Do Catholics still support Trump

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Lots of people still angry at everything a Trump supporter says.
I have read through almost 100 posts, and still have not read anything that sounds “angry”. I can only surmise that the “anger” belongs to you.

I have read people exrpessing concern and dismay about your attitude.
It was allowing people who are here in this country illegally to stay. Entering this country without proper documentation is a crime.
Yes, but the crime was committed by the parents, who brought the children here without proper procedures/documentation. When a parent commits a crime, is it moral to beat their child in punishment?
Well everyone talks about the evil of splitting up families, makes more sense to me send the children back with their parents.
In some cases it may, but some of them have already graduated High School, started college, and are working productive members of our economy.

Since illegal immigrants do not obey our laws by nature of having come here illegally, and since they do not contribute taxes towards the common good (at least not in all the same ways legal residents and citizens do) they have forfeited their protection. They just go back to their country of origin.

Or, a path for them to become legal can be arranged.
My husband is from
Mayo. Ballyhaunis, which is across the bog lake from Knock. Regan’s and Deaseys. He came over in 1962. I’ve been over there at different times. It had been a lovely place. Refugees are abundant and immigrants. I climbed the REEK. I heard the Irish are getting less in population. It probably feels that way. I hear most ppl are saying the Irish form of our F word, even our priests and nuns. It sounds better w the lilt.
In Christ’s love

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind, be ever at your back
May the rain fall, soft upon your fields.
May Go d hold you, in the palm of His hand.
He’s perfect for both sides because he don’t care as long as he sign the bill.
Maybe all that doublespeak will get his wall? Honestly, I am worried about his mind/cognitive functioning. Does he know what he wants? Can he say what he means, or is he confused on the inside as well?

That being said, throwing confusion at the congressional leadership and forcing them into a situation where they have trouble taking sides is actually a good thing. It seems like there is more likely to be a bipartisan result.
Making it easy to tax, track and evaluate immigrants so that there is no incentive for them to come illegally is the best way to secure the border against the illegal entry for the purpose of terrorism or drugs trafficking.
We have technology that should be applied to the illegal immigration problem. It is as much people who are already here as any who have not yet arrived.
Or better see good where good exists and recognize evil where it exists… try to help others move to the good and away from the evil
I’m literally impressed with unnecessary confusion for the lawmakers at DACA meeting hosted by Trump.

He’s perfect for both sides because he don’t care as long as he sign the bill.

Hey Ann Coulter… good luck!
Or, you could say he has no clue about policy or negotiation or how bills are passed, and just punted and said, I’ll sign anything".
I’m literally impressed with unnecessary confusion for the lawmakers at DACA meeting hosted by Trump.

He’s perfect for both sides because he don’t care as long as he sign the bill.

Hey Ann Coulter… good luck!
Or, you could say he has no clue about policy or negotiation or how bills are passed, and just punted and said, I’ll sign anything".
But in a way, that may actually be the very best part of the Trump Presidency. For a very long time, Congress, either to approve or object, has looked to the White House for major legislative and policy changes. Trump’s near-complete lack of interest in the finer details of legislation and his willingness (perhaps driven by apathy, perhaps by a desire to be seen “winning”) to sign just about anything that crosses his desk means now Congress’s role is different.

I’m mindful of what one of the Fivethirtyeight contributors noted a few months ago, that in some ways the Trump presidency resembles the pre-Civil War notion of the president. Back in those days, what you might call Executive Branch 1.0, it was in fact Congress who formulated a great deal of policy. The President’s role was considerably smaller. Trump, whether intentionally or just through apathy, seems to be charting a similar course. He has his big picture notions, like the border wall, but basically, so long as he can honestly say “Hey, I’ve achieved what I’ve promised” I doubt he cares at all about much of what Congress does.

So if Congress can get its proverbial head out of its ----, I think there’s a golden opportunity for both Republicans and Democrats to actually accomplish a lot more than they ever would have under presidents like Clinton, GWB or Obama (in other words, your traditional Teddy Roosevelt-style president). Trump even signed the Russia sanction bill, not happily, but whatever his flaws, I just don’t see that Trump sees his role to question Congress when it has made up his mind.

