Donald Jr. says covid deaths are "almost nothing"

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Not if there was no permanent change. Otherwise we are destroying other parts of our society without solving the underlying problem.
So 50,000 unborn lives would, statistically speaking, be nothing?
If shutting down the country did in fact stop 50k abortions from occurring, and those children were born, then yes I’d support that.

Would you support incarcerating a pregnant woman hell bent on getting an abortion to stop her from getting one?
No. But I also don’t support prosecuting women who have abortions. I don’t believe that’s the way to stop the abortion industry.
I didn’t say prosecute. I just said detain to stop the abortion from occurring. After the child’s born she can go on her way.
Not at all. We could be forced to lock up in our houses and no murders would occur. But we don’t do that because it would harm our society and murders would continue when we came back. The murders that were “saved” did not solve the underlying problems to those that murder and the this murder lockdown would have destroyed other parts of our society. If lockdown solved the underlying problem, then yes I would without a doubt.
I was simply explaining that I disagree with law enforcement as a means to stop abortion. And I explained this to reveal why I disagree with forcibly detaining a woman to stop an abortion.
Yet Trump Jr. says that number is statistically nothing. Hmm…
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But you’re fine with detaining people to stop a virus that the vast majority can survive? When abortion always results in a death?
I was not “detained” during lockdown. In fact I enjoyed a lot of freedom.
Statistically nothing when compared to the current actions. Originally it was 2 million people that were supposed and I think it was smart to lockdown to understand and get a better sense of what is going. We do now understand how to be responsible and the extent and danger of the virus, yet draconian lockdowns still exist.
Right, so those 50,000 unborn lives we’re speaking of are statistically nothing, as well.
Are you saying I didn’t enjoy freedom during lockdown? I was not forced to stay in my home. I took walks, went for hikes, went to the grocery store when necessary… Forceable detainment does not look like that.
If there is no underlying change in the problem then yes. Because it will just continue and those women will just seek abortion after the month lockdown. Also other aspects of our society will be worse for it. Now if we outlawed abortion or this virus (if it was possible) then I would lockdown for years if that is what it took.
I’m not saying you didn’t. But others aren’t as fortunate. Some places were more stringent than others.

I’m all for detaining individuals that pose a clear and present danger to an identifiable victim. Any one persons liberty is worth sacrificing to save the life of another.

But with viral disease you don’t have clear cut lines. I’m in favor of quarantining sick people, whether they want to or not (I’m on a personal quarantine while waiting for a Covid test myself). You can’t impose restrictions on someone you can’t prove to be a risk to life.
tomarin on Corona virus . . . .
I’m not sure why the need to always bring up the flu. This is not comparable to the flu. It is deadlier and more contagious (and of course there’s no vaccine yet).
Which is more dangerous to say, a high school kid?
Which virus contracted would result in a HIGER chance of death?

Influenza or Corona virus? (Hint: It is not Corona virus).

What has been the average life-years lost for Corona virus deaths collectively compared to people without Corona virus?

What is the average age of death with corona virus,
compared to people who die without Corona virus?


To the readers. I am not detracting from any of the pain sufferers of corona virus has had (any more then those who ignore the higher death rates of the young with influenza are and so I don’t make false accusations against them for their minimization of influenza deaths).

By now we all know (probably several or even many) family and friends who have dealt with COVID-19.

I also am not wanting to ignore the tragedy of the victims of Corona virus.

My goal is only to put the statistics in their proper perspective.

This gives us a better chance to make more informed decisions on how
we want to proceed with every day life,
who NEEDS the most protection,
and to realize mankind cannot totally control nature (which is a good lesson in humility).
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RhodesianSon . . .
(I’m on a personal quarantine while waiting for a Covid test myself)
Just saw this. Stopped and prayed for you immediately RhodesianSon.

Hope all goes well for you!

God bless.

Are you saying I didn’t enjoy freedom during lockdown?
Well, weren’t you lucky. Other people suffered greatly as a result of the shutdowns, losing jobs, businesses, homes…

This was written at the end of June.
The Chicago Sun-Times looked specifically at black populations. In Cook County, Illinois, the number of suicide deaths is already higher than for all of 2019.
In Yakima County, Washington, the suicide rate has risen 30 percent, according to the county coroner.
Between March 15 and April 29, as many people commited suicide in Queens, New York than did between January 1 and April 29 the year prior.

The Pima County Health Department in Arizona has recorded an uptick in suicide rates as well.
Of course everyone is concerned about the corona virus deaths. But people are dying as a result of the shutdowns as well, and for you to imply that the shutdowns were no big deal because you yourself were not personally affected seems much worse than Trump Jr’s pointing out that the percentage of deaths due to the virus are extremely low.
Because health practitioners have said that there are more suicides than for comparable periods without the virus, and because health practitioners have said that many have resulted from losses of jobs and businesses, and from isolation resulting from the shutdowns.

I haven’t heard anyone suggest that people have killed themselves due to fear of covid.
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