Gather round my fellow Trump supporters

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I’m getting the impression that I really am getting old. Years ago, elections were often called by various news agencies before voting was even complete on the West coast and Hawaii and Alaska. There was an outcry that it caused massive numbers of voters from the West to not even bother voting. Now, due to mail in ballots mostly, the agencies don’t call anything until the polls have closed.

From my point of view, this election is pretty typical. When the statistics show the high likelihood of a winner, they call it. There are always some recounts and challenges…it’s part of the process, too, and not atypical at all! Bush/Gore is the only one that showed a difference in my lifetime but I remember the official counts not being shown for days after Election Day…and this was when everyone voted in the polls.

I also haven’t seen any Democrats object to any recounts. They are rejecting the claims of large fraud because no evidence has been brought forward yet. The Democrats want every vote counted as much as the Republicans. It’s the challenges without evidence that are the issue, not that any place is recounting.
It’s interesting to see that the right has even moved away from FOX news. More fringe sites like Breitbart and Newsmax may become the new standard bearers for the right.

I see FOX following along though with some time.
Moving to fringe groups is not an accurate assessment.

Fox news is in the middle of a civil war because it is only allowed to be as conservative as Arnon Mitchkin, a liberal democrat and director of Fox news allows.

There are conservative commentators on Fox news that are very good to listen to and report from a different point of view than liberal MSM as best they can, yes, absolutely, but there are also other very good conservative websites that report things that the MSM refuses to allow the public to hear.
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Years ago, elections were often called by various news agencies before voting was even complete on the West coast and Hawaii and Alaska.
I don’t exactly remember, but I’m pretty sure Carter actually gave his concession speech before polls closed on the West Coast. That upset a lot of down ballot Democrats in those states.

Fortunately is appears that most of Mr. Trump’s supporters are more gracious than him. That doesn’t surprise me. Graciousness is not one of his strengths.
I’m old enough to remember that, too, and I never thought that was fair. I’m saying this in a bi-partisian way. I think it suppressed the votes of a lot of those in Hawaii and Alaska, such as people going late to the polls after work or such. They should wait to call until at least all the votes are in.
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I also haven’t seen any Democrats object to any recounts.
There have been some democrat politicians and talking head news media outlets requesting Mr. Trump to just concede now and be done with it.

President Trump has a moral obligation to all those who voted for him to ensure all votes are counted and the election is fair and honest.
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There have been some democrat politicians and talking head news media outlets requesting Mr. Trump to just concede now and be done with it.

President Trump has a moral obligation to all those who voted for him to ensure all votes are counted and the election is fair and honest.
Can’t he do both? Conceding the election which might change later doesn’t mean anyone has to stop counting and/or challenging the vote. If the vote holds for Biden, then Trump looks gracious and accepting of the will of the people. If the challenge changes the outcome, then Trump becomes president and can withdraw his concession.

Right now, with all the challenges that seem to have no evidence, it’s just making Trump look like a petty sore loser…not a good look for him, it just seems that this is the look he wants to leave everyone with…um, ok!
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As well as someone intent on subverting our democracy, which is not a ‘good look’ for anyone.
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Conceding the election which might change later …then Trump becomes president and can withdraw his concession.
Right now, with all the challenges that seem to have no evidence, it’s just making Trump look like a petty sore loser…not a good look for him,
The only people he doesn’t look good to are those who do not want him to win or to ensure it is a fair election or those who do not understand the process of U.S. elections, but rather believe that since CNN or Fox news called it, it is so.

Also, why is it that he looks like a sore loser by waiting for all the results and questionable issues to be in and resolved but in the past Democrats were allowed to wait? Were they sore losers also?

Al Gore in his concession speech stated, “not under man but under God and law”.

On December 13, 2000, after a 36-day legal battle over one of the most contested presidential elections in American history, Vice President Al Gore concedes the U.S. presidential election to George W. Bush.

