Not if there was no permanent change. Otherwise we are destroying other parts of our society without solving the underlying problem.
Which is more dangerous to say, a high school kid?I’m not sure why the need to always bring up the flu. This is not comparable to the flu. It is deadlier and more contagious (and of course there’s no vaccine yet).
Just saw this. Stopped and prayed for you immediately RhodesianSon.(I’m on a personal quarantine while waiting for a Covid test myself)
Well, weren’t you lucky. Other people suffered greatly as a result of the shutdowns, losing jobs, businesses, homes…Are you saying I didn’t enjoy freedom during lockdown?
The Chicago Sun-Times looked specifically at black populations. In Cook County, Illinois, the number of suicide deaths is already higher than for all of 2019.
In Yakima County, Washington, the suicide rate has risen 30 percent, according to the county coroner.
Of course everyone is concerned about the corona virus deaths. But people are dying as a result of the shutdowns as well, and for you to imply that the shutdowns were no big deal because you yourself were not personally affected seems much worse than Trump Jr’s pointing out that the percentage of deaths due to the virus are extremely low.Between March 15 and April 29, as many people commited suicide in Queens, New York than did between January 1 and April 29 the year prior.
The Pima County Health Department in Arizona has recorded an uptick in suicide rates as well.