Do Catholics still support Trump

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No, they won’t. But, at the same time, how do they know if that unsophisticated, boorish President will act in a predictable fashion? Getting into a “Mine is bigger than yours” fight with a nuclear power is troubling to everyone, I would imagine.
But ours is bigger than theirs.

When bribery and polite diplomacy have failed (and they have with NK),
the threat of force is the ace in the hole.
There’s a good argument for that. But we would need to avoid falling into the trap of if Trump didn’t say that on twitter, North Korea would give up its nuclear program.
But we would need to avoid falling into the trap of if Trump didn’t say that on twitter, North Korea would give up its nuclear program.
And conversely that the boorish behavior is the cause of whatever outcome obtains.
It is probably not in the nation’s best interests that the president act in predictable ways in all foreign affairs. After all, it was almost certain that the Khomeni’s assessment of Reagan as “unpredictable” led to the release of the hostages in Iran on the very day of his inauguration, and almost certain his assessment of Carter as “predictable” was what kept them captive for months and months.
Well, the unpredictable nature of Reagan was that he might actually invade or use force. I think that’s different than, “What off the wall thing is he going to do today.” But, your point is taken.
And I doubt “mine is bigger” was anywhere near as troubling to western leaders as “…this means war” was when Carter’s Secretary of State announced that to the world if Russia set foot outside Afghanistant into Iran. That really WAS troubling, since it meant WWIII with a nuclear superpower with thousands of warheads aimed at targets all over the west. “Huh? Nuclear Armageddon over Iran?”
Really? Was that Cyrus Vance or Ed Muskie? Doesn’t sound like either of them.
You don’t condone that do you?
i would have to see the specifics of the case.
Because the cuts expire
you really think that will happen in ten years? cruz is trying to make them permanent right now.
that can be addressed with education.
not in a public school. the left would crucify the teacher
That makes no sense.
of course it does. you claim truth but don’t define it. in today’s society truth is subjective, you only have to believe it is true for it to be considered true. is it true a man born a man is a man all his life? if a man believes he is a woman, is he a woman? according to the left, he is a woman.
No one has been forced to bake a cake.
no they were fine $130k for not baking it
Gay marriage has been brought to you by SCOTUS that is majority Catholic and Republican appoin
it was a law in 37 states. want to guess who controlled those states?
I favor bathrooms that accommodate one person at a time.
the left doesn’t
Accommodations to businesses have been proposed and are under continuing development.
except it is still the law
???anti-conscience protection???
the left is against conscience protection legislation.
the left in oral argument before the court claimed the eeoc can order a church to restore a fired minister to a teaching position.
There is support in both parties and by a majority of Americans for legal abortion.
seems there is support for it in the catholic laity too. it doesn’t make it right.
There is no moral justification for the death penalty in America.

i disagree, if it is allowed it is negotiable. rare doesn’t mean never.
Early exit polls were supplanted by a more exhaustive study.
even the person analyzing the anes data isn’t sure. i’ll go with pew
“I don’t think we will ever really definitively know,” Mr. Gray said, suggesting that in the end the Catholic vote may have been a “toss up” between the two candidates.
I’m too busy laughing at kasich being a solid republican to read the rest.

The only good option in that primary was Cruz. But trump has played the game better than any republican president since Reagan.
Your opinion of what makes a “solid republican” would be comic if it weren’t so tragic for the nation.
in today’s society truth is subjective
No that is a false concept of truth.
no they were fine $130k for not baking it
IOW no one was forced to bake a cake. Everyone has choices to make, but no one has no choice other than to bake a cake.
the left doesn’t
ahhh the left™
except it is still the law
This will be worked out.
the left is against conscience protection legislation.
Not sure that that is. Definitely not sure who "the left ™ " is.
the left in oral argument before the court claimed the eeoc can order a church to restore a fired minister to a teaching position.
The left™ again. Do you know any persons or do you only know “groups”?

This was a good case, with good, careful and limited arguments of merit on both sides.
I disagree, if it is allowed it is negotiable. rare doesn’t mean never.
Just whom are you planning to negotiate with?

There are some circumstances, clearly delineated in the catechism, in which capital punishment is morally acceptable. They do not apply in the US. Therefore capital punishment in the US is evil. And avoiding complicity in evil is non-negotiable. If someone has taught you otherwise they have really let you down.
even the person analyzing the anes data isn’t sure. i’ll go with pew
Why - personal preference?

The later studies were more exhaustive than the exit poling. That is important.

