Yes, it has been touched on before earlier in the thread (about 3 years earlier ) and just recently as well. Read the progression from post #117 onward to see what is being said.A long thread so I dont know if this has been touched on before
When Joshua commanded the Sun to stand still, there is NO recording in History of this event among the then literate people (Egyptians, Babylonians, I think the Chinese as well)
The event was local–possibly an extremly subjective experience in all participants–but still of Divine origin
Fundamentalists accept this miracle --though they cannot come up with any coraboritive proof.
Fatima had witnesses far removed from the event–including the Azores. The “mass hallucination label” (its so broad a charge you cant dignify it with the term “explanation”) just dosnt hold water–it dosnt even hold water for the people there.
Btw, I don’t know if by “fundamentalists” you are implicating me, but I assure you, I am not a fundamentalist.
Again, I have heard the claims that there were others–those not in the direct vicinity–who witness the same phenomenon, but the willingness of the participants on this forums to “hook me up” with valid primary sources has been nil.