This can be good and helpful. I like what @(name removed by moderator) and @Rob2 wrote above.Interfaith dialogue
This is definitely what set people off. Tolerance and respect for others have come to mean different things nowadays. People are told we have to be tolerant, which means so much compromise that everything is relative and there is no Truth at all. Respecting others can almost be code for saying that everyone’s faith is good and there are many ways to heaven.tolerance for other denominations, other faiths and philosophies. Respect for those who follow different theologies.
I don’t think this is what you meant, but I can understand why people took it that way. Tolerance and compromise have become hot-button words. Respecting people and respecting their beliefs, in the sense that their false beliefs have merit, are two different things.
I think that the more apologetics and theology you learn, the better you understand why we believe what we do, and that can only help when talking with someone of another faith. Instead of reacting in anger when someone insults a Catholic doctrine, you can calmly point out the errors in their thinking and give the reasons for it. It also helps cement yourself more firmly to the Truth and to not be swayed by ear-tickling ideas.I sometimes think the more you get into apologetics and debate on theology the more rigid you become. By defending your faith, you cement boundaries and have no desire to compromise with fellow Christians and other religions.
Also, our boundaries should be firm. Catholicism is vastly different than any brand of Protestant. Even Episcopalians and Anglicans fall short. Our belief that we have the Real Presence makes us quite distinct, as well as beliefs about the Pope, Apostolic Successions, Authority, etc. Catholicism is unique and must be protected and cherished.
I have no hatred of Protestants since I was one, so I believe we must dialogue with our fellow Christians, but there is no compromising the point that we have the Fullness of the Truth. Be careful with your bolded part above…dialoguing with other faiths does not mean compromising our beliefs at all, but it must be done with charity. Like it was said upthread, I think journey is the better word here.