The root of feminism is that philosophy which has exaltated the place of career in the life of the individual to a point above that which is proper. This philosophy (as I’ve said many times before in this thread) first plagued men. Jobs took primacy over the vocation of fatherhood. In seeking equality, the feminists sought sameness. They adopted this destructive philosphy and consequentally relegated their roles as mothers to the side in hopes of achieving power, wealth, esteem, and recognition…a greedy and self-centered form of idolatry. BTW, I am NOT attacking women! I am attacking feminism.
a) what is wrong with women seeking sameness to men. We have rights too you know.
b)from the absolute beginning of this thread, i cannot actually see what you find wrong with feminism. do you believe that women are not equal to men. whether SAHM’s or working mums, single, engaged or anything, women have the same rights at men. i personally find it disgusting that you feel that men are the dominant gender.
c)i reccomend that you go and plunge your head into the sand, and that way, you can more thoruogly ignore the fact that women are equal to men, and live in your fantasy world where women are ALL SAHM’s, and ALL do what you want them to do. being as this is how i concieve your fanasy world, i still find it very hard to believe that you are getting married, let alone have a girlfriend.