Gather round my fellow Trump supporters

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To their base yeah. But from what I read on the website they’re not going after politicians. They want the staffers and such. People who have to seek private employment. There’s enough people out there who would protest the companies that hire these people and drag their names through the mud that would probably make them untouchable in many industries.
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The states weren’t certified, or 100% counted, when Trump gave his victory speech in 2016,
Clinton Called Trump at 2:35 am after the electoral count pushed him over 270. Trump made his victory speech after that happened…

2.30am/7.30am This is the moment: Trump captures Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold.

2.35am/7.35am US TV networks report that Hillary Clinton has rung Donald Trump to concede defeat. “They had maybe a one minute conversation, very gracious very warm, he commended her for being smart and tough and running a hard fought campaign,” Trump’s campaign manger Kellyanne Conway later explained.

2.50am/7.50am Trump takes to the stage in front of his jubilant supporters in New York. “Sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business,” he says. “Thank you very much.” He congratulates Clinton on a hard-fought campaign and pledges to be “a president for all Americans”.
I’ve seen and heard too many accusations that the US is the source of all evil, especially from Europeans.
I suspect that may be hyperbole. Just as each one of us can do wrong, so can all nations. The US is big and powerful: when it makes mistakes they are very visible mistakes. And Americans can be very touchy about criticism. But any European who thinks America is the source of all evil is very silly.

Indeed, I am even open to the suggestion that England has gone astray on occasion. 🙂
That’s hardly a minority…
According to the dictionaries, it is.
The claim was a large minority, that’s not a large minority
To their base yeah. But from what I read on the website they’re not going after politicians. They want the staffers and such. People who have to seek private employment.
I think everyone should be allowed to make a living.

Now, if I was interviewing a former Trump or RNC staffer I would certainly take poor life choices into account. 😉
There’s enough people out there who would protest the companies that hire these people and drag their names through the mud that would probably make them untouchable in many industries.
I think the marquee names would have this problem, but not the anonymous mid level staffers.

But, all in all I think it’s petty and vindictive and what goes around comes around. We need to stop that.
But, all in all I think it’s petty and vindictive and what goes around comes around. We need to stop that.
Absolutely. Refusing to hire a qualified person because they had some mid-level staff position in the Trump administration is gross.
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The states weren’t certified, or 100% counted, when Trump gave his victory speech in 2016,
That would be different because of rampant hypocrisy. I am not saying Trump is being a hypocrite. He is not. The circumstances are not the same. When Trump won, he beat a candidate that understood the importance of maintaining civility in defeat. Civility is not in Donald Trump’s character. That is one of his charismatic qualities. He says what he things without apology. He sues when he thinks he is wrong, whether he has grounds or not. I think he will eventually acknowledge defeat, though it will not be because he lost but because of some cabal, people that hate him, cheaters, or aliens. He will never admit he lost because of anything he did. Accepting responsibility is not something he is characterized for.

Unfortunately, this will make transition next to impossible. I hope all that think he always acted out of love of country and not self will remember the next two months.
It takes a long time to count those votes? But Florida, California, Texas all do it in a day. Funny how it is happening mainly in battleground states where Biden had to come back.
And only in the major cities controlled by progressive Democrats.
Either there is questionable business going on, or they are simply incompetent. The latter is a far better campaign tool for future elections (that along with their complicity with fascistic Antifa and Marxist BLM violence against inner city people of color).
That’s just my point. They based it on EARLY ballot totals. In the case of Arizona, WAY early. This just shouldn’t be done. It’s irresponsible, and it can and does skew elections.
I think phony opinion polls, like the one that showed Biden up 17 in Wisconsin and up 8-10 nationally does more to skew elections than Fox’s calling Arizona. I think Trump is exactly right that those “opinion polls” were intended to drive down Republican turnout.
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Clinton Called Trump at 2:35 am after the electoral count pushed him over 270. Trump made his victory speech after that happened…
You complained the election was called before the states certified. No moving the goalposts.
And only in the major cities controlled by progressive Democrats.
Either there is questionable business going on, or they are simply incompetent. The latter is a far better campaign tool for future elections (that along with their complicity with fascistic Antifa and Marxist BLM violence against inner city people of color).
Or, possibly, Republican legislatures forced counting to begin on the day of the election or the day after. Massive mail-in voting combined with the inability to start counting in the days/weeks before the election got us here.
Well A he has not lost yet.
B. Do you remember, when Hillary had well and truly lost, how LONG people cried, screamed, swore, etc. It’s only been 3 days and for the most part, people are already, while still praying for the best, just ‘moving on’.
C. Where is all the whining noise really coming from? Two guesses, two words, THE MEDIA. Are you really surprised that even when it seems their knight in tarnished armour is going to ‘pull it off’ that all the emphasis is on how ‘badly’ the “Republicans’ are taking it? I’m sure they’re gobsmacked at how little real people are supporting the long yammered notion that ‘Trumpers’ were going to riot like Portland etc over defeat. Seriously, it’s in their best interests to portray ‘the right’ as crooked and evil and dangerous and scary. But it’s actually sadly amusing. Portland and all the leftist riots on the one side, but “trumpers’ cannot even say, “well, losing stinks” without hearing how HORRIBLE they are for saying it. There is sure a double standard out there.
Only problem, there is that HRC conceded.
Paul’s bold prediction - Trump to buy either Newsmax or OANN in 2021.

They will then go bankrupt in 2022.
Just like his several casinos! It really takes a “very stable genius” to bankrupt a CASINO!
Just like his several casinos! It really takes a “very stable genius” to bankrupt a CASINO!
Some say his downfall was being told Atlantic City could only support two casinos so he bought three.
When we all know they would have burned and looted and protested like crazy if Trump had won and there had been allegations of election fraud on the part of the Republican Party.
Opportunist anarchists maybe but not the Democratic party. We need to be clear on distinctions. Remember when Trump was elected and the women’s march in DC? Pretty peaceful I think.
I do not believe that all the votes have been counted yet, have they? Due process, you know. . .

If Mr. Trump were the one in front right now, don’t you think Mr. Biden’s supporters would be saying, “Wait, why are the media declaring Trump the winner when the votes aren’t all counted?”

Heck, weren’t there Sister Simone Campbell’s fellow nuns demanding that Mr. Trump ‘count ALL the votes”? Suddenly now we aren’t supposed to count them?

Look, as far as I’m concerned I am going to live my Catholic life and work for justice no matter who gets elected, and I will pray for all people no matter what their ‘politics’ are.

All I’m saying is that it doesn’t pass the sniff test when only one person or party is held to a certain expectation, and the other. . .isn’t.

If people were screaming at Mr. Trump, “count ALL the votes’ when he was ahead in PA, and now suddenly before all the votes are counted but Mr. Biden is ahead it’s now, “Biden is president elect’, well I’m sorry but the hypocrisy is just too dang much. It’s so blatant, and yet the same people who were calling Mr. Trump and his supporters out for ‘not waiting for all the votes’ are perfectly happy to declare victory and not wait for all the votes themselves?

How can people be so incredibly blind to their own bad behaviours? They call out ‘others’ and assign them the worst of motives, yet do the same wrong things and pat themselves on the back for doing so!!
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Or, possibly, Republican legislatures forced counting to begin on the day of the election or the day after. Massive mail-in voting combined with the inability to start counting in the days/weeks before the election got us here.
Except in Texas, home of the tiny town of Houston.
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