Gather round my fellow Trump supporters

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Trump was a registered Democrat most of his life.

That’s part of why I didn’t vote for him in the primary. I was between Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, went with Cruz in the end.

But, a 90s Democrat would have a better chance of the Republican nomination these days than a modern democrat.
I agree.

I personally think that the US should withdraw from NATO and the UN.
NATO, yes, the UN no, and the only reason I say that is because giving up our veto power on the security council would be silly.

However, we should reduce our funding to match the next highest contributor.
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Are the Democrats going to proceed with their criminal prosecutions like they promised to while singing “let’s come together, everyone?”
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I would really, really, really recommend that if anyone is serious about their Catholic faith and/or truly pro-life, that you brush up on the Catholic teaching on civil disobedience and just war theory. All this talk of taking up arms to overthrow the result of the election is worse than anything that happened during all the civil rights uprisings combined. The hypocrisy is transparent, as well is the willingness to throw lives away over one’s politics. We are two weeks away from the feast that reminds us of who God is, and who rules this world. It is time to leave behind the idolatry of political alignment.
One thing that really bugs me is that the Dems are calling for unity and let’s all hold hands and sing songs. When . . . it’s arguably likely many of them . . . would have burned and looted and protested like crazy if Trump had won and there had been allegations of election fraud on the part of the Republican Party. . . .

I also remember what Hillary said “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances.”

The Dems and the Marxists . . . and the baby sacrificing Molech supporters . . . whose support they sought . . . can keep their poisoned cup of “unity”. . . . I reject it . . . For that reason I will never stand with them. . . .
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No one is advocating for it. I have merely presented that some people would be willing to do so.
No one is advocating for it.
I hope not. Complacency is not a good thing, but it might benefit us this one time. The advantage of democracy is that no election for president lasts longer than four years. If the country is unhappy in a year or so, the president can be restrained at the midterms.

I know losing is not easy. Obama’s first win, Clinton’s, these were very disappointing for me. But that is the way democracy works. Those that want Trump in the White House are a minority, a large minority, but still a minority. Donald Trump was never able to win over most of the country.
Why is it that there’s such talk though when the election has not been certified and there is still close counting going on and legitimate disputes about validity of a lot of ballots? Since when does the media projection of a winner allow a claim of President-elect?

Many Republicans just want to see due diligence done before an anti-Trump media declares an election victory and willing politicians simply accept the media proclamation and have it promoted.

It would be just as wrong for Trump to be out there on the media proclaiming he is President-elect. I know he’s said he won, but that is very different from the spectacle we saw last night.

When due diligence is done and the election is certified, then let the partying and wailing begin.

What angers Conservatives is witnessing this culmination of over 4 years of a massive and unrelenting “Get Trump Out” brigade. To have the media then declare Biden President-Elect based on a projection, and then have Biden give a speech with a call for unity and concession from Republicans is quite frankly repulsive and poor judgement.

But it is what we expected, it really shouldn’t surprise us, and yet it just baffles the mind that they brazenly do it anyway.
YES. Exactly! I’m really praying that the crimes of the Democratic Party will be exposed and they will ultimately be forced to concede in shame. The media were in such a hurry to give the crown to Biden even before 100% of the votes are in. There should be no talk of conceding until it’s 100%
Those that want Trump in the White House are a minority, a large minority, but still a minority. Donald Trump was never able to win over most of the country.
IDK about that. Both Candidates show high turnout with over 70 million each. That’s hardly a minority…
If one has 70 million and 1 and the other has 70 million, there’s still a minority
I heard aoc and associates are making lists to make sure people who served on Trump administration never work in politics again…
How is a Democrat going to prevent Republicans operatives from getting work? Sounds ridiculous.

That said, I think that Republicans should take back their party and shun the collaborators.
I know some who have said on social media they won’t watch Fox anymore. I’m wondering if their ratings will go down. Especially since there is Newsmax and Oann
Paul’s bold prediction - Trump to buy either Newsmax or OANN in 2021.

They will then go bankrupt in 2022. 😏
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