Father James Altman: You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period

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Sometimes I wonder: if one of the issues at play was a policy by one party to promote the persecution of the Catholic Church until it is eliminated, would the USCCB still say “Oh, but you must not be a one-issue voter! There are many other issues to be considered!”
I was avoiding the curmudgeon threads until the election was over just to avoid having to read such things.
A baby killed in the womb of his mother is not given that right to even face the trials or the good things of life.
We were never given the choice to be born into orginal sin or live in this world either.
Overturning Roe is going to depend on the courts. It takes a pro-life president to put pro-life judges on the court.
Presidents don’t just appoint supreme justices. This is by design to prevent that kind of meddling from one man. He can put a name forward but the senate gets more or less final say.

psst, Russia isn’t communist.
It turns out I can run from the outrageous rhetoric, but I can’t hide. It finds me wherever I go 😑
We were never given the choice to be born into orginal sin or live in this world either.
No, but Almighty God in all issues of life and death has the final decision and He decided to create each one of us… Original sin shows how one person’s wrong choice can affect a lot of people. And so we still do not have the right to take another person’s life.
Presidents don’t just appoint supreme justices. This is by design to prevent that kind of meddling from one man. He can put a name forward but the senate gets more or less final say.
Very true. another reason to not vote Democrat.
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I was this close to relenting and voting Republican, but a big dose of the alt-right narative brought me back to my senses. Thanks. It must have been the smoke from the fires clouding my judgment, but you helped me see the light again.
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I did actually read quite a bit of the Democratic Party Platform for 2020. On page 42, the following statement is made: “Like the majority of Americans, Democrats believe every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion.” So, if you are a Catholic and take what your church says seriously regarding abortion, I don’t see how there isn’t a real conflict between your faith and this political party and it’s overtly stated platform. Read it for yourself: https://www.demconvention.com/wp-co...emocratic-Party-Platform-For-Distribution.pdf

People really should actually read the documents political parties put out there for the public regarding their platforms. And, if you’re like me, you’ll also do things like check people’s Senate voting records, especially if they’re running for POTUS (looking at Obama on that one).
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I believe that a Catholic can vote for Joe Biden. If you aren’t voting for his pro-abortion stance, but for other important reasons, the Bishops tell us that we can.

Abortion isn’t going to made illegal anytime soon. Even if it’s made illegal, abortions will still happen.
The bishops who tell people they can vote for Biden and be a good Catholic are not exercising prudence. The bishops who tell people the opposite, are exercising prudence. Laity who go bishop-shopping for guidance are not accepting the moral responsibility for their own moral decisions.
Well, the other guy has had 3 1/2 years and nothing happened. Bush 43 had eight years. Bush 41 had four years. Reagan had eight years. Ford had four years. Nothing happened.

But, just by voting for Trump abortion will magically be made illegal? No. If the reason you are voting for Trump is to outlaw abortion, I would opine that your vote is misplaced.
The other guy has also had a radically pro-abortion Democrat controlled House fighting him at every turn. Why? because people like Democrat Catholics keep voting them into Congress. And why is that? Because the contradiction of being Catholic and Democrat is not being taught or grasped in the Church.
The Church, and therefore America, and therefore the world are in BIG TROUBLE.
The good news is, the faster we go to irrationality and moral insanity, the sooner Jesus will come. But it will be bloody first, I tremble to say.
The bishops who tell people they can vote for Biden and be a good Catholic are not exercising prudence. The bishops who tell people the opposite, are exercising prudence. Laity who go bishop-shopping for guidance are not accepting the moral responsibility for their own moral decisions.
I disagree with you. I’m no more Bishop shopping than you are.

Actually, I’m just using my well-formed conscience.
Don’t take it personally. I know you’re a good guy, an honorable guy. I just don’t agree with your politics and some of your worldview. It’s kind of nice both of us knowing each other, though, so we know the guy who’s going to cancel out each other’s votes.
the founder of the modern feministmovement was gloria steinmen who was working for the cia. Eventually women would follow her ideas and then we had an abundance of unwanted pregnancys followed by abortions followed by legalization of abortions that included parents not being notified of their underage daughters and why was that? to keep the girls from being talked into not aborting their babies? these are evil things, the way of the world is not ruled by Gods Will but by making money. Research goes a long way using fetal cells to figure out how the immune system develops and then how to mimic it and develop competitive biological weapons and /or compete with other countries for patents of new drug discoverys.
If that is what you truly believe, I sincerely pray you experience the peace of Christ. You may think you know the future based on whatever prophesy, locution or biblical interpretation you accept, but I trust in the goodness of God, and because of that love and goodness, I have great hope for the world and humankind.
the founder of the modern feministmovement was gloria steinmen who was working for the cia. Eventually women would follow her ideas and then we had an abundance of unwanted pregnancys followed by abortions followed by legalization of abortions that included parents not being notified of their underage daughters and why was that? to keep the girls from being talked into not aborting their babies? these are evil things, the way of the world is not ruled by Gods Will but by making money. Research goes a long way using fetal cells to figure out how the immune system develops and then how to mimic it and develop competitive biological weapons and /or compete with other countries for patents of new drug discoverys.

One shouldn’t use runes like that.

It may look like a B L and M but Norse doesn’t use those letters for exactly the same sound or meaning.

Religious reason why it offends me aside graffiti like that has no place.

No, you are not as far as I know. Most people don’t appreciate the spectrum of politics and it’s many gradient.
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