I almost think part of the Republicans’ legislative gridlock comes from the fact that after a century and a half of basically letting the White House lead, they really don’t have the kind of chops to run a governing Congress.
Dear Sainterikrose,
Pres. Eisenhower stated to “watch out for the military machine!”Behind our govt. is a machine of many colors(?). I made that up… Seriously, the media protected BHO. In this society, we have no Saints. We have the billionaires, Soros, Koch brothers,the Rothchilds, Rockefellers etc. manipulating forces in the direction of their choice. I don’t know where the other billionaires stand? The Media is in cahoots. That’s why the News is against Trump.
Its so obvious. It’s hilarious! They report on his diet cokes, his ice cream, working in PJ’s upstairs. No mention on Stock Market, his successful MidEast trip, his successful S.E.Asia trip. China and Russia have agreed to help w NOKO. We never had a 100% vote at UN. That is biased journalism.
That isn’t journalism!
HRC is backed by Wall St. and pharmaceutical companies. That’s why she said, her speeches are different depending to which audience she is speaking. DNC is backed by that list above.
Republicans have their backers. Im not sure. Our sweet POTUS, alienated all of us w his behavior in the debates. Some us felt led by God to vote for him.
We wanted pro-life, pro-Israel, HERITAGE Inst. judges to Supreme Court. and all Court vacancies.
I felt this system needed shaking up.
Always end w prayer…
When Scalese was shot and Congress came together in prayer. Pelosi said she prayed for the Pres. and his Family’s safety every night. She prays his policies will work. I tweeted to her that his policies can’t work, if RESISTANCE isn’t stopped.
I laughed for 5 min after she stated her prayer.

Lord, of all, hear our prayer. Open our eyes as to what Your will is. Change our hearts to your heart. Let us beat as one. Send St.Michael to guard POTUS and his family. Unite our country in love.
In Jesus name. Amen.
But in a way, that may actually be the very best part of the Trump Presidency. For a very long time, Congress, either to approve or object, has looked to the White House for major legislative and policy changes. Trump’s near-complete lack of interest in the finer details of legislation and his willingness (perhaps driven by apathy, perhaps by a desire to be seen “winning”) to sign just about anything that crosses his desk means now Congress’s role is different.
Interesting take on the whole thing. Basically, Congress can do anything, and the checks and balances the Founding Fathers envisioned aren’t in place. I don’t think that is good.

And it’s interesting, also, are you winning if all you are doing is acknowledging you’ll sign anything, even bad legislation? Winning is really how history views you.
I almost think part of the Republicans’ legislative gridlock comes from the fact that after a century and a half of basically letting the White House lead, they really don’t have the kind of chops to run a governing Congress.
I think the gridlock comes from the intransigence of some individual legislators. There is not a united Republican party. Maybe that could be viewed as not being able to govern. How do you compromise with people who don’t want to compromise?
He graduated Wharton college for business. I’m sure economics were on the curriculum. His philosophies are the usual in a Capitalistic system. Bring businesses in. They come w lower overhead. Decrease taxes comparable to other countries. Ireland is 18%. As businesses return, ppl get jobs. Employed pay taxes that reduces national debt. Workers increase the GNP which brings in revenue.
The funny thing is: google National debt. It dips briefly decades ago. Other than that it continually grows. It doesn’t matter if DEMS are in, or REPS are in. They started recording in 1929. Just up and up. I don’t know where the Clintons had surplus but it wasn’t the debt. Factories started to clean at two weeks after Clinton left office??
Lord, Father, how can we ever know the truth? Even the CBO figures aren’t to be believed. Insanity considering our Natl Debt. Help us live sensibly, in an insane world. Let us unite in truth and love.
In Jesus name. Amen.
In Christ’s love
Trump behaves in a childish, provocative manner, like a child fighting in a sandbox. Namecalling, bullying, and taunting are not the marks of a statesman.
So his manners are more important than what he actually does? That does not seem a reasonable proposition to me.

