I have a copy of this document on my desk, have read it twice, fully comprehend it, am not deceived by Lucifer to believe otherwise ( that one’s for YOU, Spokenword!
http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif ), and am quite clear as to what it conveys.
Obviously, if you’ve read my previous postings, this stand is not what I’d like it to be - and that’s a loss for good Roman Catholic men.
As I promised under the National Treasure ( the movie ) “Watercooler thread”, I DID contact the Diocese of Austin for the official church position. Father Harry Dean graciously returned my phone call and provided me with the 1981 Declaration On Masonic Associations via email.
He also provided me with the diocese’s commentary on it, which I feel is much more polite and civil than that of my brother in Christ Cardinal Ratzinger. While acknowleding that local church authorities may not allow exemptions whatsoever, it is a kinder explanation and may be viewed at:
My new project is to research the good Cardinal’s background, philosophies and reasons for being such a fuddy-duddy.
He obviously has his reasons for being suspicious about freemasonry, and I need to know WHY. My Vatican source has informed me that at least 1/3 of the Curia belong to the fraternity, so it could be a political thing - who knows ?
I may change my idea about him being a fuddy-duddy and become more enlightened - you’ll be the first to hear ! I’m not even sure if he is still alive, but there must be plenty of material from one who issues these declarations such as these…
“Good manners are the lubrication of the wheels of society”
December 6th - + St. Nicholas +