I wonder if they really care about what we say if it is of different belief than theirs
Of course I care! People like you are the reason CAF is here. This is why many of us try so hard to present the Teaching of Jesus and correct misunderstandings. This is why we support CAF with prayer and donations. You, Tweety, and Ron are the people we are trying to reach!
tweety, thank you for your expression of confidence :)
You are grateful to see that someone has departed from Apostolic Teaching?
I am sure you will agree if we “protestants” freely live in sin which we never confess to God, God will not save us if we die with that sin on our soul.
This statement is consistent with Apostolic Teaching.
tweety, I am sure some will disagree with what I am about to say.....
you might be anti-catholic to some because you do not believe 100% of what they believe the catholic church teaches.
No, she is anti-Catholic by virtue of claiming she is Catholic, and promoting Protestant Theology. A Protestant who claims to be such is not necessarily anti-catholic. There are many such persons here on CAF.
Tweety openly and deliberately defies the teachings of the Church, while publicly claiming to espouse them.
At least you have the integrity to admit that you have willfully departed from them.
however, I believe you are most definitely not anti christian
which brings to question…What is more important to God’s eyes…
being christian
being catholic
This is a very good question. I think what is most important in God’s eyes is that a person respond to the grace they are given. Not everyone has been given the opportunity to experience the fullness of the faith.
Do some catholics even acknowledge we “protestants” are christian?
I have not encountered many Protestants that are not Christian. I would venture to say that one HAS to be Christian in order to be a Protestant. There are some sects that have evolved from Protestantism such as Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, and Jehovah’s Witnesses that are very fervent about their faith, but their beliefs do not qualify them as Christians. Many of them live a better “Christian” life than most Catholics.
I agree in the early years their was no book to live by.
Christ never intended that we “live by” a book. This is why He created a Church.
Christianity is not a “religion of the book”.
my christian brothers and sisters…, as children did we read a book to instruct us how to love our parents?
I too like Tweety’s analogy of the car in the garage. I like this one too!
now as parents do we go to any book, as one would go to a auto manual, when problems develop with our children?
Is there anything our children can do to cause us to stop loving them?
There are some, because parents are not perfect like God. The fallacy here is equating love with salvation. God will love us perfectly even as He allows us to walk through the gates of hell.
The nature of sin has not changed. Sin still separates us from God. Nothing can separate us from His love, but sin will separate us from His presence.
When they step out of line we teach them how to be sorry, forgiveness and encourage them the right way.
We would not want anyone to instruct our children on how to listen to us…correct?
And if they make the same mistake, because we love them, dicipline may be necessary.
We will never stop loving them.
That is the relationship between parent and child
I believe the same is true with God…our Father in heaven
Through the threads you will read a lot of posts where catholics will not say…
“this is what God taught me or what God believes”
I agree that this is how God is with us. However, I think the reason that Catholics do not often say “this is what God taught me or what God believes” is that it can be very presumptuous to do so. CAF is not primarily a venue for discussing private revelation. CAF is here to give Catholic Answers to questions about the church. To presume to say that any one person knows “what God believes” requires a great deal of hubris. We can say what God has revealed to the Church. Sometimes what an individual believes God taught them is not consistent with what the Apostles believed and taught. Tweety is an excellent example of this.
you will read posts which read...
“it is not what the church believes or teaches”
guanofore a few posts back stated that the church teaches only catholics go to heaven. And then continued, “she recognizes…”
So I am confused,
Is it not better to learn from God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit than to get your guidance from the church (man)?.
It would be better, if there were actually such a distinction. However, there is not. Jesus is perfectly identified with His Church. He is her Head, and she is ensouled by the HS. this is why she cannot err. The Divine elements of the Church are incapable of error.
You misunderstand the nature of Church when you believe that following the teaching of the Church is “from man”. Jesus founded the church. She is from God.
do not get me wrong, there is value from christian counseling and fellowship with christian brothers and sisters in your church.
This is a different aspect of “church” than the Divine Revelation that has been given to her.
People are capable of error. God is not.
But and this is a big BUT, would you want the church (man) to direct your paths whenever you are faced with an important decision or challenge in your life or God and how He can speak to you through His word..the bible?
Your mistake is equating “church” with “man”. This represents a deficient view of the church.
But no, I want always to be directed by God, through His word, both in the Church,a nd int he Bible.
From some of the posts I read, I believe some catholics do not believe God can speak to them directly one on one or through the bible. Please correct me if you disagree.
There are far too many Catholics that believe this.
Such a belief is not consistent with Apostolic Teaching.
How much do you value Christian love?
The Apostles taught that the only thing that matters is faith, working through love. However, it is not loving to confirm others in error.