I have read through almost 100 posts, and still have not read anything that sounds “angry”. I can only surmise that the “anger” belongs to you.Lots of people still angry at everything a Trump supporter says.
I have read people exrpessing concern and dismay about your attitude.
Yes, but the crime was committed by the parents, who brought the children here without proper procedures/documentation. When a parent commits a crime, is it moral to beat their child in punishment?It was allowing people who are here in this country illegally to stay. Entering this country without proper documentation is a crime.
In some cases it may, but some of them have already graduated High School, started college, and are working productive members of our economy.Well everyone talks about the evil of splitting up families, makes more sense to me send the children back with their parents.
Since illegal immigrants do not obey our laws by nature of having come here illegally, and since they do not contribute taxes towards the common good (at least not in all the same ways legal residents and citizens do) they have forfeited their protection. They just go back to their country of origin.
Or, a path for them to become legal can be arranged.