Gather round my fellow Trump supporters

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I don’t think you grasp the divide. To the people I know, working class people, they literally view Democrats as an enemy force. Republicans who work with them are viewed as traitors.
That’s how it is on other side, too.

But thank you for the admission. I’ve said this before and some conservatives argued endlessly with me, claiming only the Left demonizes the other side. It’s clear to any objective person that elections have become existential for both sides of the American political aisle, thanks to the major news networks (CNN/MSNBC on one side and Fox on the other). Inciters per exellence. A few decades ago, they would’ve been the ones “checking” the incitement (by politicians) with objective reporting, but that has changed wildly in the 2,000s. They both use the same exact formula, too:

The message they consistently send to their bases is:
(1) The other side is run by some evil elite and the masses over there are all brainwashed.
(2) They want to kill/destroy/oppress you (or some group you care about).
(3) The ONLY way you can save yourselves and your children/future/country is to vote for our party/guy, regardless of the flaws: Because THAT’s the ONLY thing standing between you and the total disaster the other side has every intent in the world of inflicting on you with every inch of power they get.

I guarantee it: Watch news from these two “sides” in these major networks and their corresponding friends in the papers/dailies, and the message (strategy) is IDENTICAL! They just switch the enemies and the certain evil that will be inflicted if the other side is allowed into power or allowed to retain power.

I’d find the whole thing and how effectively it’s pulled off hilarious if I didn’t also think it was positively dangerous.
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Which is ironic because I think any sincere Trump supporter can admit, deep down, that Trump is exactly the opposite of the sort of man who would actually lead troops. He avoided Nam for a reason. He’s a rich, fat, city slicker member of the elite who was openly Democrat all his life… this most recent phase as the darling of the Right is frankly bizarre. On a personal level he simply doesn’t fit the profile. He’s a whiner… and more whining on Twitter is all we will see. It truly is a shame he’s the best the conservatives had to offer… because Biden as president is no gift to the world.
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I’ve seen at least one poster explicitly say that many of us here on the forum will be executed before Biden is done.
I’ve seen 2 say they expect to be martyred during the Biden administration.
martyred during the Biden administration.
Which is ridiculous. Even if Biden’s admin wanted to go hard on Christianity, death by a thousand cuts its way more likely than outright executions. Democrats are the masters of chipping away at things over the long game so no one really reacts to what’s happening.
I don’t think you grasp the divide. To the people I know, working class people, they literally view Democrats as an enemy force. Republicans who work with them are viewed as traitors.
While I don’t doubt those people exist (some of them are right here on CAF), I don’t think you’re quite grasping that moderate conservatives still exist. You can call them RINOs or sellouts or collaborators or whatever, but people who are simultaneously repulsed by the hardcore left and talks of right wing guerrilla warfare/military insurgency are a huge part of the US population.

As an aside, I’m skeptical that the vast majority of Trump supporters would actually take up arms. It’s easy to be brave on Twitter or in your buddy’s rec room. It’s something else entirely when bullets are flying.

I’m sure a few would though, and anyone who attempts to engage in a violent coup in the United States should be hung from a lamp post, and I mean that as literally as humanly possible.

People really need to cool it with the insane hysterics. Elections happen. Sometimes they don’t go your way. This isn’t a crisis; it’s just a normal part of life in a republic. In four years maybe a Republican will be elected and while Democrats will presumably be disappointed, the sun won’t explode then either.
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As an aside, I’m skeptical that the vast majority of Trump supporters would actually take up arms
I don’t think it would be a vast majority. But it wouldn’t take a lot to cause some hurt.

I don’t think Trump has it in him to even ask people do that for him though.
As a far away foreigner, albeit a friend and admirer of the United States, it would be rude of me to argue with you all about your politics, so I will just offer America my congratulations.
I’ve always thought of him as more of that one guy in high school who just had to be liked by everybody. He’s never struck me as truly power hungry.
He’s a rich, fat, city slicker member of the elite who was openly Democrat all his life… this most recent phase as the darling of the Right is frankly bizarre.
I know someone who actually worked for him.

He says Trump is actually a Democrat not a Republican.

So him as a Republican icon is bizarre.
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Some might say that clinging to power after losing an election is a sign of being power hungry.

But for a slightly deeper analysis, I believe it’s not the power of the office per se that attracts him, but the office as a platform for attention on a global scale that he is reluctant to relinquish. He craves attention more than anything else. All eyes must be on him and all tongues must be wagging about him.
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As a far away foreigner, albeit a friend and admirer of the United States,
The US has friends?

Hard to believe.

I’ve seen and heard too many accusations that the US is the source of all evil, especially from Europeans.
I remember the tremendous outpouring of sympathy from many countries after the 9/11 attacks. Hard to forget something like that.
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I’ve seen and heard too many accusations that the US is the source of all evil, especially from Europeans.
We could stand to be less interventionist in our foreign policy. Seems like we always interfere where we have economic interest but moral justification is weak, while we refuse to do so where the moral justification and international support would be strong, but we have no economic interest.
I also remember that there were a lot of people who celebrated it.

I was reading posts in Quora from British people, that the US deserved the attack because a few Irish Americans in Boston funded the IRA.
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