How could all the causes of misery and unhappiness be prevented?Actually they do. I have eyes to see that many people are profoundly unhappy and miserable in their stuck lives. That there is a chronic despair never parting with them.
A false interpretation of Catholic teaching.That God is infinitely just , merciful ,loving, kind yet the minimal cost of eternal damnation is one (1) mortal sin. Which means that many people will go to hell*.
It’s hardly a gift to be annihilated…Jesus’ Gospel, good news to these people is: suck it up, you will win in the next life. Hardly a gift.
Cognitive dissonance is superbly displayed in disparaging the gift of life - without which you would be incapable of disparaging anything. If existence is so abominable the logical solution is to put an end to it as swiftly as possible - but then there would be no further opportunity to indulge in diatribes against it!But i understand you read somewhere that existence is God’s great gift to all of us, and seeing how such is not the case creates a cognitive dissonnance, then you turn around, block your ears, call someone “discourteous” and twist the meaning of the poor word “gift” to the point where it is unrecognizable, all that in an attempt to solve the cognitive dissonnance.
Hell has its compensations - and begins in this life. It is a fool’s paradise because anyone who rejects God is doomed to self-inflicted isolation. Total independence is a source of great pleasure and satisfaction but it leads to frustration and irritation because pride and ambition are never satisfied and contain the seeds of self-destruction. To worship ourselves is a recipe for disaster because our imperfection prevents us from being content unless we are liberated by love for others and for God:*You lack good faith, hence you will minimize hell by saying hogwash like “people choose to go there, even if they don’t believe in it(sic)”, “people choose to exclude themselves from the eternal banquet/feast”, “people want to be in hell”, “hell is a choice whether you believe in it or not” How can you choose something you’re not even aware of exists?!? Hell is the only real problem with existence, otherwise I come from the earth and i return to the earth, and at most I will have lived the life of a subhuman for 80 years. But hell is like God multiplying my life and the disarray, despair and stagnation i’ve known times 1 hundred billion trillion years. Very gracious.
“Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee” - St Augustine