From the Catholic League story you cite:@on_the_hill. You might like to check this out before you believe all in the PA report.
“The politics of sexual abuse is almost as disgusting as sexual abuse.”
No. No, it is not. The objection that the investigations have been prejudiced seems fair, but that statement is outrageous and way over the line. No, no, no…we cannot be going there.
I live in the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. The abuse crisis and the bankruptcy were awful, but it wasn’t the same as a child or teen or any other vulnerable person being victimized by a sexual predator who had abused a position of such high trust as the priesthood is. Not. Even. Close. The changes in how adults who have any contact with children or youth are taught to prevent this kind of predatory behavior have been very good. It is extremely sad that the rules came to be for the reasons they came to be, but the rules both protect young people and the priests and other members of the faithful who might otherwise be subjected to false allegations.
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