Feminism is infiltrating every aspect of society

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I saw this epsiode on Dr. Phil once. He had SAHM vs. Working Moms. the SAHM’s were brutal in attacking the working moms that they dont care enough about their kids and their kids are suffering. Its this holier than thou better mommy than you attitude i think motherhood and ADULTHOOD in general can do without. The fact that you stay at home all day doesnt make you a better mom than a mom who works nine to five and contributes financially to her family. I enjoy being my husbands partner in provision, all the burden does not rest on his shoulders alone. After all wives are supposed to be partners. I agree with Kendy, to each his own. Perhaps I value education more than some, so I consider it a high priority to make sure my kids can go to college without having thousands of dollars worth of loans to pay back. And I dont want my husband working three jobs just so I can stay at home and play June Cleaver all day. He deserves to be with his children too, and be a part of the family, not just the guy who brings home the paycheck. Kids deserve a daddy too. Also, even though I go to school full time and work full time, my husband never has to compete for my attention, im good at time management, and never forget that he is the reason I can go to school because he works two jobs. Just my opinion - which I am entitled to as well.
carol marie:
I wonder what the children would say? I know mine love it that I’m always here for them… I never left them in the care of others when they were babies and they wanted their Mom more than anyone else. I’m here when they get home from school. I don’t have to worry about pleasing a boss… my husband & my children are my top priority and they don’t EVER complete for my energy / time.

This is not true of all families who have 2 parents who work full time… but I think in general, the children of those families are the ones who suffer because they aren’t given enough attention. A big house - material possessions - their college education paid for can’t complete with the love they need from a parent who isn’t stressed out & pulled in different directions.

That is my opinion - of which I’m entitled.
Nothing at all. Your posts just make me laugh. 😛
It’s funny. I have been feeling the same thing. It’s good that we can amuse ourselves. 😃

I saw this epsiode on Dr. Phil once. He had SAHM vs. Working Moms. the SAHM’s were brutal in attacking the working moms that they dont care enough about their kids and their kids are suffering. Its this holier than thou better mommy than you attitude i think motherhood and ADULTHOOD in general can do without. The fact that you stay at home all day doesnt make you a better mom than a mom who works nine to five and contributes financially to her family. I enjoy being my husbands partner in provision, all the burden does not rest on his shoulders alone. After all wives are supposed to be partners. I agree with Kendy, to each his own. Perhaps I value education more than some, so I consider it a high priority to make sure my kids can go to college without having thousands of dollars worth of loans to pay back. And I dont want my husband working three jobs just so I can stay at home and play June Cleaver all day. He deserves to be with his children too, and be a part of the family, not just the guy who brings home the paycheck. Kids deserve a daddy too. Just my opinion - which I am entitled to as well.
I would restrain on the June Cleaver comments 😃 .

But I agree. I really resent the fact that SAHM think they are so much better than working moms. I came from a family of working women…some cause they had to other because they wanted. My mother spent the most time at home (ten years). And none of us feel deprived because our mothers work. I don’t know a single woman in my family or among my friends who has ever said I wished my mother hadn’t abandoned me for a job.

All of my cousins have also grown up to be working moms so it seems like they approved of how they were raised.

And lastly, I know children of working moms and stay at home moms and frankly, I can’t tell the difference…other than children of working moms seem to be more independent.

AGREED ORION! Thank you for clarifying. JSMITTY, until you actually ARE married and actually have to PROVIDE for a family and pay bills and put food on the table dont criticize what you dont know. Its very easy to sit back and dictate other peoples lives when you have yet to have a wife to provide for or children to feed and clothe.
Is that honestly the best rebuttal you have for anything I’ve said? “You can’t know b/c you’re not married yet.” That’s just absurd. Are you saying that priests can not know anything about marriage simply because they’re not married? I don’t think so. They are some of the best marriage counselors. You see, because I’m not “experienced” yet, I can look at this issue more objectively than any of you. You’ve all already established yourselves and to consider the other side would mean an entire change of lifestyle and a bit of humility to question whether or not you made the right choices in your lives, which is not something many people are open to. Wisdom comes not only from personal experience but also from learning from other peoples’ experiences. That’s something my dad always taught me. I’ve learned from the experiences of my parents, my grandparents, my girlfriend’s parents, my friends’ parents that didn’t stay at home, and from listening to the experiences of others like Alice von Hildebrand and Kate O’Beirn. Granted, the latter two do have their biases, but Alice backs it up with Catholic philosophy and theology while Kate backs it up with statistics and objective data.
It’s funny. I have been feeling the same thing. It’s good that we can amuse ourselves. 😃

Mike, is that^ “shallow and disrespectful” too? :rolleyes:
I would restrain on the June Cleaver comments 😃 .

