My. My. It is so early in the morning to be so angry. Maybe a little coffee would help.
Give up? Cool.My. My. It is so early in the morning to be so angry. Maybe a little coffee would help.
Maybe you need to quit patronizing me.Maybe you need your afternoon or night coffee then.
Weinstein only admits to promiscuity due to sexual addiction. He hasn’t admitted to the numerous rape and sexual abuse claims.The only difference between Moore and Weinstein is that Weinstein admitted what he had done
It ain’t Kim Jong Un honey - it’s you. You’ve run out of excuses, so you stoop to condescension.Patronizing you? I guess I would be stressed out living in South Korea too with the unstable leader to the north of you.
Only ever to promote the Christian message. Church teaching is that you should obey the laws of the land until it forces you to sin against the faith.The Apostles broke the law and defied the authorities plenty of times
Who cares? Does this effect his policies?I start with the ridiculous tweets, and the ridiculous rallies he still needs to have. Not normal.
His job is not to be normal. If you think the media is on the whole supportive of Trump, you are fooling yourself.If you only watch one pseudo news show “the Sean Hannity Trump appreciation hour” then of course it seems like he’s normal. If you venture out and read other conservatives that aren’t on the Trump Train you see a clearer picture.
You only say I’m angry because I don’t like Trump. I wonder what Jesus thinks of your excusing sexual predators.No need to be so rude. I haven’t run out of excuses. I simply don’t see the point in arguing with someone who is so angry.
Criticizing the president =/= disobeying the laws of the land.Church teaching is that you should obey the laws of the land until it forces you to sin against the faith.
I listed a whole bunch of cuts he is making in a previous post. I don’t care to repeat myself.In what way is Mr Trump “screwing up”? By letting you keep more of your earnings?