We have only been 7 days.
Another possible compromise would be to delay concession until after his court challenges are down to nothing and the count is certified, but publicly assign the Secret Service to raise protection level to that of the president-elect. That would show he is not out of touch with reality while conceding nothing.
It’s not often that I tout the British electoral system, but I’ll make an exception here. When the statistics show an incumbent Prime Minister is defeated there is a concession. While that concession is being made, one aide is on the phone to the Palace making an appointment for the Prime Minister to resign, and another aide is in the phone to the removal firm ordering up the removal lorry to come to Downing Street and take away the Prime Minister’s personal belongings. The new PM is in office the next day.

Even when there was no majority, in 2010, the coalition agreement was signed and the new government in office within a week.
This is only a claim made by Trump’s team. At this point, the evidence of this must not be sufficient to warrant delay.
I watched all 47 minutes of the teams court case in Michigan. They spent a lot of time trying to say their evidence was not hearsay.

As evidence, they presented an affidavit that someone had been told by some unnamed party that they saw someone else do something improper. They disagreed with the judge that this was hearsay, saying that the person that sighed that sfidavid really was told something by some unnamed person.

The judge did not find this persuasive.
They disagreed with the judge that this was hearsay, saying that the person that sighed that sfidavid really was told something by some unnamed person.

The judge did not find this persuasive.
Isn’t that the definition of hearsay?
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The Republicans want every legal vote counted. The Democrats want every single ballot counted. Major difference.
This is the Trump supporter battle cry. To accept that, you need to believe that there are illegal votes being cast at scale. That’s a stretch.

I think there are one here and one there that could be illegal. However, not at scale. Too many people are watching.

And two things. Biden was way up in the polls. Why cheat? Also, if they were cheating, why didn’t they flip house and senate seats?
This is the Trump supporter battle cry. To accept that, you need to believe that there are illegal votes being cast at scale. That’s a stretch.

I think there are one here and one there that could be illegal. However, not at scale. Too many people are watching.

And two things. Biden was way up in the polls. Why cheat? Also, if they were cheating, why didn’t they flip house and senate seats?
When was Biden “way” up in the polls? Biden was up in the polls when we woke up Wednesday. Trump was well positioned Late Tuesday evening in several of the remaining states.

Are you of the mindset that all legal votes should be counted? That’s a yes or no question really.
Are you of the mindset that all legal votes should be counted? That’s a yes or no question really.
Suppose that there are altogether TEN ballots. SIX of them are examined, found legitimate and all vote for Candidate “A”. There is no valid reason to continue. Maybe the loser hopes that the last ballot will invalidate the rest, and declare Candidate “B” the winner…

Hmm… that looks like the case. Candidate “B” tries to drag out the certification process, so the decision is not official by the deadline, and hopes that the courts will step in, and declare him the winner. What a petty and pitiful nonsense.
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When was Biden “way” up in the polls? Biden was up in the polls when we woke up Wednesday. Trump was well positioned Late Tuesday evening in several of the remaining states.
In the polls, not at the polls. Biden was leading for weeks going into the election. Why cheat when you can win fair and square?

Are you of the mindset that all legal votes should be counted? That’s a yes or no question really.

However, the Trump rallying cry of “Count all legal votes” is implying that there are a lot of illegal votes out there that need to be thrown out. There are probably not.
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The positive thing that has resulted from this fiasco is that now most of the chicanery and shenanigans have been exposed. Now, the people are becoming wise to this stuff, and it isn’t going to work in future elections. Light has been shown on it. The cheating has been outed.

It’s not over yet. Mr. Trump still has the rest of his term to serve out. He remains president until January. Biden is jumping the gun. It may turn out that he isn’t president, after all, once all the remaining legal ballots have been counted and/or the Supreme Court has ruled.

Just because certain irresponsible news agencies have called this election prematurely doesn’t necessarily make it so. The states have to certify their results, and not a single state has done so, yet. Several of them are still counting ballots.

I’m glad to see all the trickery coming out into the sunlight. The cheaters will never be able to do it again – they’re going to be watched and scrutinized very carefully from now on, and if even the smallest law is broken, they’ll be caught.

And that should keep future elections much more honest. Mr. Trump is doing us all a favor by outing this stuff and taking it to court.

Now, if the judges would do the right thing … And unfortunately, that’s always iffy. Some judges are fair, others are biased, and they don’t always rule properly.

But the cheaters have still been outed, and the people are wise.
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