You make an excellent point about Holy Scripture. One of the ‘tools’ that our seperated brethren often use against Catholic Christians is words from Holy Scripture, pulled out of context as though to prove that the True Faith and the Holy Mother Church are false. I have seen that done with all kinds of arguments. I hate to see that done here.
Again, I think we have missed the point. Women do have roles - wonderful roles - that truly only they can do. If they chose to do those under the guidance of the Holy Spirit then that is wonderful…but if they chose to serve God in a different way then that is also wonderfu. Men also have roles, but what is important is that the Holy Trinity, the Eucharist and the teachings of the Faith be central to our lives…not personal gain, not having stuff, not wanting to lord it over our neighbors.
I know that since trying - not achieving, certainly, because I am hardly a saint! - to put Him first all the rest of my life has seemed to fall exactly into place. I can hardly believe I am unique, and it would seem to me that if worshiping the Lord could do this for me it can do this for a Catholic Christian married couple.
Again, I think we have missed the point. Women do have roles - wonderful roles - that truly only they can do. If they chose to do those under the guidance of the Holy Spirit then that is wonderful…but if they chose to serve God in a different way then that is also wonderfu. Men also have roles, but what is important is that the Holy Trinity, the Eucharist and the teachings of the Faith be central to our lives…not personal gain, not having stuff, not wanting to lord it over our neighbors.
I know that since trying - not achieving, certainly, because I am hardly a saint! - to put Him first all the rest of my life has seemed to fall exactly into place. I can hardly believe I am unique, and it would seem to me that if worshiping the Lord could do this for me it can do this for a Catholic Christian married couple.