Would I be right in concluding that CAF mainly consists of Conservative Catholics?
@goodcatholic , my opinion is that labels are not for the good , though I am a “conservative” Catholic , but let me put that in some context .
I was fortunate to have lived through the Second Vatican Council . We would follow it with curiosity , excitement and hope .
The more vocal bishops at the Council became familiar names , and we soon came to realise that there was a real debate going on between the bishops at the Council . Some bishops did not want any change within the Church . Other bishops wanted to see reform in the way Pope John XXIII , Good Pope John , saw it . He spoke of aggiornamento . He said , " The Council’s principal task will be concerned with the condition and modernization (in Italian: aggiornamento) of the Church after 20 centuries of life. "
The bishops came to be looked upon as “Conservatives” and “Progressives” . And there was no wrong seen in speaking of them in this way . The conservative bishops were basically saying there is no need for change , things were just fine as they were . On the other hand , the progressive bishops said that things were not satisfactory , and that there was a need for reform . In his opening speech at the Council Good Pope John made an important point when he said , " The substance of the ancient doctrine of the deposit of faith is one thing, and the way in which it is presented is another. And it is the latter that must be taken into great consideration with patience if necessary, everything being measured in the forms and proportions of a Magisterium which is predominantly pastoral in character. "
So the debates went on for four years , and the Council Fathers presented us with their documents which became part of the Church’s Tradition .
So how would I label myself ? Not “liberal” because of the way the word is abused .
Not “traditional” unless it is referring to all Catholics whose essence as Catholics is to be traditional .
I would call myself a conservative Catholic , wanting to conserve all that is good and true in the Church .
I would call myself a progressive Catholic , wanting to bring in reform where wrong thinking and practices need to be cast aside because they are hindering the good and true in the Church .
So I am a conservative , progressive Catholic or a progressive , conservative Catholic . Take your pick . It doesn’t matter either way .
Conserve “the deposit of faith” .
Reform when and where “the deposit of faith” needs to be presented in a way meaningful to the people of our time .