Hi Fran,
I love your questions! Yes, if one sees the alternative way of looking at God and our faith, starting with a Father who loves and forgives without condition, then a whole bunch of other issues must be addressed!
In the first alternative, God actually damns people, condemns them to hell, or does so in a subtle way with a “gotcha” approach, like “you should have known better, so tough luck”. Yes, there is definitely an emphasis on a justice that is based on condemning people for having made bad choices, and it begins with a God who does not forgive unconditionally.
In the second alternative, God keeps his arms of love and forgiveness extended regardless of the human’s mindset. God has already forgiven “before always”. With God, all things are possible, and of course that is a very positive “possible” in light of the His unconditional love. In this alternative, the human still retains his autonomy, and the choice to go to hell is respected by God, but in His benevolence that choice is never made without the person fully understanding his choice, which is brings us back to this thread. So if anyone is “damned”, he literally “damns” himself, but I cannot figure out how a human could make such a choice. We don’t make such choices knowingly and willingly, it is not in our nature to do so.
Good Goats addresses Luke 16, but I cannot remember the details, and I don’t have the book with me right now. The crowd who hung Jesus, at the moment, did not think that they needed to be forgiven, but God forgave them anyway.
Well I can give you
my answers to those questions! Why help the poor? Because we love and care for their well-being, to create the Kingdom. Why go to Mass? To uphold our Church, to confirm our communion, to experience God in that Communion, to hear the word of God in the modern context, to grow in Love and Awareness, to name a few reasons. The Church is the bearer and the vehicle of the Good News, if we do not go, the community disappears. Going to Mass is a Christian responsibility to uphold the vehicle. Why learn our faith? To become more whole, more one with all creation, to become more holy, which is its own reward, it is a peace of mind, it is the love of Love.
So, I think the last paragraph also answers “why missionaries?”. What is the “Good News”? It is part of our human nature to perceive that death is the end, and even if there is an afterlife we all deserve a miserable one. Every human will naturally have a lot of anxiety about his or her own guilt in the eyes of our creator, and the Good News is that God forgives all, that He forgave even those who hung Him on the cross. In addition, the Good News creates the Kingdom! Can you imagine what the world would be like if
everyone followed the discipline to forgive enemies, to care for the poor, love our neighbor? It is our nature to worship the rich, powerful, and famous, but to worship a lowly servant, a victim of human lust for justice, carried out on the cross? It turns the whole picture upside down! It turns life upside down, or really, rightside up.
Do you know any atheists who worship lowly servants? In my observations they seem to be caught up in the rat race of achieving fame and fortune like we all robotically do before we awaken (rebirth). However, if an atheist does come to worship lowly service but does not believe in Jesus or God (by definition) doesn’t it seem a bit unfair for God to keep His arms open wide to them? And what about the atheist who doesn’t serve or love? Doesn’t it seem unfair for God to love and forgive them without condition? ** Yet, how could God not love and forgive them unconditionally if He is asking us to do just that?** How could God, whose love and mercy has no limit, not keep his arms open and forgiving to those who do the worst?
Sermon over. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to preach.