I apologize in advance for the June Cleaver comment! No offense intended, I am just bad at Symolies, plus my sense of humor can rub some people the wrong way. It just makes my blood absolutely boil when people believe themselves to be better moms than working mothers, unfortunatley not all of us married a man made of money so we have to work to provide, and my mom just for the record was one heck of a mother, I have so much respect for that powerful woman! I will never forget my mom asleep at her desk the night of my 10th birthday, she took off from work and spent all day trying to make it as special as she could, but then after we went to bed she had to stay up to work so that she could afford the bike she just got me and the matching one she got my sister days later (we are one year and two days apart). it showed me how truly powerful moms can be, and it showed me what REAL hard work is and what it takes to provide. She has always been my dads partner through thick and thin and has always worked hard to provide for us. I was the luckiest little girl alive to have a mom who taught me sacrifice and hard work.
Feminism is a word that engenders strong feelings. For some, feminism means an environment for females to explore their God-given destiny as a person made in God’s image. For others, the word means an assault on certain “apple pie” goods in our world like a stable nuclear family. If someone were to define it as the former, I’d say feminism is a good thing to be infiltrating society. If someone were to define it as the latter, I’d say feminism is a bad thing to be infiltrating society.

As long as people aren’t clear on what the word **means ** to the person on the other side of the conversation, there is no communication.

As I read the hostility in this thread, so much is depending on whether one defines feminism as an inherent good (all people should be able to fulfill God’s plan for them regardless of gender) until abused or as an inherent bad (hedonistic, selfish, atheistic agenda should be opposed always) from which no good can come from it.

Unfortunately, like everything in this world, people abuse and take to extremes God’s good gifts. But it doesn’t make the gift bad. Sex is good until it is abused.

When feminism is about allowing women to search out and fulfill their God-directed plan in life, we need to support it. By upholding the dignity of others, we celebrate the dignity in ourselves. When it is taken to extremes such that it means a mother can kill her child or raise a child in home w/ another “mommy”, it is something to be abhorred.

While I personally believe that the ideal for MOST people is what is defined as a traditional family w/ a stay at home mom, it isn’t that way for all. I have two married children. My daughter works part-time and desires as finance permit to be a SAHM. My daughter-in-law has no desire to leave her job as a social worker working w/ at-risk girls and I see my son as fulfilling the primary nurturing role in the family (even before they had our grandson, he did most of the cooking).

In the end, if you have a “model” that works for you, whether that model looks like my daughter’s or my son’s, great. However, I think that neither model has an exclusive on Catholic theology or is intrinsically superior/inferior. I don’t think that it fair to one or the other to infer that their model displays greater love or priority for their children.

Nobody loves my children like I do and I love someone else’s children like their parents. We really need to respect and trust that parents are making the best decisions they can and not project the model that works for us on others in judgment.
Mike, is that^ “shallow and disrespectful” too? :rolleyes:
Mike, JSmitty doesn’t really bother me. We are actually barely talking to each other…just passed each other. It’s okay that we have a little fun.

Mike, JSmitty doesn’t really bother me. We are actually barely talking to each other…just passed each other. It’s okay that we have a little fun.

