Father James Altman: You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period

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choking me with anxiety. The air has literally choked me and I’ve had migraines for weeks from the nearby forest fire (Cameron Peak). The sky has been glowing orange in an eerie, apocalyptic manner and I have this sense of foreboding. My teens are struggling with near complete isolation and bc anxiety. Thank God my husband retired one year ago from law enforcement or I’d be losing it even more. I feel like a personal failure and that nothing I do matters, I miss my dad so much, and life just…carries on. My name will be erased in a hundred years, my beloved dad’s in less time, and I wonder what’s the point? I know the ‘right’ answers–eternal life, the Word of God, the souls of men–and I do believe in them. But it’s really hard not to despair.

I see what you’re getting at,except this final chastisement is because God is so unhappy with our secular world.A JB presidency would be ruinous for this great Nation. DT is the president we need to get back on track.
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A JB presidency would be ruinous for this great Nation. DT is the president we need to get back on track.
The train used to be on track until DT was elected in 2016. Since then, the train derailed and has been off track since. We had DT for almost 4 years now; are better off? I don’t think so. . . .
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I’ve already said I’m not moved when my fellow Catholics use the threat of chastisement to influence my vote. When I vote, it will be for the candidate whom I determine is best qualified to lead our nation, and that is not the incumbent.
The train used to be on track until DT was elected in 2016. Since then, the train derailed and has been off track since. We had DT for almost 4 years now; are better off? I don’t think so. Having a criminal in office is an offense to society.
I’m glad we are not sending millions to abort children in Tanzania or El Salvador. I’m glad we are not facing ISIS like we were and there unmentionable violence. I’m not sure what one wants in a president.

Convicted of no offense, I’m sorry, this sounds like slander and may be sinful in itself.

Even if one is correct, what do we want? An infanticide-supporter in office?

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I see what you’re getting at,except this final chastisement is because God is so unhappy with our secular world.A JB presidency would be ruinous for this great Nation. DT is the president we need to get back on track.
Great post, the Vatican makes it pretty clear:
Any Catholic who obstinately denies that abortion is always gravely immoral, commits the sin of heresy and incurs an automatic sentence of excommunication.
Abortion and Excommunication - Catholic Ethics.


Fine, people can vote the way they want but don’t blame me for voting my way.
Yet your comments implied just the opposite.You consider a Trump presidency a chastisement .
I am neither Democrat nor Republican. Both parties get Catholic moral teachings correct on SOME things, and miss it completely on others. I remember a few years ago there was a caravan of migrant children coming up through central America and it was the conservative Republicans who blockaded the streets to prevent the buses from reaching shelters. These self-proclaimed “conservative Christians” were anything but Christian when it comes to helping the poor and needy.

So, fellow Catholics, be Catholic. Don’t align with a particular political party. Support Catholic moral teaching, no matter who it comes from.
I’m leaning that way.

With Biden’s mental competence issues, we don’t really know who’s really in control once he becomes President.
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Interesting claim since Europe and the Americas* are now largely secular while Africa and Asia see the growth of the faith.

*Americas being both North and South
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I am neither Democrat nor Republican. Both parties get Catholic moral teachings correct on SOME things, and miss it completely on others. I remember a few years ago there was a caravan of migrant children coming up through central America and it was the conservative Republicans who blockaded the streets to prevent the buses from reaching shelters. These self-proclaimed “conservative Christians” were anything but Christian when it comes to helping the poor and needy.
First off, there is a hierarchy of wrongs, preventing migrants from a foreign land is not listed as an intrinsic evil. So, I’d say this is a false equivalency to abortion.

So, when you mention Central America, more specifically to Honduras because that’s where they are mostly from, I’m sure, we will agree what indeed, the left wing press says as much as anything, these refugees and migrants are from Honduras and Obama/Clinton/Biden all supported the 2009 coup and government they are fleeing from.

The Vatican does not say anywhere, Refugees, Abortion, Equal. So, let’s keep this Catholic.


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Guess what? That’s from the 2009 Coup. A lot of people say this is where the refugees are mainly coming from.
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If you read what I posted more closely, you’ll see that it’s a hypothetical meant to show that anyone can blame any unfortunate event on divine chastisement and then point to whatever they think is the cause (which always coincides with whatever they happen to believe).
If there is something wrong with my argument, please report to the moderator.

You add on one more inflammatory remark but do not seem to have challenging arguments.

By the way, your remark is insensitive, 60 million have been lost to abortion. Perhaps your teminology is more applicable to other positions.
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If he was pro-life he wouldn’t have slaughtered anyone. Being pro-life isn’t just about the lives of the pre-born!!
You mean like Trump lying to the American people about the severity of the virus? Because of him
many didn’t take the precautions necessary, fell ill and died.
Cases - 6.47 Million.
Deaths - 193 Thousand.
If he was pro-life he wouldn’t have slaughtered anyone. Being pro-life isn’t just about the lives of the pre-born!!
No, but Vatican teaching definitely lists abortion as an intrinsic evil, unacceptable to vote for ever.

And as far as I’m concerned, the state of matters in Minneapolis and so many cities, hardly speaks for the DNC caring about those after they are born any more than Republicans.


Abortion and Excommunication - Catholic Ethics.

And it is apparent to me that as long as one treats life as disposable, problems will remain in these places.
First off, there is a hierarchy of wrongs, preventing migrants from a foreign land is not listed as an intrinsic evil. So, I’d say this is a false equivalency to abortion.
First, where did I say the two were equivalent? Secondly, the rest of your post demonstrates exactly what I am talking about.
The Vatican does not say anywhere, Refugees, Abortion, Equal. So, let’s keep this Catholic.
This is why one can’t be a cafeteria Catholic when it comes to social teaching. Catholics can’t say “I am against abortion” yet fail in rendering aid to those in need by hiding behind “the law”, let alone actively actively resisting assisting children in need by blockading the buses. This is where conservationism is not Christian.
If there is something wrong with my argument, please report to the moderator.

You add on one more inflammatory remark but do not seem to have challenging arguments.

By the way, your remark is insensitive, 60 million have been lost to abortion. Perhaps your teminology is more applicable to other positions.
I’m saying that justifying a vote merely for anti-abortion issues is wrong. The Pope said the same thing. I did post theP opes remarks on one of the threads.
You mean like Trump lying to the American people about the severity of the virus? Because of him
many didn’t take the precautions necessary, fell ill and died.
Cases - 6.47 Million.
Deaths - 193 Thousand.

What is it with the Democrats blocking coronavirus relief? What if the original forecasts were for 40 million to die? You think Trump should have said 40 million people will die to the American public? And there was some high figure some advised originally.

Also, the campaign against Hydroxychloroquine,

The acts of Governors putting people into Nursing homes, all of this points fingers too.
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