But you fail to ask the question, has Christ given us the authority to change a sacrament? He hasn’t. Also you simply have not grasped what the priestly office is. While I commend you for trying to find an answer to the scandal, I still must abide by the truth that there are reasons for a male only priesthood, and I must say it is not out of misogyny. Men and women are two complementary beings, this is no dispute. Both are different and both carry out duties that the other can’t or shouldn’t.I think you completely misunderstood my assertion. It isn’t a man/ woman thing. It is a segregation thing, with one group holding far too much power. In this instance, it happens to be that the segregation is between men and women. I think the same issue would arise if it was racial segregation, or segregation based on nationality, or wealth, or any other thing. When one identifiable group of people in a religious institution holds all the power, the corrupt ones are going to believe that gives them permission to abuse the power. It is just how it is. In fact, it is that way in most instituitions, religious or not. My suggestion, if I were queen of the world, would be to develop a system of checks and balances within the Church. That is what will aid in keeping the corruption at least in check. But to have a system of Checks and balances, it means power needs to be equally distributed, and that is the part that is currently missing.
Look, I get that you don’t agree with me and that is fine. Agreeing and understanding are two different things. The previous posts I read here made me feel like there are many who honestly don’t understand. Therefore, I posted. I really don’t care to argue or debate the issue though. What I think really doesn’t matter unless the person on the receiving end is interested, as opposed to just defending their own beleif.
What I have not seen in your posts is the understanding of the priesthood, and while many things in this day and age are redefined and changed in the name of progress, some things are not supposed to be. The Sacrament of Holy Orders is included in this (FROM CATHOLIC ANSWERS):
The Church has in her tradition abbesses, theologians, doctors of the Church, and teachers aplenty in skirts and habits. The question revolves not around pastors and preachers but around the priestly office. Anybody can do pastoral, teaching, preaching, or administrative work. But that is not the essence of the priesthood. The essence of the priestly office is celebration of Christ’s sacrifice in the Mass.
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