I agree. There’s no need to be so defensive. She’s a big girl. Plus, feminists don’t need to be defended by men. They find that offensive.
Your arrogance leaves a bad taste in my mouth and your inexperiance shines through. Like I said, you will never know until you yourself have been there. I dont care who you can quote but until you yourself have stayed up all night trying to figure out how to keep the lights on because you had a bad sales month you will never know. Priests are husbands and their brides are the Church so yes they can and have been amazing marital counselors, but young boys who have never been married do not.
Is that honestly the best rebuttal you have for anything I’ve said? “You can’t know b/c you’re not married yet.” That’s just absurd. Are you saying that priests can not know anything about marriage simply because they’re not married? I don’t think so. They are some of the best marriage counselors. You see, because I’m not “experienced” yet, I can look at this issue more objectively than any of you. You’ve all already established yourselves and to consider the other side would mean an entire change of lifestyle and a bit of humility to question whether or not you made the right choices in your lives, which is not something many people are open to. Wisdom comes not only from personal experience but also from learning from other peoples’ experiences. That’s something my dad always taught me. I’ve learned from the experiences of my parents, my grandparents, my girlfriend’s parents, my friends’ parents that didn’t stay at home, and from listening to the experiences of others like Alice von Hildebrand and Kate O’Beirn. Granted, the latter two do have their biases, but Alice backs it up with Catholic philosophy and theology while Kate backs it up with statistics and objective data.
Like I said, you will never know until you yourself have been there.
To say that I can know nothing about marriage or gender roles just because I’m not married yet is what’s arrogant!
My fiance isn’t made of money, we are just going to sacrifice things like cable television and expenisive outings. To us, having one parent at home is the ost important thing. Obviously food and shelter and insurance need to be paiid for, but so many people get their priotities mixed up and think that being a country club member is a necessity.
Getting in the shower and going for lunch, talk to you folks later. 😉
I am not meaning to insult you I am just saying that you speak of things in which you have no experiance and to tell another adult that she is wrong in her life is going to hurt some feelings. some of the statements you have made have come across as very masogynistic and that is going to put people up in arms. Youre my brother in Christ like everyone else in here but you offended me. I apologize if I retaliated but you do seem to be ribbing the women on this thread on purpose. and you talk about examining my life, how can you know what it is like to be married unless you are, thats my entire point and you can not just brush that off as moot. I sincerely wish you and your entended all the hapiness in the world and what works for you is what works for you, but do not assume that I am a bad wife or will be a bad mother because I want to use my God given talents as a teacher outside of the home. may God bless you in your marriage and I truly hope it all turns out like you think it will be. obviously this thread is getting heated and I need to take a breather for a little while. Understand my point of view though, my mom was a working mother, so for you to insult working moms, is to insult my mother.

JSmitty2005 said:
Veeerrry Christ-like. 👍
Haha! I agree, trust me in our chosen fields the only thing we will be doing at a country club is attending a wedding! SOMEONE ELSE"S! believe me if I didnt have to work to keep the lights on I would consider being a SAHM at least while my kids were young, before they started school, but unfortunatly I do have to work to keep the lights on. Maybe someday it will be diferent, perhaps that is why God has not blessed us with little ones just yet.
My fiance isn’t made of money, we are just going to sacrifice things like cable television and expenisive outings. To us, having one parent at home is the ost important thing. Obviously food and shelter and insurance need to be paiid for, but so many people get their priotities mixed up and think that being a country club member is a necessity.
Mike, is that^ “shallow and disrespectful” too? :rolleyes:
Yes, probably. Everyone, including me, should stay with constructive comments.
To say that I can know nothing about marriage or gender roles just because I’m not married yet is what’s arrogant!
Well, to project that with your limited experience and perspective that you have all the answers is equally arrogant. Why can’t we begin with an approach that every parent desires to do what is best for their family. Not ever person will make the same decisions and that not every right decision is the same for others.

Why is this an all or nothing discussion? While a SAHM traditional family might be a good thing, can’t it be possible for some families that a SAHD or a both parents working might be a good thing too?

I think we need to agree that therer can be different choices equally good for different families. The alternative is that someone believes they know best for families and people they hve never met.
Agreed Orion, thank you for being the voice of reason on this thread. what was right in my home as a child and even now may not be what is right for every home and vis versa.
Well, to project that with your limited experience and perspective that you have all the answers is equally arrogant. Why can’t we begin with an approach that every parent desires to do what is best for their family. Not ever person will make the same decisions and that not every right decision is the same for others.

Why is this an all or nothing discussion? While a SAHM traditional family might be a good thing, can’t it be possible for some families that a SAHD or a both parents working might be a good thing too?

I think we need to agree that therer can be different choices equally good for different families. The alternative is that someone believes they know best for families and people they hve never met.
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