do you have to be Catholic to get into Heaven??

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The Christian Church is the Body of Christ. The Christian Church consists of all other church denominations. A body has many parts. It is like this with the Body of Christ. There are arms, legs, feet, toes, fingers, forearms, a stomach, etc. There are Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Calvinists, Arminians, and other Christians. Christians go to heaven. Not just Catholics. Catholics aren’t the only Christians.
It appears you have been misinformed Tristan. Your statement here is consistent with what the Catholic Church believes and teaches.
I’m sorry, but the whole, “no salvation outside of MY church”, thing is just proud, boastful, and a lie to make people convert.
No, Tristan, you are having a hostile response to a strawman. We believe the same thing, that there is only One Church, One Body. All who are saved are members of Him. Anyway, we don’t say “my” Church, because for Catholics, it is Christ’s Church. It is “ours” to the extent that we are in unity with Him, and the rest of His Body.

It is a puzzle why you are so hostile about this. Clearly you have been misinformed, maybe that is why?
I will enter the Kingdom of Heaven because I have saving grace. If I am not a Christian, why am I convicted when I sin? Why do I read the Bible? Why do I pray?

I’m saved. I am Christian. Get over it.
Did someone say you were not Christian? Although, not everyon who is convicted of sin becomes a Christian, and there are many people who read the Bible and pray who are not saved.

As far as “get over it”, no, there is no need. According to the Catholic Church, you are one of our separated brethren, and part of the One True Church, outside of which there is no salvation. 😃
Does the Catechism really teach people from non-Christians religions will be in Heaven apart from faith in Jesus Christ? How does the Roman Catholic Church reconcile this view and be obedient to the command of Jesus Christ to make disciples from every tongue, tribe, and nations? Does the Roman Catholic Church no longer support missions work, since faith in Jesus Christ is no longer a requirment to enter Heaven?
Yes. This is a good reason why what Tristen said is not true. The Catechism is for everyone, and it is questions like these that can be answered there. I recommend it! You can read it free online.

Second, the Catholic Church is not “Roman”.

God’s commandment to share the gospel applies to those who have received it.

God can save whoever He wants, however He likes.

Some people are saved by faith in Christ, yet don’t know Him. For example, Jesus told Nathaniel He saw him under the fig tree, when Nathaniel knew that he was alone with God.
In your view, are you saying that the Roman Catholic Church saves the sinner, or do you believe it is because of the person and work of Jesus Christ which a sinner is saved and become part of the catholic church?
The Catholic Church is not “Roman”. Nor is she separated from her Head, who is Christ. All who are members of Him are members of His One Body, the Church. People are saved by grace through faith, and are part of the Church. The two cannot be separated.
The way I look at salvation is this way. I MUST believe in certain things. Many churches teach these MUST believe things. After that, there are thigs being taught which are secondary in my opinion
Yet there are no Scriptures which tell us what are primary and what are secondary beliefs. In order to determine what is “primary” a Christian must add to Scripture–for there is no Biblical listing of what is an essential belief!
If all humans are loved by God, what good is Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him?
“bible christians” often confuse God’s love for mankind with salvation. I have had many OSAS folks tell me that “no one can separate us from the love of God”. This is true, of course, but while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He loves us, even when we are in sin. He will love us as we choose to walk right through the gates of hell. He so loved the world He sent His son to die for us.

Jesus died for all the sins of the world, including the sins of those that did not yet know Him. I guess I don’t understand the question. Do you think there is no “good” in that?
 Do you believe the wrath of God for sin is upon those who do not know God through the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you believe you were a child of the darkness before you knew God through Jesus Christ?
Yes. The Apostles taught that we are separated from God because we are born into original sin, a state of separation from Him.
Do you believe people from non-Christian religions know God apart from Jesus Christ as their Heavenly Father?
Yes, there are many people from all different faith experiences that know God, but do not recognize Him for who He is. The Apostle Paul found these in Athens, where He proclaimed to them the “unknown God”.
 Here is a tough Bible passage for those who do not know God through Christ:
The Judgment at Christ’s Coming

This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering— since indeed God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints, and to be marveled at among all who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed. To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. - 2 Thes 1
To everyone is given the grace to know God. If they have never been reached by the gospel, then they are judged in the light of their own conscience. Because, as the Apostle writes, in Him we live, and move, and have our being.
I’m not sure this is good advice… If you don’t try to get into Heaven, you will probably end up trying to do something that will land you in Hell…

Jesus said that it is difficult to get into Heaven.

it’s also difficult being a devout, practicing Catholic…

hmmmm… coincidence??? :hmmm::coffeeread::hmmm:
I see your point, but I think she is right on. If we focus on glorifying God in the here and now, then we are not going to do anything that will prevent us from getting there. 👍
I believe Jesus is God. I’m fully catechized but have renounced a few definitive Catholic traits. What will I miss?
If you are fully catechized, then how can you renounce? Both of those can’t be true! you seem to be a very committed believer.
According to the RCC, only Roman Catholics get into heaven.
No, Jon, this is wrong. If you are going to presume to represent the beliefs of the Catholic Church, at least do the courtesy of representing them accurately. Or, are you misrepresenting the truth willfully just to cause strife?

