I saw this epsiode on Dr. Phil once. He had SAHM vs. Working Moms. the SAHM’s were brutal in attacking the working moms that they dont care enough about their kids and their kids are suffering. Its this holier than thou better mommy than you attitude i think motherhood and ADULTHOOD in general can do without. The fact that you stay at home all day doesnt make you a better mom than a mom who works nine to five and contributes financially to her family. I enjoy being my husbands partner in provision, all the burden does not rest on his shoulders alone. After all wives are supposed to be partners. I agree with Kendy, to each his own. Perhaps I value education more than some, so I consider it a high priority to make sure my kids can go to college without having thousands of dollars worth of loans to pay back. And I dont want my husband working three jobs just so I can stay at home and play June Cleaver all day. He deserves to be with his children too, and be a part of the family, not just the guy who brings home the paycheck. Kids deserve a daddy too. Also, even though I go to school full time and work full time, my husband never has to compete for my attention, im good at time management, and never forget that he is the reason I can go to school because he works two jobs. Just my opinion - which I am entitled to as well.
carol marie:
carol marie:
I wonder what the children would say? I know mine love it that I’m always here for them… I never left them in the care of others when they were babies and they wanted their Mom more than anyone else. I’m here when they get home from school. I don’t have to worry about pleasing a boss… my husband & my children are my top priority and they don’t EVER complete for my energy / time.
This is not true of all families who have 2 parents who work full time… but I think in general, the children of those families are the ones who suffer because they aren’t given enough attention. A big house - material possessions - their college education paid for can’t complete with the love they need from a parent who isn’t stressed out & pulled in different directions.
That is my opinion - of which I’m entitled.