I am not one that knows how many abortions are done in each country but I know they happen with frequency in other European countries also. In fact women in the US used to have abortions in Europe before they were legal here. However, I would never putFITZ,
However, no country in the world (in recent times) has slaughtered 45,000,000 people and called it choice! While I am no advocate of violence of anykind, I do feel we need to clean our own house before we proceed to force other countries to clean their’s.
RIGHT TO LIFE ON THE BACK BURNER . I agree that we need to fight for life whenever we can. I know I pray and I sign petitions, and vote life. Howeve, I should do more I know.
Yet I think that may take years more to overturn Roe v Wade. Meanwhile, what about the young population of Iran that is apparently being brutalized and held down by it’s own government? What about all those future western haters? Sorry to put it that way, but they think we don’t care about them and that we only care about ourlelves.
So, either we are islationists and just protect our freedoms and go about our way and send money when needed that never really gets to the people that really need it. Or, we must respond when people show they are willing to rise up. Can we really do any less?
And at the same time we NEED to keep fighting for life here at home. I am afraid we can’t wait until one is done to do the other. We need to do both. Thanks for listening.