Father James Altman: You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period

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No let’s keep it in perspective.

2.8 million people die every year. That’s 7.5k a day.
Yes, and the Nazis only killed six million. Lots more people died during that period from other causes. So it was okay for the Nazis to kill the six million. :roll_eyes: Right?
its so easy i dont know why people resist to just accept that Gods Will is the best choice all of the time.
Yes, and the Nazis only killed six million. Lots more people died during that period from other causes. So it was okay for the Nazis to kill the six million. :roll_eyes: Right?
No, I’m talking triage. Even you acknowledge the Supreme Court can and will stop any anti abortion action every time. So the question switches from “can I stop abortion?” To “what can I stop?”

In the short term a spoiled man child who won’t even do his job.
its so easy i dont know why people resist to just accept that Gods Will is the best choice all of the time.
I’m bound to another god is why.
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I’ve read your story many times on CAF. You were a Democrat and now you’re not. But it’s not enough that you’re no longer a Democrat, you seem intent on convincing others to not vote for Democratic candidates. If that’s your mission, so be it. I disagree with your list of grievances, but I’d rather see your list of grievances than the false blanket threats of damnation found in Fr. Altman’s video. That was my only reason for responding to this thread in the first place, to correct the false statement that we cannot under any circumstances be good Catholics and vote for Democratic candiates. Once we get past that falsehood we can do as much or as little campaigning as we’d like.
the false statement that we cannot under any circumstances be good Catholics and vote for Democratic candiates.
Except that I don’t think it’s a false statement. Supporting politicians who we know are going to support abortion is supporting abortion. I see no way around that.
In the short term a spoiled man child who won’t even do his job.
I think you might be angry because he doesn’t do the job you want him to do. He has succeeded admirably in what I and a lot of others wanted him to do. He just isn’t a Democrat.
I think you might be angry because he doesn’t do the job you want him to do.
As I’ve said many times in many threads he thinks he’s being a tough guy by not appointing diplomats to countries that won’t deal on his terms.
(That’s almost all of the vacanct posts by the way)
His advisors have said if he continues to do that they’ll have to buy more bullets.

How is that even remotely good?

This has nothing to do with party issues and everything to do with his style of management. While being tough in a boardroom is good international diplomacy is not the same thing. If you remove diplomacy from the equation you’re only left with weapons.

And that’s just one issue but I think risking war is bad enough.
Dying from natural causes is different than being murdered, wouldn’t you agree?
That is just deaths, quarter of which are completely preventable but we shrug that off too. They are all not natural causes.
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he thinks he’s being a tough guy by not appointing diplomats to countries that won’t deal on his terms.
Why should he deal on the terms of other countries? He isn’t elected there.
His advisors have said if he continues to do that they’ll have to buy more bullets.
Who said that? If someone actually did, they have been wrong, since he has started no wars, finished off ISIS and is withdrawing from both Afghanistan and Iraq.
So you see no difference between dying of natural causes and being killed? Got it.
Who said that? If someone actually did, they have been wrong, since he has started no wars, finished off ISIS and is withdrawing from both Afghanistan and Iraq.
James Mattis, US Defence Secretary.

Wars don’t start overnight. Breaking down diplomacy is a process granted quicker than building it but for everyday we step backwards it’s two days a new appointee has to work.

All that has happened so far is that it hasn’t happened yet.
So you see no difference between dying of natural causes and being killed? Got it.
Don’t put words in my mouth.

The point was millions of people die and can’t save them all. As I stated before; triage. There are some you can, some can’t.There are still an overwhelming amount of people dying from various different issues we still don’t do anything about.

Why is abortion more important than any other reason when the numbers are almost the same? Can’t do anything about them.
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Wars don’t start overnight. Breaking down diplomacy is a process granted quicker than building it but for everyday we step backwards it’s two days a new appointee has to work.
Recently, Trump has persuaded two Muslim countries to recognize Israel. Seems more like steps forward to me. Listening to the Democrat media is almost always deceptive.
Why is abortion more important than any other reason when the numbers are almost the same?
Because abortion is murder and someone dying of a heart attack is not. God did not prohibit heart attacks, but he did prohibit murder.
in the first place, to correct the false statement that we cannot under any circumstances be good Catholics and vote for Democratic candiates
I dont believe I have heard anyone say “under any circumstance” but rather under the circumstance we are in right now in our nation, because of what is at stake in our nation right now. Democrats right now support so much that goes against the Catholic church.
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I don’t think it’s so much a matter of the times, but of what the today’s democrats believe and support.
Recently, Trump has persuaded two Muslim countries to recognize Israel. Seems more like steps forward to me. Listening to the Democrat media is almost always deceptive.
I’m referencing Trumps own picked man as defense Secretary.

I don’t mean to be rude here but how much more unbiased does it get? There are no Democrats involved here.
Because abortion is murder and someone dying of a heart attack is not. God did not prohibit heart attacks, but he did prohibit murder.
Yes, because as I’ve just finished explaining to @mikeInVA all those deaths are not natural.

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