Fans of Taylor Marshall: what's going on?

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I don’t think it is right for any of us to comment on the SSPX being disobedient unless we know that for a fact and to know that we would have to know the way they handled the Mass.
Of course they are being disobedient. They are saying Mass in spite of the fact that their faculty to do so has been suspended by the Vatican, and in spite of the fact that they do not have permission or authorization from the local ordinary and the Pope.

There is no question about that.
I’m going to be blunt. This attitude comes across as prideful to me. I would carefully examine your conscience to ensure no spiritual pride has crept in. Disobeying the bishop? Not devout, not traditional. Literally risking the lives of your elderly relatives and neighbours? Not devout, not traditional. Implying those who are obedient and prudent are not devout? Not devout, not traditional.

When St Padre Pio was told not to celebrate Mass, he stopped celebrating Mass.
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According to Tim, this is a very naive reading of the situation. Given that he’s one of the actual players involved, I’m inclined to believe him.
I read the now deleted tweets. I know what I saw and they were not very nice at all.
Benedicat Te Omnipotens Deus
What now deleted tweets?

According to Gordon, Marshall did not return his phone call but said he did, “sent a diplomatic text insinuating there wouldn’t be a call,” and then publicly announced he had blocked Tim. That’s fairly nasty in my book.
Indeed this whole blocking business is irrational because how can you reconcile in those circumstances?
I was reading some of the outbursts Timothy had written yesterday, and they cease to exist today.
But I think the root of this goes back a few months ago because Timothy just stopped appearing in TM’s youtube videos. I do agree that Timothy seems willing to reconcile but Taylor has blocked the entire family so maybe this will take some time to work through. I just hope they do so offline :pray:t2:

Benedicat Te Omnipotens Deus
Padre Pío did a lot for the common good of the Church with his silence, and obedience.
He is the only Saint canonized in this thread.
Chalk… and chalk.
But this thread is meant to be about Marshall and a question to his fans.
I like Grace and she deserves to be respected so as not to derail her thread.
Have a good night 🌙 and take good care , stay healthy.
Of course
I was talking about civil authorities. If you want to talk about jurisdiction under the Vatican that is a different topic.
Literally risking the lives of your elderly relatives and neighbours?
Does anyone know where, how and how many people were there to know they were putting others at risk?

I find it interesting that a Mass that we dont know how it was set up is so horrible, when people are out and about without masks and gloves and breaking social distance rules for things so less essential.
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I like Taylor Marshall very much, and think hes a good man. One problem I think we all have as humans is a tendency to surround our selfs with other people who think like us , pretty soon everyone is telling everyone else how right and how smart we all are. Pretty soon a group think develops and those not in the group become enemies.

I’m not accusing Tayol of this , but I can help but see his show is leaning in that direction

I think the words of St Augustine got to be kept in mind.

In matters essential UINITY
In matters non essential (opinion) LIBERTY
In all matters CHAIRITY
I was replying to a poster whose comment seemed to suggest that “devout, traditional” Catholics won’t let a pandemic stop them from getting to Mass.
I’m going to be blunt. This attitude comes across as prideful to me. I would carefully examine your conscience to ensure no spiritual pride has crept in.
In today’s soft-skinned PC culture, being blunt seems at times the most effective way to be charitable. No one is above your suggestion, pride is insidious. I accept it with gratitude, and will indeed reflect on it. Thank you.
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On the traditional side there is talk about uniting the clans, but it seems like the blame isn’t solely on Marshall for the division
What kind of clans?
Some writers describe a Continuum of “traditional” Catholics. Supposedly there are faithful, conservative types, influenced by St JP2, EWTN, etc. Then there’s hardliners, like SSPX who made a formal break with the pope and bishops. Between those supposed extremes there are those claim to be unifiers, such as Marshall and others.

But there really is no Continuum.
  1. There are Catholics in union with the Popes and bishops. This includes EWTN, Catholic Answers, and numerous organizations and individuals who maintain unity with their Local bishop.
  2. There are other Catholic individuals and organizations who are not under any local bishop. They may happen to agree with some but are not affected by their bishop.
#2 includes Taylor Marshall’s media ministry, National Catholic Reporter, OnePeterFive, Lepanto institute, Call to Action, Rorate Coeli, Catholics for Choice, SSPX, Remnant.

All those ministries are defying Pascendi, Canon Law, and Vatican 2, by defying their local bishops. They have more in common with each other than with so called St JP2 Catholics.
Today we live in a time where the whole world shutdown at once for the first time in the history of mankind. Think about that for a moment? Contemplate what’s going on here? Is the Anti-Christ here? Is the false witness here? I’m not going to concern myself over a feud between people who make their living off telling others their form of Catholicism is the only way, using it to place huge sums of cash in their pockets, and pitting the Church against one another. Are we at the end times? Are we all prepared? That’s my focus right now.
Putting yourself at risk is one thing, but catching a disease where you could be unknowingly spreading it for over a week is not charitable or a devout, pious action to be praised. We’re called to be devout, charitable, and prudent.
Sorry, I dont agree with such fuzzy, subjective risk/benefit assessments, hence deferment to faith. The greater risk comes from abandoning tradition and trust in the Lord… from doing things that separate faithful souls from the Lord.

Besides, the “at risk” ones should be the ones isolating. It only makes sense that the sooner the virus burns through the healthier segment of the population, the sooner herd immunity is established. Yea, I know the next counter argument… I heard it all. I will place my trust in God’s Will, thank you.
God’s will is that we follow the lead of our Bishops.
You do understand that Taylor Marshall has his own Catholic Ministry online aside from the Youtube presence right?

Tim is also a teacher…

They have jobs outside of Youtube.
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