The Catholic Church is NOT Roman, and only Latin Rite Catholics who do not know about the other 22 Catholic Rites in communion wth the Successor of Peter but are not “Roman” would purport that they could not go to heaven.

In any case, this is not the teaching of the Catholic Church.
"....Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff."
Pope Boniface VIII Unim Sanctum November 18, 1302

For a different opinion, see Acts 16:30-31 or John 6:28-29

take care,
These are not “different” opinions but the part of the same Truth. Jesus appointed Peter to feed and care for the sheep. Peter passed this responsibility on to his successor, and they to theirs. The successor of Peter resides in Rome, and in 1302 was referred to with the title “Pontiff”.

All who are in Christ are cared for and fed by those Jesus has appointed for that purpose. If the sheep do not submit to the care and feeding that God provides through HIs appointed shepherds, they will be lost.

Think: Thief on the Cross and the non-Jews and other “non-believers” to whom Jesus said:

"Your faith has saved you."
The thief on the cross made a profession of faith in Christ. He was saved by grace, through faith. He became a member of Christ, and therefore, a member of His body. The two are not separated from each other. This is why the Church honors him today as “St. Dismas”. 👍

how much more Catholic can you be than to be in the Presence of Jesus Christ…

in the FLESH???

(now we have his Presence in the Church… [St Mt 28:20… etc])
Well, I would say that anyone who hangs on the cross next to Jesus and prays a repentant prayer gets the dibs. 😃
The thief on the cross made a profession of faith in Christ. He was saved by grace, through faith. He became a member of Christ, and therefore, a member of His body. The two are not separated from each other. This is why the Church honors him today as “St. Dismas”. 👍
We are all saved by grace thru faith:yup:
I will answer your question honestly. When I look back on my years as a member of the RCC, I honestly feel I was a Protestant in Catholic clothing. I NEVER remember believing some of the fundamental teachings of the church. I am NOT for one minute meaning that I did not believe in God in the Trinity, what Jesus did for us on Calvary etc. etc.etc.
I am glad I found this post. It answers my previous question. the truth is that the majority of American Catholics are Protestants in Catholic clothing (nominal Catholics) who reject either in principle or practice the teachings of the Church. You sound like one of those that the Pope recently decribed as "sacramentalized but not evangelized’.
 My years as a monk again have shapped the person I am today. People in our church have commented on that fact many times in a very positive way.
Good soil!
Who said I left the catholic church because of bad behaviour on anyone’s part. How do you jump to such conclusions. Please give me more credit than that.
That is one of the most common reasons. Another is moral objections, most of them originating below the waist. 😉
I was living a lie when I sat in the pew of a catholic church and did not believe MANY of it’s fundamental teachings. I believe I would have been judged more severely for that than being a member of a CHRISTAN church called by another name. After all is said and done, belief in the risen Lord and having lived by HIS rules and having asked forgiveness for one’s sins with a sincere resolve not to sin again and accept HIS grace through the sacrements is what will get one into heaven.NLM
You certainly are a puzzle! I hope I can understand this better.
I am glad I found this post. It answers my previous question. the truth is that the majority of American Catholics are Protestants in Catholic clothing (nominal Catholics) who reject either in principle or practice the teachings of the Church. You sound like one of those that the Pope recently decribed as "sacramentalized but not evangelized’.

Good soil!

That is one of the most common reasons. Another is moral objections, most of them originating below the waist. 😉

You certainly are a puzzle! I hope I can understand this better.
Amen NIM I struggle with some of the same issues I know that I belong to Christ no matter what anyonr says or thinks:clapping::extrahappy:
personally, i believe it is all up to Jesus being the judge to decide who gets to heaven and who doesn’t.

Luke 6:37
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

here’s something else to think about

Matthew 21:28-31
The Parable of the Two Sons
28"What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’

29" ‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.

30"Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.

31"Which of the two did what his father wanted?"
“The first,” they answered.

Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.

I believe in this parable Jesus is addressing us Christians who say we believe and follow God but we do not do what is asked of us. while there are those like the prostitutes and tax collectors (the lustful and the greedy) who eventually do God’s works and will eventually enter heaven.

as a Catholic i do not believe that we have the exclusivity of getting into heaven. i find that the Catholic teachings are the most complete and factual. while we get all the facts, we are judged by our actions and not what we know. i’ve seen people of Protestant denominations who do more good that some of the Catholics i know. i’ve even seen non-Christians do a lot of good more than most Christians i know.

as Christians and as Catholics we should not think that calling Jesus our God and our Savior is enough. remember, faith without actions is deads. unless we help the needy and the poor and the oppressed, and love one another as Christ has loved us, then we many not be saved
Again while respecting our differences, I must ask for an answer to my question about the importance of Apostolic Succession in salvation. Secondly, the "authority " to celebrate the Eucharist, in MY opinion comes from GOD and NOT from any wordly source. When a man or women consecrates his or her life to leading HIS people to heaven and BEFORE GOD accepts all the responsabilities which come with that vocation then he or she can indeed lead his or her people in the sharing of the Lord’s Supper. Again that is MY opinion and I respect what the RCC teaches.In all I have read in the Bible, I have always heard Jesus tell His disciples to do what He did in remembrance of Him. We are those disciples today.We are today’s followers of Jesus. Remember He said where two or three are gathered I am there. When we gather and share a meal WE call the Lord’s Supper you call the Eucharist and we all REMEMBER what He did for us by dying on the cross we ARE doing what He told us to do.Again, that is what I believe and I am NOT asking anyone else to believe it.NLM
This does answer part of my question about what teachings you did not espouse. I can see why you would sit in the pew and feel like a fraud, especially if you were in front of the Blessed Sacrament, and did not believe it to be what the church teaches.

