Jesse Jackson use to be very pro-life. Then, I have heard, the financial element of the situation was told to him. I don’t know what it was but I know he changed.
But it’s absurd to think of an actual alignment with a candidate. I like, for example, Marco Rubio or at least, a lot of what he says but I don’t think I could see “Catholics need to align with Marco Rubio” or whatever candidate. If Dr. Ben Carson was running for president, I can see something like holding a sign “Catholics for Ben Carson” but in no way, would this really mean much of a deep allegiance to him.
Carson has a quiet personality, I’d never hold up such a sign for Trump? Why would it be necessary, in the end, it’s back to all of us just being Americans. I have seen a few pictures such as Fill in the blank for Trump but it was not “Catholics”.