we should only die if we are ready to die otherwise we should never die.
Why is this reasonable? You’re human – that means that you have physical parts. Physical parts wear out, get damaged, stop working. Why should you think that you get to ‘choose’ how this happens?
I still think that it is cruel for God to separate a soul from it’s body
He doesn’t. It’s a natural part of the process of physical death. In fact, what God
does do is to give us a glorified body in the eschaton!
So by your logic only the good should die at all, much less young.
Apparently, Bill Joel got it right…
Of course I am a Catholic but I do not see Heaven as a reward, rather a place where one can go when they are at peace with God.
OK, then, let’s take your question in the opposite direction. When you’re at peace with God, should you have the ‘choice’ to end your life?
What I argue is based largely on feelings but also based on the scriptural passage where Christ said we should forgive 70x70 times.
That kinda hurts your argument, though. God forgives
always, when we repent. So, the “I shouldn’t die now, since I’m in mortal sin” doesn’t really hold up – we should just repent, go to confession, and be forgiven! No worries then!
It is our choice to commit the sin but it is not our choice to die after commiting it.
So… we get to choose actions, but we should be exempt from their consequences? That doesn’t sound particularly just…
there really does appear to be a limit to the number of sins we can commit before he chooses not to forgive us.
Umm… no. There’s no limit. Every time you go to confession, if you’re contrite, you’ll be forgiven. Period. Full stop.
simply because God separated their soul from their body at a bad moment
God decided to remove the soul from their body
Nope. You’re confusing God with the ancient Greek notion of the “Fates”, who decided how long a person should live, and who caused them to die when they decided it was time. As Catholics, that’s not part of our belief system. God doesn’t sit there with a big calendar and say, “yep… Gorgias has
precisely 27.5 hours left – sure hope he repents today!”
What is the point of having consequences as in real eternal punishment?
What is the point in having free will if our actions have no consequences?