Do you know the meaning of amanesis?
personally, i believe it is all up to Jesus being the judge to decide who gets to heaven and who doesn’t.

Luke 6:37
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

here’s something else to think about

Matthew 21:28-31
The Parable of the Two Sons
28"What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’

29" ‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.

30"Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.

31"Which of the two did what his father wanted?"
“The first,” they answered.

Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.

I believe in this parable Jesus is addressing us Christians who say we believe and follow God but we do not do what is asked of us. while there are those like the prostitutes and tax collectors (the lustful and the greedy) who eventually do God’s works and will eventually enter heaven.

as a Catholic i do not believe that we have the exclusivity of getting into heaven. i find that the Catholic teachings are the most complete and factual. while we get all the facts, we are judged by our actions and not what we know. i’ve seen people of Protestant denominations who do more good that some of the Catholics i know. i’ve even seen non-Christians do a lot of good more than most Christians i know.

as Christians and as Catholics we should not think that calling Jesus our God and our Savior is enough. remember, faith without actions is deads. unless we help the needy and the poor and the oppressed, and love one another as Christ has loved us, then we many not be saved
I m ust say Choy you are the most sensible Catholic(besides me 🙂

Of course before I get jumped on just joking about me. Everything you have daid should be read to every Catholic and Protestant. Instead of critizing each other we should be showing love as Christ would have us do. I don’t think we are giving Him any glory or honor as we should Good Scriptures too I might add:thumbsup::love:
Nim you are so right and I agree with you on most things and hopefully never ge rude. I am a cradle Catholic who went away for awhile and learned a lot while I was in a Protestant Church. I have since returned to my Childhood Catholic but I have to admit I am still a little Protestant. I expect to be bashed for this as I have been on other posts. One thing I didn’t hear while a Protestant is so many bashes against the CC as I hear On these post against Protestants. In our community all the Chueches work togehter:thumbsup: And rest assured Many Protestants will be in heaven
It is good to read this post, tweety. You have been contaminated by a number of heretical teachings, and your posts often do sound Protestant. It is good that you learned a lot, though. I did too when I left. It was my separated brethren that taught me to read scripture.

I think people may be hard on you for putting yourself out as a Catholic, when your expressions are not.

nlm has more integrity. He is honest about not espousing Catholic beliefs, and does not purport to be something he is not.
As I have said so many times ( and yes this is MY opinion) I cannot for one second believe that God sent His son to die on the cross for the salvation of Roman Catholics ONLY.
This is good, since such a belief is considered a heresy. :eek:
It is good to read this post, tweety. You have been contaminated by a number of heretical teachings, and your posts often do sound Protestant. It is good that you learned a lot, though. I did too when I left. It was my separated brethren that taught me to read scripture.

I think people may be hard on you for putting yourself out as a Catholic, when your expressions are not.

nlm has more integrity. He is honest about not espousing Catholic beliefs, and does not purport to be something he is not.
I do read the post and I must say I get a little disturbed by some of them I was raised in the CC but not for long. So I never got a real good education. I DID attend a Protestant Church for over 20 years and I did get a very Good education in the Bible and taughr Bible Study in BSF for eight. I after a long time decided to return to my childhood Church, I have married for the second time a very good Catholic who was raised in the faith was an Altar boy and even went to seminery for awhile, until he decided he liked girls too much to become a Priest. So I guess you could say that I am happy in my choice but not happy about the posts I see on this thread. In all my years at Protestant Church I NEVER heard one word like I hear here, My former Pastor and his wife remain friends and came to our wedding and my husband adores them too! So noe you know the whole story, and if it makes you feel more like a Catholic to be hard on peoplr be my guest I sure am glad none of you are Christ:thumbsup: Hope you read Choys post cause it is right on:)
The thought occurred to me last night, after I posted this, that it would seem puzzling that God would truly be leading you away from the CC, from the Eucharist which is the most intimate joining of God and man.

It would be like your spouse leading you to sleep in another bedroom–why would she lead you further away from intimacy and the one flesh union?
If she knew that in his heart, he did not really marry her, then it would be better for him to sleep elsewhere, would it not?

What he has said is that he never really believed in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, or the Apostolic teachings on what constitutes a valid Eucharist.

It is like one finding oneself in a marriage and realizing that one was not properly disposed to make the marriage vows.

I was talking to a woman who came to realize that her husband was homosexual, and married her so that he would have a “front”. Would it not be better to sleep in separate rooms? Especially after learning about the intimate relations with a third party?
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