It is fair to say that within the MoE - in all of the polls - the hypothesis that one or the the other had the edge cannot be rejected at stringent confidence limits. But this statistical fact does not admit arbitrary choice. Good grief.
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He is not unhinged. He enjoys life and plays w ppl, who are after him.
We’re not going to agree. He’s not perfect but I really feel, behind the scenes of our govt, are insidious happenings. I wanted the establishment shook up. It is. It’s sad, that his promises are hard to fulfill b/c those he’s aggravated, are fighting him. They are coming around.
God bring us to Your understanding. Let the Father be glorified w Your church getting recognized. Help him save our babies.
In Christ’s love
His signing anything the Dems and REPS put before him will have what he wants on it. DACA is wanted and needed. It comes w the Wall, no lottery, no chain immigration.
We’ll see
God give our Pres. Your wisdom. Unite our family behind him. Let us, as Catholics and Christians rise to give him respect for the office. Let us see the good works done. Let us have hope for the future.
In Jesus name. Amen.
You can’t wun the Anti Trumps. You tell then godlythings and show them verses to love and thrill all be pissed and frustrated.
Thank you for doing your good deed, keep up the goodwork
Thank you. Do you see 2979 texts. A volitile situation.
A Catholic friend of mine said, there is Jesus inside everybody. Love the part that is Jesus. I’ll take issue w child molesters and Charles Mansion. But, are we not to love our enemy.
In Christ’s love
There used to be a saying that if one lies with dogs you wake up with fleas. If one is going to dance down the sideline of racist, neo-Nazis and nationalist, one would be well advised to know who these people are lest you contribute to their influence.
No that is a false concept of truth.
what is your definition of truth? is it the same as your party?

would a liberal college student agree with you? can a man be a woman?
IOW no one was forced to bake a cake. Everyone has choices to make, but no one has no choice other than to bake a cake.
what, you call that a choice? you are ok with the fine for not baking a cake?
ahhh the left™
would you have preferred me to say the democrat party
This will be worked out.
not because of democrats
Definitely not sure who "the left ™ " is.
liberals, democrats, progressives, etc.
The left™ again. Do you know any persons or do you only know “groups”?

This was a good case, with good, careful and limited arguments of merit on both sides.
i’m being kind in generalizing. obama’s eeoc was against this case
There are some circumstances, clearly delineated in the catechism, in which capital punishment is morally acceptable. They do not apply in the US.
i disagree. rare doesn’t mean never.
Why - personal preference?
your article is titled "new data “suggest”…
the guy looking at the data isn’t sure it can be definitively stated one way or the other.
you can hang your hat on that, but it isn’t proven. it is suggested
You can’t wun the Anti Trumps. You tell then godlythings and show them verses to love and thrill all be pissed and frustrated.

Thank you for doing your good deed, keep up the goodwork
Repent and be Trumpified? Don’t you think it disingenuous to relate supporting Donald Trump with godliness; and not supporting him (or should I say Him) with ungodliness? The statement you made sure feeds the image of a type of Trump idolatry. I understand the difference, but what you said is simply too close to idolatry.
You are ascribing sanity to a dictator who has shown himself be as unstable as … well … our President.
That comment makes me question your sanity. 🤨

But, of course, you are going all hyperbolical on us. 😝

Or something. 🤢
I have read through almost 100 posts, and still have not read anything that sounds “angry”. I can only surmise that the “anger” belongs to you.
Oh, come now. One hundred posts out of some 3000 is hardly a representative sample.

At least, not one that would allow you to “surmise” anything with any assurance.

This one (#35) has angry eyes 😠 written all over it:
no they were fine $130k for not baking it
IOW no one was forced to bake a cake. Everyone has choices to make, but no one has no choice other than to bake a cake.

Anyone is only “forced” (ahhh la the left™) when their child or one of their precious limbs is in jeopardy.

Up to that point it is fully their “choice” (ahhh la the left™) to not bake the cake.

We really ought to check the Catechism on this question of the right of the state to levy outrageous fines for not baking cakes. I am sure there is something in there somewhere about that.

Oh wait…

2453 The seventh commandment forbids theft. Theft is the usurpation of another’s goods against the reasonable will of the owner.

2454 Every manner of taking and using another’s property unjustly is contrary to the seventh commandment. The injustice committed requires reparation. Commutative justice requires the restitution of stolen goods.

2455 The moral law forbids acts which, for commercial or totalitarian purposes, lead to the enslavement of human beings, or to their being bought, sold or exchanged like merchandise.

2499 Moral judgment must condemn the plague of totalitarian states which systematically falsify the truth, exercise political control of opinion through the media, manipulate defendants and witnesses at public trials, and imagine that they secure their tyranny by strangling and repressing everything they consider "thought crimes."

The last one is especially germane.
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HRC …said, her speeches are different depending to which audience she is speaking.
Shouldn’t this be true no matter who is speaking? one of the greatest criticisms of Trump is that he just tweets out whatever rolls thru his head, without any apparent regard for who is listening (audience) and how they might perceive it. Even if he thought about how his tweets came across, I am not sure he would change his behavior.
I felt this system needed shaking up.
He seems to excel at that!
I laughed for 5 min after she stated her prayer.
But there’s no way to put a lid on Trump. He defies the ability of his staff to do their jobs and keep his worst excesses out of the press.
I suspect that the Republican members of congress also feel a sense of unpredictability. If any of them have an conscience and sense of diplomacy, they are also embarrassed by his behavior.
not in a public school. the left would crucify the teacher
Indeed. No, we need to start with the baptized Catholics, which make up the largest number of Christians using birth control. We need to give the straight hard facts to our confirmation classes. We need to go over this in the adult education programs. But, that is a topic for another thread.
Pnewton , i just want you to pray for me my brother. Please i need prayer. I win say anything insulting to you my brother just be a saint what else is there as Patrick Coffin says. Lets continue to serve theLord’s and not man He could get is through this all together.
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