Donald Jr. says covid deaths are "almost nothing"

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No, why would you say that?
Because you wrote this: Since the people are dead, how do health practitioners know why they did it?

I mean seriously, what do you think? You don’t think grieving relatives aren’t saying, I knew he was upset about losing his job, but I didn’t realize how upset he was?

That is how people find out why people kill themselves.

You said that the fact that HPs were saying that people were killing themselves over reasons related to the shutdown instead of a fearful emotional fragility was a political agenda! As if all the suicides were what you propose and none what HPs are saying and it is all being covered up to support an agenda.

No. There may be some emotionally fragile people whose sole reason for suicide was fear of covid, but there are undoubtedly many more who committed suicide for the reasons stated, and since most of the news media is supportive of the shutdown, they would probably play up anything in support of the shutdown and downplay anything which goes against it.

And the, it is not all that easy to find much info on these suicides as it is.
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Covid, hands down, is deadlier (though your risk of dying goes down if you’re younger than 50). According to the John Hopkins website

‘Covid 19: There have been approximately 1,182,368 deaths reported worldwide. In the U.S., 228,675 people have died of Covid-19 between January 20, 2020 and October 30, 2020.

Flu: the World Health Organization estimates that between 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.

The Covid-19 situation is changing rapidly. Since this disease is caused by a new virus, the vast majority of people do not yet have immunity to it, and a vaccine may be many months away. Doctors and scientists are working to estimate the mortality rate of Covid-19 but at present, it is thought to be substantially higher (possibly ten times or more) than that of most strains of the flu.’
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What’s with the nasty attitude? I shared my personal experience. Are you in the habit of mocking people’s personal experiences?
When you use your own personal experience to discount what others are asserting like that, it sounds like you are saying, well, I didn’t have any problem, so no problem exists.
When you use your own personal experience to discount what others are asserting like that, it sounds like you are saying, well, I didn’t have any problem, so no problem exists.
Are you talking about Don Jr.?
If you read the entire thread, you will understand what is being said and by whom.
While I might be a Registered Republican voter I certainly don’t think Trump has shown leadership with this virus, at the same time if Biden does win ( I didn’t vote for him) I can just imagine that overnight here on CAF you’ll be seeing all these people supporting Trumps handling of this virus will suddenly change to blaming Biden, it’s just how politics is in the US…really pathetic how everything is political. Jesus said a house divided against itself cannot stand, the US is a good example of that.
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Cathoholic . . .
Which is more dangerous to say, a high school kid?
tomarin . . .
Covid, hands down, is deadlier

No it’s not. Many more HS kids have died from Influenza this year than COVID.

I have posted the actual comparison numbers here before (admittedly stats like this change from day).

Here is the “website” you linked to to prove your point (?!) . . . .

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)


Then you changed the subject focusing on COVID deaths worldwide instead of
COVID deaths in the USA
(context = “our communities” [" If we let it run roughshod over our communities] here
from you here which is what I initially responded to)
among teens (“high school kids”).

High school kids is what I explicitly asked about. That data is available in the US (although you have to look hard as it is quasi-hidden).
Here it is again.
Which is more dangerous to say, a high school kid?
Which virus contracted would result in a HIGHER chance of death?

Influenza or Corona virus? (Hint: It is not Corona virus).
Minor spell correction.


And here again are the questions you did not address (I am still talking about the USA because we have those numbers) . . . .
What has been the average life-years lost for Corona virus deaths collectively compared to people without Corona virus?
What is the average age of death with corona virus,
compared to people who die without Corona virus?
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Indeed. I think it’s indicative of why so many are facing political unrest of late.
And why are you asking about high school kids? What is your point?
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tomarin . . .
And why are you asking about high school kids? What is your point?
Becuase when you look it up and post it, you are going to see
many more young people die from influenza than they do COVID.

Then as you keep answering the questions and posting the answers you will see the average age of death WITH COVID, is the SAME as people who die WITHOUT COVID.

Then common sense will force you to admit that there were no life-years lost, on AVERAGE, with COVID in the US.

And if you answer the questions, you will be the one to post all that information (as I have before on other threads).

Then you will have added more perspective to this problem.

Then I will post some of the bogus COVID numbers
and WHY they were bogus (using Government information sources like coroners)
and even more proper perspective will be added here.

After all. We are looking for truth right? And a fuller view of the truth. Correct?
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But why the badgering tone and the hostility? Have I done something to offend you?
When you use your own personal experience to discount what others are asserting like that, it sounds like you are saying, well, I didn’t have any problem, so no problem exists.
Are you talking about Don Jr.?
Nice, but I think it was too subtle for some.

The COVID pandemic has highlighted quite starkly the difference between being anti-abortion and pro-life. It is easy to be opposed to abortion when it is an issue that you will never personally face. But with this pandemic, we have an issue that can result in our inconvenience and economic hardship. Now, life can be measured. For some, 10,000 dead is acceptable, but not 100,000. But for God who knows when each sparrow falls, there is not a single death that is “almost nothing.”
The teachers unions are behind much of these decisions re school closures and openings.They want”combat pay”. It has little to nothing to do with the safety and well-being of the kids,or themselves.
The unions have a say in it but they aren’t the ones calling the shots, the school boards are.
I find it interesting to compare Donald Jr.'s remarks to what went on in the Terri Schiavo case in 2005. Here we saw the entire world transfixed over the medical treatment of one woman in an irreversible persistent vegetative state. As with covid-19, one could say the lives at risk were “almost nothing.” As with covid-19, the thing that eventually caused her to die was the denial of simple accommodations - in that case, an artificial feeding tube. In the case of covid-19, it is the denial by people who refuse to wear masks and prevent infection, or take other simple precautions to protect others. As with Terri Schiavo, we hear over and over again how the majority of people who are dying from covid-19 are elderly or with comorbidities. Well, Terri Shiavo also had a comorbidity. She suffered cardiac arrest in 1990 and massive brain damage that left her comatose for 15 years.

I find it odd that the same people that complain about the negligence that led to the death of one comatose patient are supporting negligence that has already led to the death of more than 220,000 people this year in the US and many more world-wide. You can say “but with Terri Shiavo is was deliberate euthanasia”. However it appears to me that the negligence being promoted by some is also deliberate. The parallels are striking.
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