Does Satan have our world under a strong spell?

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Hi, LOVE! 🙂
In the vine-yard of the Lord. God sends meat, Satan sends cooks to badly paraphrase who-ever penned the phrase. What a blessing, “protect me Christ till thy return”. :signofcross:

“I do not see any “killing” involved doing God’s will.” 👍

Its how we “know”. We know sin by those who do sin, again to badly paraphrase Gods prophet. 🙂

Different perspective perhaps. How much does the overall perspective then slip into some heretical leaning or all together. Without the balance, could seem more frightful than it is?
Not at all.
You’re not very convincing with that type of a comment. What’s the difference between saying that Satan has the world under a strong spell and saying that Satan is the ‘deceiver of the whole world?’
You’re not very convincing with that type of a comment. What’s the difference between saying that Satan has the world under a strong spell and saying that Satan is the ‘deceiver of the whole world?’
Tit for tat. It was a response equal to to your claim.

You can lie to me once per minute over the next two hours, yet you will not have me under a spell. Neither does satan, no matter how many lies he tells me.
Overall perspective best I could suggest, Theosis or deification/divinization seeks to resolve the fear of mortality by the promise in faith of immortality…

Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.

– St. Teresa of Avila

Also doesn’t mean not being aware.
Romans 7:24 RSV
Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?

Sounds like what Saint Paul is warning us against the evils of this body, although not specific about how. What is being said is PROFOUND! This is consistent with The Imitation of Christ, especially the constant warning against being worldly.
Tit for tat. It was a response equal to to your claim.

You can lie to me once per minute over the next two hours, yet you will not have me under a spell. Neither does satan, no matter how many lies he tells me.
Sounds like you’re living in a strong state of denial! It’s only with great difficulty that you can hope to change your beliefs to reflect reality. To review the quotes I have provided as a whole, and not have them affect your belief system, is a product of this denial.
Overall perspective best I could suggest, Theosis or deification/divinization seeks to resolve the fear of mortality by the promise in faith of immortality…

Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.

– St. Teresa of Avila

Also doesn’t mean not being aware.
I wholeheartedly agree with St. Teresa of Avila! Walking the way of the Cross enables us to experience God’s LOVE! There is nothing to fear as long as we walk this path.

Sounds like you’re living in a strong state of denial! It’s only with great difficulty that you can hope to change your beliefs to reflect reality. To review the quotes I have provided as a whole, and not have them affect your belief system, is a product of this denial.
Or the knowledge of the Truth keeps me free from any spell, man-made or demonic.

When you present quotes that don’t clearly support what you are attempt to support, what am I supposed to think. I think you are trying to put me under your spell. I won’t let you.
Or the knowledge of the Truth keeps me free from any spell, man-made or demonic.

When you present quotes that don’t clearly support what you are attempt to support, what am I supposed to think. I think you are trying to put me under your spell. I won’t let you.
When I started this thread I already knew that there were no exact Biblical quotes! But come on, the quotes I do provide shows rather good support. I keep urging people to weigh all my quotes together, but they instead engage in selective abstraction by taking selective bits of what I wrote and distorting it to conform with their strong denial.

I would still like you to explain to us why the following passage must be interpreted symbolically or in apocalyptic allegory, and not be taken at face value? Other than going against your premise, what specifically suggests that it not be taken at face value?
Revelation 12:9 RSV
And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world–he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.LOVE! 🙂
“**the deceiver of the whole world” is obviously not literally true because it would mean every single person who has lived on this planet - including the saints **- has been deceived by Satan.

Please cite a statement in the Catechism to that effect.
“**the deceiver of the whole world” is obviously not literally true because it would mean every single person who has lived on this planet - including the saints **- has been deceived by Satan.

Please cite a statement in the Catechism to that effect.
No, I do not have anything from the CCC to support it, and neither do you have anything from the CCC to negate my contention. I believe you’re distorting what Revelation 12:9 may be implying. For example, I believe I can ‘see’ the spell I’m under, but this in no way negates Revelation 12:9. Same for the Saints.

Is it naive to think that a planet with over 7 billion people could sustain itself without some type of a spell involving behavioral control? :confused:
No, I do not have anything from the CCC to support it, and neither do you have anything from the CCC to negate my contention. I believe you’re distorting what Revelation 12:9 may be implying. For example, I believe I can ‘see’ the spell I’m under, but this in no way negates Revelation 12:9. Same for the Saints.

Your idea of a spell is directly contrary to this:

CCC said:
1731 Freedom is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to perform deliberate actions on one’s own responsibility. By free will one shapes one’s own life. Human freedom is a force for growth and maturity in truth and goodness; it attains its perfection when directed toward God, our beatitude.
Your idea of a spell is directly contrary to this:
Freewill is anything but absolute, but culpability may be drastically lessened due to a large host of factors. When we act on pure impulse, for example, we would not be engaging in accordance with free will. So too with being under a spell; we may have severely lessened our culpability, but be sure there would also be select situations where we are acting in accordance with free will in which God will judge us.

I’m afraid that we live in world where ignorance and illusion abound. I voted ‘yes.’ Sex, porn, SSA and abortion make it hard to believe otherwise.

I don’t give evil creedence or press. Robert…stop obsessing. love ya 😃
You may want to consider denial as your defense mechanism of choice.

It would also be best if you would not presume to know anyone’s motives.

You not provided any credible evidence for the conclusion of your OP. All you have offered is question begging interpretations of cherry picked Scriptures.
No, I do not have anything from the CCC to support it, and neither do you have anything from the CCC to negate my contention.
NB :
420 The victory that Christ won over sin has given us greater blessings than those which sin had taken from us: “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (*Rom *5:20).
421 Christians believe that “the world has been established and kept in being by the Creator’s love; has fallen into slavery to sin but has been set free by Christ, crucified and risen to break the power of the evil one. . .” (GS 2 § 2).
Do you reject these beliefs?
I believe you’re distorting what Revelation 12:9 may be implying. For example, I believe I can ‘see’ the spell I’m under, but this in no way negates Revelation 12:9. Same for the Saints.
Where is the evidence that every single person who has lived on this planet** - including the saints **- has been deceived by Satan? And to what extent?
oh hon, I don’t deny evil exists. I just don’t play into it’s vanity…which is what got it where it is today.
Do you see the world being under the strong spell of Satan? This is what I was trying to get at with the ‘denial’ post.

Very few people would see the world as lacking in evil.

So sorry if I misunderstood anything 🙂
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