baptism, thank you, and each time I receive Absolution.
God love you, as well.
Why are you engaged in a Catholic forum? Is to seek truth? Or just to argue?
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To be fair, we’re in the non-Catholic board of the forum which is for comparing and contrasting beliefs.

I, as a non-Catholic, ended up here while doing some investigating while my oldest prepared for his 1st communion.

I’ve kinda hung around since. Is it not OK for NC’s to be engaged on the forum?
I don’t have problem with that. I just wanted to understand your intention. God love you.
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Why are you engaged in a Catholic forum? Is to seek truth? Or just to argue?
When I joined over a decade ago, I had a twofold reason: to learn about the Catholic tradition, and to correct misunderstandings about my own tradition. For example, the mistaken notion that the term “Protestant “ comes from a protest against the Catholic Church.
Yes that’s correct. Don’t you feel that since you yourself do not believe in the doctrines and the cannons of the Church, does not make by comparison a protestant? Don’t you believe in the Sanctifying Grace that flows from Christ through his Holy Church?
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Yes that’s correct. Don’t you feel that since you yourself do not believe in the doctrines and the cannons of the Church, does not make by comparison a protestant? Don’t you believe in the Sanctifying Grace that flows from Christ through his Holy Church?
No. The term Protestant comes from the formal protest at the Second Diet at Speyer in 1529. It was a protest against limitations on religious exercise.
Disagreement on doctrine does not imply a protest.
Sanctifying grace does flow from His Church, which includes but is not limited to those in communion with the Bishop of Rome.
Bullying is not my intention, only truth. Those who have ears to hear let them hear. I shall pray for you my atheist brother that you may receive the grace to repent and accept God’s Mercy. God love you. P.S. agnostics believe in a higher power atheist s believe in nothing as you do. God’s speed.
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May I ask if you are receiving the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion at mass? If so and you have not been formally welcomed into the Church then you are receiving this Sacrament unworthily. If on the other hand you are receiving the monthly tradition of what protestants call communion, then there is no Sacrament since you do not believe in the true presence of our Lord and Savior disguised in the form of bread and wine.
If there is NO life after death, how is that not the same as NOthing. Look it up my lost brother.
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Why do you think all non-Catholics practice communion (yes, it’s communion) monthly?

You’re really over generalizing your non-Catholic “brothers and sisters” and it makes your ignorance show…just say’n…
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And among those who might be labelled other than Catholic, one can also find weekly reception. Or, perhaps, 4 services per week. Locally.
You have no priest by virtue of apostolic succession to call down Christ during the sacrifice of the mass Senior Services so since you have no priest you have no sacrament don’t mean to overgeneralize and I don’t mean to offend these are not my interpretations but those of the Catholic Church and if any priest or anybody else in the Catholic Church tells you different they’re misleading you God love you
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May I ask if you are receiving the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion at mass? If so and you have not been formally welcomed into the Church then you are receiving this Sacrament unworthily.
lol. I would never receive the sacrament at a Catholic mass. It would be disrespectful to your tradition since we have been asked not to. It is basic manners.
It would also be against the wishes of my tradition.
If on the other hand you are receiving the monthly tradition of what protestants call communion, then there is no Sacrament since you do not believe in the true presence of our Lord and Savior disguised in the form of bread and wine.
I will be as charitable as I can in overlooking your condescending tone.
We call it communion, The Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament.
We know it to be the real and substantial body and blood of Christ, given and shed for the remission of sins.
The Lutheran tradition is to offer the sacrament at least weekly on the Lord’s Day, and on other feast days, as outlined in the Lutheran confessions.

Let me encourage you to, first, ask the beliefs of individuals instead of assuming or pretending to know.
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