That’s exactly what I’m saying. The proverbial lid was kept on his more outrageous behavior (and we now know the guy was at least seriously depressive, which is kind of scary). But there’s no way to put a lid on Trump. He defies the ability of his staff to do their jobs and keep his worst excesses out of the press.niceatheist:![]()
People knew about LBJ at the time. It just wasn’t publicized to speak of.As to LBJ, a great deal of his conduct was not really disclosed until years later. I’m sure White House staff would love to have Trump’s outbursts the talk of the town… in 20 years.
I’m sure there were times when other presidents, even in the modern era, have shouted and sworn, behaved belligerently or worse, but the point was that they were not doing it proudly in the public eye.