That is exactly what they expect. People need to understand that antifa types do not believe in universal rights. They do not believe that you have an inherent right to defend yourself, they do not believe that you have an inherent right to live in peace, or to protect your property. They believe those rights are entirely conditioned on how much you agree with them.What would you expect the driver to do? Just sit there and take it?
So a black drug dealer has the “right” to shoot at cops, but a white teenager does not have the right to defend himself against a child-rapist who is trying to kill him. A mob of leftists has the right to pull you out of your car and beat you, but you do not have the right to try to get away.
Appealing to fairness and justice and equality is useless with these people. They don’t believe in equality. They believe in the supremacy of themselves. They literally think giving normal, working class people the same rights as antifa thugs is an example of inequality.