The more I think about it, the more I think God had no real say in my coming into existence. Humans are free to procreate and fill the earth, if my folks had wanted 12 kids, then God would have infused these other sperm-ovum cells with a soul. My folks were, as far as biology allowed them, to have as many kids as they wanted. As i said earlier, i’ve been eternally on God’s mind because my folks procreated and about 9 months later i came out alive of my mother’s womb (which I wish I did not). The way God chose to organize stuff, he does not create you, he does not create me, I am the result of a biological act, and God added an immortal soul to that bunch of cells (i.e. the more primitive stage of myself). In this system, God may have placed a limit on his power, he may not have had a say in my being conceived and born. Did I summarize correctly your world-view, oldcelt. If so, I’m inclined to think that’s how the world works.