To those who subscribe to the Biblical explanation, please convince me Evolution is false and Genesis is literal.
I believe in Genesis because I believe that it was the inspired word of God. However, Genesis was written
in the language of ordinary man, not in the language of science. It’s purpose was to reveal religious truth, not scientific truth. The principal religious truths revealed by Genesis are the following:
- God created the world in an orderly fashion.
- He created the first man and woman (Adam and Eve), who were put to the test, but failed miserably.
- We, as descendants of Adam and Eve, also suffer the consequences of their Fall (Original Sin).
Do I believe in Evolution? In small-scale evolution, yes. But in large-scale evolution that led to the appearance of the first humans from simple life forms, no. Well, at least not in the way that evolution has been explained to me.
My personal theory is that God, the Author of Nature, allowed the development of various species of living organisms,
not exclusively by minute genetic mutation and natural selection taking place over millions of years – which is what the current theory of evolution is, – but by providentially
directing the sudden development of species by macro-mutations and preferential selection that led to the emergence of new species in relatively shorter periods of time.
I believe that the bodies of the first man and woman were also developed in a special way, and were endowed uniquely with souls capable of specifically performing human functions - understanding, thinking, loving, etc.
Of course, I understand why the theory of polygenism (or the theory that we descended from several pairs of human parents) is patronized by many geneticists, and that is because they use statistics to study changes in large populations, and they would rather not handle those that occur with just one or two individuals. Against this theory I believe that there was only one pair of human parents – Adam and Eve – from whom we all descended. I believe that they were God’s special creatures, made into “His image and likeness,” and that they were not formed in the same way that brute animals were formed.
This post is more a statement of my position, not a proof that evolution is true or false. And I am not challenging anyone for a debate on this either because I just don’t have the time to do that. I might be able to answer a few questions, but even that is not a promise.