Ex-officer Brett Hankison indicted in connection with Breonna Taylor's death

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He’s a Republican first. He’ll do anything to appease his overlords for personal gain. We don’t claim him.
There is evidence that Breonna Taylor was involved in her ex-boyfriend’s drug business:

“She (Taylor) had the eight grand I gave her the other day, and she picked up another six,” Glover said.

“Did she tell you where it was?” the caller asked him.

“She didn’t have the chance to tell me nothing,” he replied. “She dead.”

When the caller asked Glover why he had left the money with Taylor, he said: “Don’t take it wrong but Bre been handling all my money. She has been handling (expletive) for me and … it ain’t just me."

Obviously this shooting was tragic, but it seems like the police had just cause to enter the apartment.

Further information on the shooting itself:

12:40 a.m.: Officers were in place outside of Taylor’s apartment and began to knock on the door. After a few knocks, Mattingly said, they began to identify themselves as police.

The police said they identified themselves, but Walker (Taylor’s boyfriend) says he did not hear any identification. However, both sides agree that this was NOT a “no-knock” entry.

We will have to wait for the trial to see all the facts, but as of right now it looks like a tragic, but justified, shooting.
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Any mention of the dead body found in a rental car in her name yet ?
Riots are the voice of the unheard ”. (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Perhaps those with solutions are not heard because those in power do not want to listen.
A bit of a misquote. He said “language” not voice:

And the very next section of that Other America speech said (emphasis mine):
Let me say as I’ve always said, and I will always continue to say, that riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. I’m still convinced that nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. I feel that violence will only create more social problems than they will solve. That in a real sense it is impracticable for the Negro to even think of mounting a violent revolution in the United States. So I will continue to condemn riots, and continue to say to my brothers and sisters that this is not the way. And continue to affirm that there is another way.
The point is that violence is not an acceptable means to push back.
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Once again, I see qualified immunity at play – this grossly unjust policy of refusing to hold trigger-happy police officers accountable for blatant, obvious wrongdoing.

Her boyfriend has claimed he never heard the officers knock or announce themselves. He thought he was shooting at an intruder. Then comes this blind hail of bullets that needlessly took a young woman’s life.

Yes, the one officer is being charged, but only with something like reckless endangerment or irresponsible use of his firearm, and none of the other officers are being charged, at all.

Unless and until this qualified immunity practice is reformed to be more fair to victims so they can have some real justice in these cases, and there are real consequences for wrongful police behaviors, things aren’t going to get any better.

When the police (often militarized) have as much raw power as they have today, there HAS to be some meaningful reforms. Otherwise, how can citizens and their communties be expected to trust them and their departments? The rogues need to be punished. It’s a matter of fairness and of principle.
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If your wondering it’s the size of shell fired by an m203 under-barrel grenade launcher.
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If your wondering it’s the size of shell fired by an m203 under-barrel grenade launcher.
That sounds about right. I need to get one of those to play around with. It would be a nice addition to my collection of 46 guns.
Was the warrant for the boyfriend or were they in the
wrong apartment?
The warrant was for the correct apartment, they just lied on the warrant application. Seems to be related to a larger real estate scheme.
Now an officer has been shot.
What should be more worrisome, is the Investigator who is the author of the report whom leaked the report. He should be arrested for obstruction of justice and tampering with an impending investigation and a whole slew of other charges.
They are, and that’s why they weren’t chosen. Because they knew whites wouldn’t convict because they’re covering for their racist police.
This makes the racist assumption that white people are unable to consider the facts of the case and make assumptions of guilt or innocence based upon race of those involved.
He’s a Republican first. He’ll do anything to appease his overlords for personal gain. We don’t claim him.
So, was Biden correct when he “misspoke” about there not being diversity among the African American community? I’ve heard your claim enough to know that there is a mindset within the black community: either you tow the progressive line, or you’re not really black.

Is that how you feel?
You don’t go against your own. You don’t side with a system with sees us killed and the ones responsible let off time and again. It’s a betrayal at the most visceral level against your own people.
The Kentucky Attorney General had an excellent response to such demands. Justice should be administered based on the law, not mob rule.
You don’t go against your own. You don’t side with a system with sees us killed and the ones responsible let off time and again. It’s a betrayal at the most visceral level against your own people.
in other words, instead of basing decisions on fact, as the Kentucky AG is asserting he is, he must lie and “side with his race.” That seems racist on its face, because that is what racist white people did in the south to convict innocent black people.

I hope you see the tragic irony in what you are putting forth
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