Are you replying to my post? I do not believe I said any of those things. Perhaps more careful reading would allow you to understand instead of planning a reply.
I do not believe NFP is contraception. My point was that we went into our NFP class knowing that contraception was wrong and that was the word our instructors repeatedly used. Without knowing or understanding what the church teaches, this leaves you totally confused and creates the objections that others have made repeatedly…the NFP contraception mindset. When you understand why NFP is recommended for the spacing of children and how abstinence is working with natural law and not in violation to it, then NFP makes sense. Otherwise, it doesn’t.
As far as the “selfish” part. If I have written anything about that, I don’t remember. If I did, the only thing I can imagine is that it was in reply to when someone stated that not using NFP (and allowing them to come as they come) was less “holy” than using NFP. I would have simply been trying to point out that people can pervert the teaching of the church. I do not think using NFP is selfish. However, using NFP with a mindset that you do not want children is not in spirit with church teaching.
I have never advocated that the church teaches that we should “accept children as God wills” and not use NFP. We personally do not use NFP since we have not discerned a serious reason to space our children more than they already are. However, that is our personal decision, not one I have stated was a teaching of the church.