My opinion is based on research as well, and I don’t know why you would think otherwise. In fact, I’m already familiar with the studies you posted and my argument is actually based, in part, on them.
The lung problems are a) from smoking, which is not necessary, and b) the same as tobacco smoking, which is allowed. Therefore the lung damage argument doesn’t apply because the damage caused by smoking marijuana does not meet the threshold necessary for it being morally wrong. As for the schizophrenia connection there is not clear causal link, though the studies regarding marijuana use and schizophrenia do point to a possible link between adolescent marijuana use and an increased risk of schizophrenia. What is not clear is whether or not marijuana is a cause, or whether people with latent schizophrenia are attracted to drug use, as they have a higher rate of drug abuse than average. That said this is all about adolescent marijuana use, when the brain is still developing, and it is precisely adolescent marijuana use that I want to prevent insofar as it is possible. Use by young adults has a long-lasting impact on the brain that is not seen in adult users. It should be noted, however, that once again the research does more to support my assertion than to refute it, because studies have shown that adolescent alcohol use is more damaging to the adolescent brain than marijuana use. For example, this study discusses the damage that these substances can cause to the developing brain.
All true, and also irrelevant to the inherent morality or immorality of marijuana use.
None of this is true, especially any advocating of marijuana use on my part. How many times on this thread have I said that I don’t advocate marijuana use?
Peace and God bless!