by voting for Joe you will be supporting:I will vote for him. I disagree on abortion but I think Trump is truly dangerous and lawless
are these policies good for any religious group?abortion until and now even after birth
anti-christian politics (but pro-Islam)
identity politics
cheap and readily available contraception
contraception mandated insurance (little sisters of the poor)
homosexuality, you must agree with their same-sex marriage
they now want to force churches to marry them
break the seal of the confessional
allow tax paid abortions
religious test for supreme court judges
the dem platform is wrong on more than one issue. they even voted to remove God from the platform. they voted themselves the party of the nones. they walked it back because the gop used it against them. liberals are removing God from all areas of public lifeAs a hypothetical, if Satan ran for president, he could run pro life, and capture the Catholic vote.
One issue! Then he can do his dirty work with Catholic support every other concievable way.
here is the policy he was denied under and what he has to do to receive againExcept when it is Joe Biden, right?
The decree, “Worthy to Receive the Lamb: Catholics in Political Life and the Reception of Holy Communion,” established policy for the Diocese of Charleston, where presidential candidate Joe Biden was denied the Eucharist on Sunday.
see abovebut besides that, how are they oppressive to Catholics in particular?
this has a solution, abortion is permanent.But isn’t putting immigrant children in cages evil as well?
he was following the policy of the diocese, please read it aboveMy thoughts exactly. Seems like the good father saw an opportunity for a bit of grandstanding and decided to go for it.
St. Pope John Paul II is clear on itThat is your opinion. I see CATHOLOCISM much bigger than one atrocity.
The inviolability of the person which is a reflection of the absolute inviolability of God, fínds its primary and fundamental expression in the inviolability of human life. Above all, the common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights-for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture- is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination.
This is irrelevant. That your priest has failed in his obligations is no reason to condemn this priest from living up to his.I would not be the one doing it, so that doesnt matter. But I do know what she told me, and I do know that she makes no bones about disagreeing with Church teaching and how that is between her and God and no priest or Bishop is going to tell her what she can/cannot do.
I see much more scandal in what my friend is doing, and I have told her so, than in Joe Biden receiving Communion, but I guess that is just me.
Gay marriage was bad enough, but the LGBTQ forces will inevitably force a confrontation with the church, and (Democrat) politicians are already indicating where their sympathies lie. Conscience protections will be eliminated (Little Sisters of the Poor?), Catholic adoption services are under attack today over their unwillingness to place children in “families” with two mommies or two daddies. Catholic hospitals are being sued today because they won’t perform sex change operations.Besides opposing abortion, what have Republicans done for Catholics? How is voting democratic suicide? Don’t get me wrong, I am bitterly disappointed that the Dems wholeheartedly support abortion, but besides that, how are they oppressive to Catholics in particular?
well saidA Catholic voting for a Democrat is not unlike the three little pigs voting for the wolf. It won’t end well.
The problem isn’t that it exists. The problem is that one party seems hell-bent on forcing people to condone those actions.Transgenderism , however you want to describe it, exists however it does under Trump. Joe is not creating it.
Same with the existence of contraception and the rest of your list.
I never said if she was approached by the pastor or not.This is irrelevant. That your priest has failed in his obligations is no reason to condemn this priest from living up to his.
recent examplesHow are you forced to condone something?
joe helped create a lot of it in the past admin. this is where a lot of it startedJoe is not creating it.
my list is what St Paul says will lead people away from heaven.Your list involves the biological function of sex and reproduction and virtually nothing else. And that is the point.
the faith is about leading people to Jesus and how do you do that when one party wants to take God out of their platform, out of the public arena and punish those who want to show Jesus to the world.The faith involves much more than sex and reproduction.
The War on Poverty crippled marriage in low-income communities. As means-tested benefits were expanded, welfare began to serve as a substitute for a husband in the home, eroding marriage among lower-income Americans. In addition, the welfare system actively penalized low-income couples who did marry by eliminating or substantially reducing benefits. As husbands left the home, the need for more welfare to support single mothers increased. The War on Poverty created a destructive feedback loop: Welfare promoted the decline of marriage, which generated the need for more welfare.
Today, unwed childbearing and the resulting growth of single-parent homes is the most important cause of official child poverty.[25] If poor women who give birth outside of marriage were married to the fathers of their children, two-thirds would immediately be lifted out of official poverty and into self-sufficiency.[26]
Psychological trauma is permanent too. I could never vote for someone who deliberately terrorizes immigrants and refers to them as “rapists,” and “vermin,” and condoning his supporters shooting Mexican immigrants.this has a solution, abortion is permanent.
The death penalty is legal murder too, yet it is something Republicans wholeheartedly endorse. So both parties endorse the legal taking of murder is no comparison.
Such instruction does not exempt the EMHC from his duty, or from the danger of not doing it.She just goes to an EMHC, who have been forbidden by our Ordinary to deny anyone.
The church for 2000 years has acknowledged the moral legitimacy of capital punishment. She has also for that long recognized the moral illegitimacy of abortion. You are right that the parties have opposite positions on those two issues; you are mistaken in believing there is any kind of moral equivalence between those positions.The death penalty is legal murder too, yet it is something Republicans wholeheartedly endorse. So both parties endorse the legal taking of lives.
I hope you are not an EMHC. Now that you’ve been told what your obligations are, dismissing this because you heard it from some “random people on the internet” is not likely to eliminate your culpability should you knowingly violate your duty.You can take your concerns to my Bishop.
I will follow his direction, not that of random people on the internet.