Florence pastor refuses to give communion to Presidential Hopeful Joe Biden

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Again, I trust my Bishop to be giving me the correct information.
He is responsible for my soul, not some random person on the internet.
The social safety net caused all of that in the black community?
Slavery resulted in hundreds of years of families broken and sold like livestock. Jim Crow laws followed.
No heritage. You forgot this? You think financial assistance did it.
Two years ago they proposed cutting 15 million off insurance to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest. 3 Americans own more than 150 million.
26 own more than 3.5 billion worldwide. The current administration seeks to widen the gap in this 2nd gilded age.
If you made 50k a year and turned 50, the House plan was that premiums would be about 20k a year. Right when we will need insurance. Bankrupt and tragedy. And they celebrated on the Whitehouse lawn with a Keg party.
Children living I cages in filth called INFESTATION.
THE stranger made example of as a warning. The least of our brothers.
You can go on and on with the things you don’t mention. And it says everything. Offering condoms to Catholics who have free will and should not buy them. Catholics shouldn’t be counted on to exercise free will? That’s the concern? Please!
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both parties push different policies with the same results.

big money runs both parties. the anti-religious bent is the difference and it will affect the religious people the most.

the democrats are anti-God and the best we can get from the GOP is pro-religious judges but it is something

what do you think you will get from the democrats? how are they taking care of the vets, poor and homeless in California where they control everything? is that what you want for the country? they can’t take care of their own but they are increasing their budget and taxes to pay for other people.

everyone talks about the stranger but what about the neglect of your own?
The baby did absolutely nothing to deserve death, of course! But to say we are pro-life means we support the right to life for everyone, including adults in prison. Our Church teaches that the death penalty is “inadmissible.”
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Christ talked about the stranger. He was the stranger who fled to Egypt. Thank God Trump was not in charge in that time and place.
The parties are not the same. It is unfortunate anyone believes that. I have never seen a president lie like this and possess so little empathy.
This is pretty much my feeling on the whole situation also.

The Eucharist should never be “weaponized” for political reasons.
First of all, we are all unworthy.

Since Churchmen and Canon lawyers cannot seem to agree on this, I think that we should leave these decisions to the actual Pastor/Bishop in charge of the persons soul.

If the priest in question felt so strongly, he should have discussed his reservations with Mr. Biden ahead of time. My understanding is, that is they way it should be done. My understanding is also that the priest in question did not do any of this, just waited for Mr. Biden to get in line and refuse him in front of everyone.

A pastor of souls should not humiliate anyone like that.
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First of all, we are all unworthy.
The criterion is not whether we are unworthy but whether we are publicly unworthy.
Since Churchmen and Canon lawyers cannot seem to agree on this, I think that we should leave these decisions to the actual Pastor/Bishop in charge of the persons soul.
The obligation lies with the minister of communion, and it is an obligation from which no one has the authority to relieve him.
A pastor of souls should not humiliate anyone like that.
If Biden was ambushed then that was an error on the priest’s part. That communion was denied was not.
First of all, we are all unworthy.
Yes, though canon law states a person can be refused communion if they publicly commit grave sin, such as publicly supporting abortion. Apparently Joe Biden has continued to move to the left on the issue of abortion.
My understanding is also that the priest in question did not do any of this, just waited for Mr. Biden to get in line and refuse him in front of everyone.
Do we know for sure that the priest had opportunity to do speak with Mr. Biden before hand? Since it was just a campaign stop for Mr. Biden, the priest might not have realized he was in the Church until communion.
Maybe the priest did Biden a favor by denying him the Eucharist…Corinthians 11:27-29 “(27)anyone who eats the bread and drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner is guilty of an offense against the body and blood of the Lord”…(29)“for a person who eats and drinks without discerning the body of the Lord is eating and drinking judgement on himself”…maybe it will make him reflect on why he was denied and the consequences…politics is a fleeting thing…endangering ones soul is an everlasting thing.
The death penalty is legal murder too, yet it is something Republicans wholeheartedly endorse.
I know more Republicans against the death penalty than I know for it. Personally I’m against it. Do you have a source for this?


(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) AtheistNoMore:

> The death penalty is legal murder too, yet it is something Republicans wholeheartedly endorse.

I know more Republicans against the death penalty than I know for it. Personally I’m against it. Do you have a source for this?

I don’t think the death penalty is classed as legal murder…it is the justified legal killing of a person by the state…murder…on the other hand is an unjustified killing upon another human being.
There are plenty of Catholics, right on this forum who support the death penalty.

All you have to do is do a search, in fact, there was an thread not too long ago when a person asked if they had to follow Pope Francis’ new direction on the death penalty. Most replied “no” that Pope Francis’ new directives in the Catechism were not “binding” and that one could still support the use of the death penalty.
My point is the Pope has said the death penalty is no longer a valid option, he even changed the Catechism.
Yet, there are still many Catholocs who disagree, publically and loudly. Most of the ones I know are Republicans or Independents.

I do not personally know one Democrat who supports abortion who also supports the death penalty. In fact, every true Democrat I have ever met was againt the death penalty.
true Democrat
Are there false Democrats? 😂
I know plenty of Republicans, including myself, who would rather see capital crimes punished by rotting in jail. It also does not have to be permanent if there was an error in the verdict. I’ve known Democrats on both sides too. It’s an individual position not defined by politics.
Since it was just a campaign stop for Mr. Biden, the priest might not have realized he was in the Church until communion.
I suspect that if a former vice president shows up for Mass, the priest will be very much aware of the fact long before coming face-to-face with him when he presents himself for communion.

This situation was very badly handled.
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