Jimmy Carter and the Bushes were probably the best-mannered presidents in memory. But were they effective? Truman and LBJ were critiqued for their lack of “proper” manners. LBJ’s were incomparably worse than Trump’s. But nobody today really questions their accomplishments.
Gay marriage has been brought to you by SCOTUS that is majority Catholic and Republican appointed.
Calling you on this one for suggesting that a “Catholic and Repub” majority “brought” gay marriage. As you know, there was ONE Catholic Repub appointee who voted for gay marriage on the court; Kennedy. The other four Catholic Repubs voted against it. All Dems voted for gay marriage, including the one Catholic Dem appointee; Sotomayor.
So his manners are more important than what he actually does? That does not seem a reasonable proposition to me.
He is playing to the nationalists here in the US. Yes, it matters very much how the rest of the world views him.
Jimmy Carter and the Bushes were probably the best-mannered presidents in memory. But were they effective? Truman and LBJ were critiqued for their lack of “proper” manners. LBJ’s were incomparably worse than Trump’s. But nobody today really questions their accomplishments.
All of the Presidents you mentioned acted like Presidents. Does that matter? Yes. As I said, he is playing on a world stage. An inexperienced, unhinged President of the US is a threat to the rest of the world.
Truman had one outburst, and he immediately apologized. LBJ was by reputation a “colorful” man, and we now know he had some serious issues, but I do not recall him having outbursts like Trump’s. He was a head-knocker, to be sure, but then again, he was also pursuing his agenda, in some cases, with opposition even among Democrats.
So his manners are more important than what he actually does? That does not seem a reasonable proposition to me.
Certainly not, but we can approve actions that are consistent with Catholic faith without approving of his manners. The OP would like us to believe that this makes us “anti-Trump” and that we are not good practicing Catholics.
He is playing to the nationalists here in the US. Yes, it matters very much how the rest of the world views him.
He represents our country, so people in other nations will derive that the majority of the US citizens are like him.
So his manners are more important than what he actually does? That does not seem a reasonable proposition to me.
Certainly not, but we can approve actions that are consistent with Catholic faith without approving of his manners. The OP would like us to believe that this makes us “anti-Trump” and that we are not good practicing Catholics.
He is playing to the nationalists here in the US. Yes, it matters very much how the rest of the world views him.
He represents our country, so people in other nations will derive that the majority of the US citizens are like him.
Calling you on this one for suggesting that a “Catholic and Repub” majority “brought” gay marriage. As you know, there was ONE Catholic Repub appointee who voted for gay marriage on the court; Kennedy. The other four Catholic Repubs voted against it. All Dems voted for gay marriage, including the one Catholic Dem appointee; Sotomayor.
Fair point. The court that gave us the ruling on gay marriage is majority Catholic and it is majority Republican-appointed. But the affirmative voting justices were not.
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Do any of you Trumpsters think that this is the truth; it’s talking about the immigration meeting yesterday where the president said he’d sign whatever they passed:

The President also claimed news anchors sent the White House congratulatory letters about the meeting but then were told to cool their praise by their bosses.
“I’m sure their ratings were fantastic,” Trump said.
He is playing to the nationalists here in the US. Yes, it matters very much how the rest of the world views him.
What’s wrong with being nationalistic?

And who, exactly, among the world’s leaders seriously disagree with him and on what, exactly?

Do you really think LBJ “acted” like, say, FDR? Remember how LBJ used to make diplomats and other governmental people talk to him while he sat on the toilet doing his business? He did that to unnerve them, and it worked. And that wasn’t the worst of his conduct. When Truman threatened to punch a reporter, was that “acting” like a president?

All presidents are inexperienced in their first terms. And there’s no real evidence Trump is unhinged or a threat to the world, either one.

Remember when Kennedy ordered the navy to sink Russian ships if they continued to Cuba during the “missile crisis”? Remember when Carter told the Russians (then invading Afghanistan) that if they went into Iran “this means war”? Some miscalculation of geography by some Russian officer, and the missiles could have flown.

And you’re worried about reference to a “button that actually works”?
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And that wasn’t the worst of his conduct. When Truman threatened to punch a reporter, was that “acting” like a president?
No it wasn’t, but Truman recognized that and apologized. It’s one thing to have an outburst (and the background to the infamous “beefsteak” letter was a president under considerable stress), it’s another to refuse to admit it was over the top, and indeed to simply compliment it with other equally or even more ridiculous comments.

As to LBJ, a great deal of his conduct was not really disclosed until years later. I’m sure White House staff would love to have Trump’s outbursts the talk of the town… in 20 years.
As to LBJ, a great deal of his conduct was not really disclosed until years later. I’m sure White House staff would love to have Trump’s outbursts the talk of the town… in 20 years.
People knew about LBJ at the time. It just wasn’t publicized to speak of. But the Kennedy people absolutely despised him, and there were quite a few of them in the administration LBJ inherited. Sometimes they would “leak” unfavorable things to the media who idolized Kennedy. But it wasn’t continuous.
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